A date to remember

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You walk hand and hand with Baji towards the Musashi festival. This is so surreal. I'd never peg Baji as the type to go on dates. Your thoughts are interrupted by a young girl shouting Emma's name. She has short rosy light brown hair and is wearing a kimono similar to Emma's, only light pink. Next to her is a boy with blonde hair and street clothes similar to yours. "Emma!" she shouts again, as Emma squeals and runs over to her. "Hina!" She exclaims, as they hug. You and Baji walk up to them as Emma greets the boy next to her. "Takemichi, great to see you again." Emma then turns to you as she says, "This is (Y/n). She's the girl that saved me a couple of weeks back." She smiles, as a blush rushes to your face. You squeeze Baji's hand as both of them say, "No way! Seriously?!" They both look at you with admiration as the boy says, "I'm Takemichi, this is my girlfriend Hina. It's a pleasure to meet you! Emma boasted about how strong you were but I'm honestly so amazed!" Hina steps forward giving you a soft smile as she says, "You must be incredibly strong to take on those guys!"

Being praised isn't something you're use to, so you begin to feel a little anxious, "It's nice to meet you both, and thank you for the praise." They had been so focused on you, they hadn't noticed your date. "B-Baji-san?" Takemichi stutters out, as Hina continues, "It's good to see you! Why'd you-" She cuts herself off as both her and Takemichi notice Baji holding your hand. Hina's face lights up, "No way! You're on a date?! So this is who you were daydreaming about!" You quickly turn your head to Baji who is now a bright red. "No way! Seriously Baji-san I've never seen you get like this over a girl." You start to chuckle, your face burning up a bit as you whisper to him, "So I've been on your mind love?" Baji lets go of your hand as he turns and says, "Yeah right. As fucking if. I'm out of here." As he storms out into the night.

[Bajis POV]

[A week earlier]

You close the door to (Y/n)'s house, resting your head on the door."Get a grip Baji. It's just some girl."  You begin to walk away and down the street, but your thoughts flashback to the night you and (Y/n) just had. Flashes of her striping down in front of you, her grinding on you, giving you orders, all of it runs through your head again."Fuck. She's like a goddess. Her body is perfection. Hearing her moans, seeing the way she takes me, hell even the way she bosses me around. She's driving me fucking mad."  You use your hand to cover your face, hiding the blush that has now formed on your face."Even when she wakes up, she looks so angelic. God I want her so-" Your thoughts are interrupted as you run into someone causing them to fall over."Fuck I was daydreaming, snap out of it idiot."

You get down on your knee as you start to say, "Hey, I'm sorry are you alright?" Her light brown eyes look at yours as she says, "Baji?" You look at her with confusion, wondering how she could have possibly known you. Just as if she was reading your mind, she continues, "I'm Takemichis girlfriend, Hina." "Right. That's how she knows me." You sigh as you say, "I'm sorry about that, I'm a bit distracted. Are you alright?" You look off in the distance hoping Hina won't notice the blush on your face. Hina brushes off her uniform, as she says, "Yeah I'm alright. Don't sweat it, really." She shoots you a kind smile, but you had started to think of (Y/n) again, leaving a smile on your face. Hina notices the state you're in and the blush on your face. She smiles as she softly says, "Wait. Baji, were you daydreaming?"

                    [Back to present day]

You watch Baji storm off in complete disbelief. "Cmon (Y/n), did you really think he'd play house like that? It's Baji we're talking about." You turn around, a wave of embarrassment hits you, as you see the group of your friends staring at you in complete shock. "(Y-y/n), I-I'm so s-sorry. I didn-" Hina had begun to apologize, but you put a hand up, motioning her to stop speaking. "It's okay really. I should've expected this. Just forget him okay? Let's just have fun." You give them a kind smile, as Draken seconds it. "Let's go grab some food!" Emma and Hina wrap their arms around you, as their dates lead you over to the food area of the festival.

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