Needless Sacrifice

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"(Y/n)! Open the damn door!" Emma's voice was muffled but her knocking was getting louder and louder. It's been two weeks since everything happened with Baji and Mitsuya, and the fight with Valhalla was set to take place 3 days from now. You had isolated yourself from everyone, including Emma. You didn't know how to explain yourself or how you felt. Honestly you wanted to let Emma in, but a part of you was struggling to ask for help. "Emma I'm alive, if that's what you're worried about." She hits the door once more as she says, "DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT'S ALL I CARE ABOUT?" You sigh as you know she's right. "(Y/n). I care about more than your well being.. I care about your mental state. I care about every single thing that makes you, you. You're suffering, and I can almost guarantee it's because you don't know what you feel right now." You sigh as you know she's absolutely right. "You know, we don't have to talk about it, but at least let me in (Y/n).."

You could hear that she was crying, causing tears to swell in your eyes. "(Y/n).. You always tell Mikey he doesn't have to do this alone.. you don't have to either.. You know that whatever you decide or do, I'm always behind you.." She pauses as you hear her slump against the door. "I never talked about.. how much I suffered while you were in a coma.." Your breathing hitches as she continues, "That day you were taken.. Knowing I was the last one to hear your voice.. I.. I couldn't even bring myself to think if I'd never h-hear y-your voice a-again.." She had started to sob, and so had you. You were working so hard to be strong for others, to achieve your goal, that you had failed to realize that your best friend was hurting just as bad. "I-I cried for those t-two days y-you were gone.. and even more w-when you were f-found.. Seeing D-Draken.. he l-looked c-completely destroyed (Y/n)... and.. t-that's h-how I k-knew y-your condition w-was bad.." You placed a hand on the doorknob as Emma continued.

"M-my heart f-felt like i-it was being r-ripped out of my chest.. Seeing y-you like that.. Seeing wh-what he did..." She softly hits the door as her sobs become louder. "I-I felt so f-fucking weak.. S-so useless." That was it, those words. She felt exactly like you felt when your mother was hurt. You turned the door handle and pulled the door open, allowing Emma to fall into your arms, hugging her tightly as you two cry with one another. "E-Emma.. I-I'm so s-sorry." You both slowly fall to your knees as you continue, "I-I never even th-thought about how y-you felt.. I-I'm so fu-fucking sorry Emma.." She pulled you tightly as she said, "I-I'm sorry f-for bringing i-it up.. I'm b-being selfish wh-when your hurting right n-now." You pulled her back so you could look at her. "Don't apologize. I-I've been selfish, not you. I-I never thought to ask i-if you were okay.." You kiss her forehead as you say, "E-Everything you feel is valid Emma.. a-and I'm sorry I-I didn't s-see it sooner."

Tears started to fall down your cheeks as you say, "Pl-please forgive me.. for b-being such a bad fr-friend." Emma chuckles as she wipes your tears with her fingers, "You? A bad friend? Never. You were trying your hardest to be strong for everyone, forgetting you had a pillar to lean back on. And I had my pillar taken from me, but the upside is," She helps you to your feet as she hugs you and says, "We're both still together." She pulls away from you, as she holds out her pinky. "Always come back to me and I'll always come back to you." Happiness overflows your system as you take her pinky and say, "Never leave the other alone." Emma pulls you in as she places her forehead on yours, "I love you (Y/n).. Please... for the love of god.. don't push me out again.." She chuckled, but you could hear the fear and sincerity in her words. "I love you too Em.. I promise, I'll do better.." You hug her, before she jokes, "Given your track record with Cameron, I don't know how plausible that is.." You pull away and hit her arm as she giggles. "Rude. But accurate." You laugh with her as you start to close the door. "Um (Y/n).. I may have called back up.. In case you didn't open the door.." You raise your eyebrow as you say, "Who?"

20 minutes later Emma is cooking both you and Takemichi food, as you say, "So you called Hanagaki. Color me surprised." You chuckle as Takemichi furrows his eyebrow. "I've been worried sick too y'know!" He wraps his arm around your neck pulling you towards him. "I'm your vice captain you idiot. I know Emma will always be your go to, but you have to know you can always count on me." He lets you go as he walks towards Emma. "Besides, I've said it once, I'll say it again. Wherever you go, I'm bound to follow." He gives you a warm smile, as he says, "Honestly I don't think anyone would listen to me if I tried to lead our division." This makes you and Emma laugh as Takemichi says, "What?! It's true." You walk over to both of them, pulling them both into a hug as you say, "How'd I get so lucky to have friends like you." They both smile, happy to see you slowly starting to adjust. "I think we were the lucky ones." Emma starts as Takemichi finishes, "You saved us (Y/n)." They both look at each other as they say, "You're our sun." Tears whelm in your eyes as a flashback of you and your mother returned to you."Thank you for being my little sunshine. Always do your best to shine for others (Y/n).." You smile as a tear falls from your check. "Thank you, both of you.. For reminding me of who I am." Emma smiles and hands you a plate, as you say to them. "We will succeed. I can promise you both that."

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