Chapter 5: Scaring the dumbasses

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Yesterday's events were quite unusual, but it was fine since after I left Nathaniel, so I had time to think about it more.

The outside air felt so good, the sun shining, the breeze, everything finally just felt right.

I heard some noise coming from around the corner. Someone was shouting some very harsh words, but there was never any real reply. I started walking to see what was going on, and it was the bully of the school and his stupid gang gathered around some guy and girl. The girl was wearing a torn shirt and holding it over her boobs, trying to cover them up. "Come on stupid bitch, you're new and hot, which means you have to show me your body." Said the bully, I couldn't see his face, but I knew who it was, Adam Stewart.

"Don't touch her, she is not your toy." Said the guy next to her. They were both new kids, the guy was trying to get between the girl and Adam. Some of Adam's friends kept pulling the guy away from her.

Of course, now I know where I saw them before. Before school started I saw two people walking into the school together. They were also in my History class yesterday. They are brother and sister, and both juniors along with me. Their names are Malia and Abraham Heaven.

"Why the hell should I listen to a fucker like you, idiotic cunt!" Shouted Adam. He looked really pissed. I had an idea, and I finally saw my chance, I will use my 'cursed' status to scare Adam's gang away. Adam obviously wasn't scared of me, he just hated me, but his buddies believe in the curse.

"Hey there Adam, and friends." I said with a smile and a wave. I loved doing this only to Adam and his gang.

"The fuck?" said Adam as he turned to look at me. " What are you doing here, Cursed freak? Do you know these fuckers?" he said, obviously annoyed with me being there.

"Yeah, something like that. I was wondering what you were doing here with them." I said as I peeked around him, to make it look like I wanted to see what was going on. "Oh my. She doesn't look like she can go back to class anymore." I said. With a pout this time I said, "so what are you planning to do to the both of them? Are you gonna rape this girl and beat up the guy? Or are you just acting right now? Because that's how it seems."

He looked over at them. I stood back up straight and looked at Adam, who was now looking at me. He looked angry. "What does it matter?" he seethed.

"Well, obviously, bullying and raping is wrong, and in my eyes, punishable by death. And if you want to carry on with this, then it will be unforgiveable, and with that, I'll kill all of you myself" I said with my creepiest angry smile. He looked at me and saw that I was serious.

He clicked his tongue, "Tch, fine, whatever, we're leaving." And with that he turned around and walked off, his followers close behind him.

 I then made my way over to the two, "Are you two okay?" I asked. They looked quite disheveled and uneasy with everything. Trying not to scare them, I decided to just extend my hand towards the girl. "You're Malia Heaven, right? We're in History together." I said with a smile. They both looked up at me questioningly.

"Uh, yeah. Umm, I..." she started, but instead started crying. "I was so scared, thank you." She said as she took my hand and got up off the floor. Her brother getting up with her.

"How about I quickly go inside and bring you something to wear. How does that sound?" I asked kindly. She just nodded in agreement, hugging her brother and crying more into his chest. They seemed so sweet and caring towards one another. Not at all like my family situation.

I quickly ran inside through the back, running to go to my locker. I put in the pin, opening it and grabbing the flannel button up I had. It was a large size, so it should fit her around her breasts. After I closed my locker, I was greeted by Nathaniel. "Hey there, what's going on with you?" he asked, looking worried. I probably looked a little spooked.

"Well, the new girl is outside and she needs help right now, so I'm just taking this shirt to help her cover up." I said hurriedly. He just looked at me with a frown on his forehead. "Take me to her." he demanded. I just nodded and started walking quickly to the back of the school. Opening the door and started running out around the corner, Nathaniel closely following behind me.

"Here I brought a shirt." I said handing over the shirt for her. She at least stopped crying. "I also brought a teacher. Don't worry, he'll help you." I said. She slowly put on the shirt, looking at her brother, and then at Nathaniel.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Green. I'm one of the new teachers at this school. Could you maybe tell me what happened to the both of you?" He asked kindly. Looking at the both of them, neither even uttered a sound.

"Could I maybe tell him what happened?" I asked them. Malia just nodded. "So while I was taking a breather outside I heard a ruckus coming from around the corner, when I looked at what was happening, I saw Adam Stewart and his group of idiots bullying these two. Malia's shirt was torn and Adam kept on insisting that she show him her boobs as a courtesy on being the new kids. I'm not really sure what happened to Abraham, but when I came, he already had a few bruises, I can only guess that Adam and his followers punched and beaten him to shut him up. When I saw what was happening I came over and scared off Adam and the dumbasses. And after that I just brought this shirt for Malia to cover up." I said, kind of out of breath.

"Alright, I understand. How about the two of you come with me to the office, and we tell them what happened." He said looking at the both of them. Abraham just shook his head, and Malia closely followed with the same response.

"I think they just need time to process what just happened to the both of them. I think they're just scared right now." I said as I looked over to the both of them. "How about I just take them home?" I suggested.

"With what car? Do you know where they live? Do you even have a license to drive?" He kept asking.

"No, I don't have a car. And I could've just asked them where they live. And, yes, I do actually have a license. My car was actually taken and later given to my step-sister. But it's not like I can just leave them alone like this. School isn't really an option for them right now." I said, accidentally letting my queen's control seep through.

Nathaniel just looked at me, as if deciding something. "Alright, so here's the situation. These two can't be at school right now, and I can't leave in the middle of the school day. So, Ms. Black will be taking my car then to drop them off. But Angel, I'm only borrowing my car, you have to come back before school ends. Understand?" He says, with a small smile. 

"I understand." I say as he hands me his keys. "My car is the Chevy Camaro, it's black with two white stripes." He says as we start walking towards the parking lot.

When we got to the front of the school I looked through the parked cars, looking for Nathaniel's car. When I found it, I slightly directed the both of them to the car. We slowly made our way to the car, I opened the door for them to enter. We closed our doors, and I put the key into ignition. turning the car on and slowly turning to look to the back, so I could reverse.

I drove away from school. "So where do you two live?" I asked as kindly as I could.

a form of mind control that only a select few vampires can use.

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