Chapter 34: Not a Pleasant Surprise

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Chapter 34: Not a Pleasant Surprise

[Author's Note: I am so freaking sorry My Pineapple Slices :( I haven't updated since the beginning of January! A WHOLE MONTH!!!! I am gonna try to make it up roxs you. I also wanna warn the chapter is coming to a close... soon. I need to start a big drama since there isn't any right now. I also need a day u guys want me to update on. VOTE: Wednesday Thursday Friday or Saturday. Kik me at tori_luvs_cheese or comment for answers ;) I love u all so much and I am glad you are still reading this :) After this book, I am gonna write another one... actually 2 :) I love u all so much its just...]

Victoria POV:

Not Regina.

"Regina?!?" I shouted in disbelief.

"Why yes it is Vicky!" she cackled.

"What is your problem and why are you here?" I hissed at her.

But really I wanted to know about Nick.

"I have my eye out for a new guy." she winks.

"No you are not taking my Hazza bear."

"Eew not him, he is gaaaaayy." she said.

I clench my fist.

"Oh no not him. No, Simon."

I look at her in confusion.'

"You are gonna date Simon?"

"Eew gross. No. I asked for a job. And I was qualified."

A job. Okay she was good at math. An accountant? Stylist? Eew no...

"Sweetie I am the manager of One Direction now."

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

That means

she gets to be on tour with them

she is in charge of them.

Oh so help me God..

"Yeah sweet cheeks. I make all of your precious One Direction descisions."

"How in the world did you get that title? You can't even spell Direction."

"Oh Vicky please. Save yourself the trouble. You couldn't even hold simple ole Nicky down." she smirked. "How are you gonna keep Harry down?"

I rolled my eyes. "Speaking of 'Nicky' where is he?"

"He is now crying in his bedroom eating ice cream over his loss of his love." she smirked.

I could call this girl so many things now. But I wont.

"What ever. If you excuse me I need to use the Lou." I pushed her out of the way, and entered the bathroom.

Harry POV:

I was sitting by the campfire, singing with Lou and Li.

Girl I've been waiting on ya

Waiting on ya

Waiting for to sneak you out

And have a celebration

a celebration

the music up the windows doown

Then I feel someone grab the back of my shirt and drag me into the kitchen of the house.

The person (now recgonized as a female) shoves her body onto the wall and holds my arms tightly on her boney hips.

"Hello Harry Styles." she said TRYING to be seductive. Wait, she looks so familiar and her voice.

I looked at her on disgust.

"Eew! Your that chic that Nick cheated on with Tori!"

"Oh yes. The names Regina." she said stroking my arm.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh you sound so... sad." she said making a puppy dog sad face.

"Well you sort of disgust me."

"Oh shut it Styles. I know you want me."

Then she grabs my head and slobbers all over my face.

"Ahem?" I hear the voice of my current girlfriend, Victoria.

How am I gonna explain this?

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