Chapter 2: Flashback: "The Party"

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It's 18:42 p.m. right now on a Friday, my best friend, August, is throwing a party for some reason. She says it's to be better known by everyone in school, which is the reason I don't understand, because almost everyone knows her, and we're just freshmen, and she's the most popular girl. So I don't know what she's thinking, but I'm just going to support her.

I came here early so that I could help her with preparations and her make-up. I was busy with her make-up, and she was busy with her hair. She looks so gorgeous. She had a tight black dress on, and it fit her figure so perfectly. And I was on the opposite side of style. I went with a very grunge looked, with a black skinny jean with rips in, and I was wearing a red crop top that also had a few rips in it, with a pair of leather black All Stars. And I just let my hair hang loose, and as for my make-up, I just had some thick black eyeliner on.

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door, which startled me a little. I quickly left August's room and went to the kitchen to check that everything was in order. I quickly checked the time and saw that it was seven, which means the party should start now. August went to go open the door, while I quickly put on the music. As soon as the door opened, a whole wave of people started flooding in. Most of them were other freshmen and juniors, but there were too many people that I didn't even bothered to know.

August welcomed everyone in with a big and bright smile, while she was busy doing that, I made sure everyone knew where to get the drinks.

All of the rooms were starting to fill up with more and more people, I was trying to get some water from the kitchen, but I noticed August, surrounded by some very hot guys, so I decided to rather avoid going into the kitchen, because she looked like she was busy having fun. I walked outside just to get some air, and to get some peace and quiet away from all the busyness of the party. I'm just glad that August was enjoying herself at least.

As I was sitting outside just looking up at the stars, there was a sudden decrease of noise coming from inside. I looked behind me to see August coming outside, while everyone else just following closely behind her. I wonder what's going on right now? August looked determined, walking over to the edge of the swimming pool, so of course everyone just kept their eyes on her. then she started, " Welcome everyone to my party. I want to thank you all for coming. The reason I am hosting this party is because of... well, it's to say goodbye. Goodbye Angel. You were always my good friend, and I want you to know..." she paused for a few seconds, " I have hated you every second we have spent together since a long time ago, and the real reason for this goodbye, it's because I can't keep on living like this with how I'm feeling. And you're the reason why I have thrown acid in the pool. This acid will kill anyone and anything it touches. And so I leave you with these words, I fucking hate you, you horrible bitch!"

After she said that she immediately fell into the pool. The acid burning her skin off her, her pained screaming became so loud, it was unbearable, then it all suddenly stopped. Everyone just started shouting and screaming, some were on their phones calling for help, while others were just running around, screaming. I just stood there. What just happened?

I just stood there just staring at the disintegrated body of my one and only best friend. The tears immediately started forming then just started pouring out, running down my cheeks. Everything I knew was a lie. Why did this happen?

Everyone around me started freaking out even more. But I just kept standing there, watching the bones start to float. This was my fault? But why, and how?

My best friend was gone, all because of me? What did I do to deserve this? I really thought she was my best friend. I didn't know she hated me this much. I turned around and looked at the people and the chaos surrounding me. When all of a sudden, I noticed the deathly look in someone's eyes, it was a guy, he was staring at me. he then proceeded to walk towards me.

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