Chapter 4: What the hell?

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He's my fucking teacher! I'm freaking outright now. He never told me he was the new English teacher. I looked up at him, with my mouth wipe open. I then started noticing that he was looking at me, with a smile plastered on his face.

I realized that it was my turn to introduce myself. I am literally freaking out about this. "Umm, my name is Angel Black. Umm, that's all." I said, and ducking my head Into the palms of my hands.

As the class went on, I had my eyes on him, he really looks like a teacher, fuck this is really weird, I thought he was a new student, not a fucking teacher. I didn't know what to think about all of this. I tried avoiding looking at him, and started drawing on my writing pad.

Knowing that he is my teacher is really weird . I started trying to listen what he was saying. I'm glad I'm just drawing. I read this book, or well play last year. It was Othello, the most annoying play ever written.

Suddenly I heard my name, " Miss Black, would you like to say something about the situation that is happening at this moment." He said, trying to sound very stern.

"Umm, well. Right now Iago is talking to Roderigo about Othello. In which case, they are saying some racial slurs. After a few minutes Iago went to see Brabantio about the fact that Othello is planning to marry Desdemona, who is Brabantio's daughter. So these two start by making plans to get rid of Othello." I said. After that I just looked down and carried on drawing.

"Yes miss Black, that was what was going on." He said, with the biggest smile. At least I proved myself to him. And to the whole class that I wasn't a flake, like most of them.

I honestly didn't care about this anymore, but I will be leaving after this class. I'm tired of the judgemental faces around me. My mind was filled with the forest. I miss the outside right now.

I'm really tired of being left to be hated by everyone, and Nathaniel won't change my mind.. I want to leave. I just kept on drawing the forest, missing it so much.

I looked up at the clock to see what time it was and how much longer I have to be here. I still had twelve minutes to go before I can leave.

I looked back down at my book and just carried on drawing for now. I just want to do whatever I want, and right now that means being outside of this school.

I once again looked up at the clock and noticed that we can get out of here in two minutes. I suddenly started packing my things into my bag, getting ready to leave, when I suddenly had a shot of pain shoot through my stomach. I immediately knew that my period will be starting soon. I just grabbed my stomach, clutching hard even so I don't feel the pain. I just kept my eye was back on the clock, waiting for the bell to ring, so I could get out of here.

The pain just kept on getting worse. It felt so painful, like hundreds of bees stinging me. I clutched harder, but it didn't help one bit.

Suddenly the school bell rang and I shot up from my seat and immediately started running to the bathroom, I could hear Nathaniel shouting, asking where I was going.

I pushed the bathroom door open and rushed in. I went to an open stall and immediately ran in. I locked the door behind me. I quickly searched through my bag, looking for the pain pills I had, and I popped the one pill in my mouth. I grabbed my water bottle and drank the pill with the water.

I then calmly searched through my bag for my smallest pencilcase, I quickly zipped it open and grabbed one of my tampons out of the small bag. I ripped off my undies and pants, I then opened the packaging for the tampon, throwing away the piece of plastic. I then stuck the tampon in, making sure it was in. It will never feel normal to me. I then slowly pulled up my undies, and then my pants.

As soon as I had my pants back on, I pushed the door open with my elbow. I walked over to the sink, I pushed the soap and started opening the water, washing my hands. I then quickly dried my hands, and walked back to grab my bag. I put all the stuff I pulled out, making sure I wasn't missing anything, I then zipped it back up. After that experience I walked out of the bathroom, seeing a few kids still roaming the halls.

I decided to walk back to Nathaniel's classroom. I peeped through the open door to see if he had any students. But he didn't, he just sat at his desk, will his head in his hands. He didn't look too good.

I decided to knock on the door. As soon as I knocked, his head immediately shot up and looked over, finding my eyes. A small smile at his lips.

"Sorry about that just now." I said. Feeling a bit awkward.

"You don't have to apologize. Is everything alright? You kind of just ran out of the class. Did something happen? Is there something the matter?" He asked, looking quite worried. Seeing him care about me made me feel happy that someone actually cared about me.

"Uh, yeah. It was just a women emergency." I said without thinking.

He just looked at me and I blushed from the embarrassment. I literally just confessed that I'm on my period.

"Oh, umm, alright then." He coughed out. He looked embarrassed by what I said, and I was ultimately the dumbest person, I'm so embarrassed.

"So, umm. I'm leaving. I'm gonna go to the back so I can chill outside so I could get some fresh air." I said, clutching onto my shirt. I felt weird having to not even call him sir, but I guess it doesn't bother him because he hasn't told me to stop just yet. So I guess calling him Nathaniel is now a bit weird?

"Alright, I understand. I'll need to be here in class so I could prepare for the next class. So you'll have to go without me. I want to apologize for not telling you that I'm your teacher, but you would've treated me with much distance. I wanted you to feel normal around me, you looked really alone before. But please, call me Nathaniel anytime, just make sure to act professional in class, alright." He said with a kind smile plastered on his face, it felt really calming.

I walked outside wondering what the hell just happened in there. He is my teacher, and yet he said to call him Nathaniel, does that mean that he is my friend right now? I felt my face getting warm, I knew I was blushing right now.

This is kind of exciting now.

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