A Woman's Vengeance

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As the twins drive you to Tenjiku's hideout, you asked them, "So what kind of gang is Tenjiku?" They both keep their eyes on the road, as Smiley says, "They were recently created, so honestly, we have no idea." Angry interjects as he says, "We're pretty sure they're gonna be dangerous though. They're a brand new gang, but they've already conquered all of the gangs in Kanagawa. They already have Kisaki, who knows what other guys lie in Tanjiku." You feel a hint of dread, as you look out at the sky, and silently plead, "Please... Let those two be okay.." You're thoughts are interrupted as the twins pull into and park by and old warehouse. You get off Angry's bike, as you say, "So this is their hideout.." You start walking towards the warehouse, leaving the boys behind. You hear them shout your name, as you get close to the entrance of the hideout and gasp. There was a whole bunch of Tenjiku's men stationed inside the building. You quickly look over your shoulder as you motion them over, but tell them to be quiet. You and the guys weren't in sight of the Tenjiku's members yet, so when they reached you, you turned around and whispered, "It's a trap. We can't go in there yet." Smiley smirks, as he says, "So what if it is? I don't mind beating up that many guys." You roll your eyes as you quietly say, "Don't even think about it." You think for a second, before an idea forms in your head. "I have an idea. We need to find out more about our opponent right?" Smiley and Angry look at each other, as Takemichi says, "Yeah we do.. Where are you going with this..?" You look at all 3 of them as you say, "Do you guys trust me?" They hesitate, as Angry asks, "(Y/n).. What are you trying to do?"

You shake your head, as you sternly say, "Do you trust me?" They look at each other, as Takemichi says, "I trust you." Angry and Smiley sigh as Smiley says, "Of course we trust you (Y/n)." You nod as you say, "Let me go in there by myself." The shock on their faces is expected, but you throw up your hands as you say, "Listen to me, they are waiting for some Toman idiots to barge in their looking for a fight. When I first fought with Mocchi, he was trying to say something along the lines of 'C'mon sweetheart, we don't want to hurt you.' Of course he didn't get to finish his thought, but if we operate under the assumption that Tenjiku doesn't know about or doesn't care about Toman's female member, they won't see me as a threat, If I walk in there by myself, clearly in pain, they wouldn't be the wiser about it." You motion towards the bruising all over your body, as they look at one another. You suck in a breath as you say, "C'mon you know it's a good idea. Not to mention, all eyes will be on me, meaning you guys can listen in and interject when you feel that things are going south, but if that doesn't happen, wait for my signal." You take Angry's hand as you say, "Trust me. They won't hurt me, and even if they did, you're right here." Takemichi takes a deep breath as he says, "I don't like this, but I trust you (Y/n), but I swear if anything feels off, I'm running in there." You giggle as you turn to Angry and Smiley. "So? What will it be?" They both seem nervous, as you place a hand on their checks. "Put your faith in me, and I promise, it'll be worth it." They softly groan as Smiley says, "Fine. You get at most 5 minutes." You smile, as Angry pulls you into a hug and says, "Please be careful." You hug him back as you say, "I promise I'll be careful."

You take a step back, as you place a finger over your lips. You turn and face the entrance as you take a deep breath, and walk into the building. You take a few steps in, as Tenjiku's members start to notice you. "Um... Excuse me... Is there anyone that can help me?" They start to whisper amongst themselves, as a tall black haired boy took a step towards you. He had a scar on his face, running from the top of his head, to the left side of his face. His left eye was white, while his right was red, and he wore a single dangly earring. "Woah.." You softly breathed out, as he said, "What exactly do you need help with? A pretty thing like you shouldn't be around these parts." He looks at you up and down, as he says, "You've clearly been through enough." You take in a deep breath, as you softly say, "Yeah.. a group of your men attacked me.. So my question is who are you, and why are you doing this?" He seems a bit surprised as he says, "Me? I'm Kakuchou. The head of Tenjiku's Heavenly Kings." You take another step towards him as you say, "Heavenly Kings? So you're the leader of the gang?" He shakes his head as he says, "I'm the second in command, but I'm more curious to know about you. Who are you? My men were only supposed to attack Toman's men, so do tell, are you a member of Toman?" You take another step towards him, as you say, "Me? Yeah. I'm a member of Toman. I belong to the 3rd Division, names (Y/n) (L/n). I know about Kisaki, but who are the other Heavenly Kings? How many of them are there?" Kakuchou puts up his guard as he says, "Stop trying to get closer to me. I'm not answering any more of your questions."

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