Chapter 3: Wait Who?

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After first period was finished I decided to skip the next class, which was mathematics, a class I find boring and pointless. I started walking toward the art classroom when I suddenly heard shouting coming from the same classroom. Obviously after I heard that I decided I wasn't going in there, so I walked over to the library instead, since it's one of the other places I loved being.

I wonder why there were people in the art class shouting or something. I actually wanted to work in there, but I guess I'll have to work in the library for now.

I walked over to the back of the library, to a small passage hidden away and sat down in the corner, away from anyone who would be able to see me. I scratched through my bag, grabbing my pencil and my drawing book. I went right back to work on the drawing I was working on this morning.

Sometime went by, and the sound of someone walking nearby disrupted me from the drawing, and so I stopped, I was waiting to see who was coming in this direction. The footsteps came to a halt, and another pair followed behind, approaching slowly. "Shh, we don't want anyone to hear us, or even seeing us." said a girl softly. I didn't know who it could of been, so I ignored it.

Suddenly the shelf in front of me started wobbling. "Yes, right there." Moaned the girl, a bit too loud, but still trying to whisper. Obviously she was enjoying it a lot, whatever they were doing, but it was definitely fucking annoying and gross. I grabbed my bag and opened the smaller zip bag in the front, and grabbed my phone and folded headphones. I quickly connected the headphones and opened my Spotify playlist, I chose a random song that I liked, I put the headphones onto my head and ears, and started putting the volume louder. Finally the sound of the two of the people were drowned out.

A lot of time went by, and before I knew it, I have been in the library for more than an hour. I checked the time on my phone, making sure I put my alarm on so I could go to lunch. It was still a while before lunch break, so I set my alarm and just continued with my drawing. Now I don't have to worry about missing lunch at least.

After however long it was, I was finally done with my drawing, now I just needed some color. After another long times, I was done with my drawing. I am completely satisfied with how this drawing came along. I looked at the image, when I once again remembered what happened this morning with Nathaniel Green.

I looked down on my thigh to where the dried blood is on my pants, I reached out to touch it, when suddenly my alarm went off. I quickly put it off before it got any louder. I quickly started putting my stuff back into my bag. I zipped it up, and got up from my spot, My foot was kind of a little bit tingly, must be because of how I was sitting, but I just walked it off.

I slowly took off my headphones to hear if there was anyone near me, but there wasn't one little sound, so I then took this as my opportunity to get out of there. I quickly snuck my way out of the library so I could get some lunch, and maybe some fresh air.

I walked my way over to my locker. I put my passcode in and opened it. A piece of paper fell out onto the ground. I bent down and picked it up, and decided to open it. It said "Will you join me at the edge of the forest? from N", I was not expecting that at all, I thought it was going to be another hate letter, but I guess it wasn't. I smiled as I thought about it, it was definitely Nathaniel that wrote this. I quickly tore up the piece of paper, making sure no one would be able to read anything that was on it. I don't want anyone to find out about this, since they'll try to drive him away from me like always.

I quickly put some of my books in the locker, and just made sure to grab a notepad, so I can write anything if needed. I grabbed some more pens and pencils, and grabbed my second drawing book. I waited for another two minutes making sure no one was looking before I walked to the back door, I pushed it open and walked outside. The fresh air hit me and it feels so good. There were some clouds in the sky now, but still quite a bright day. At the edge of the forest was Nathaniel, waiting patiently for me. It actually feels good knowing someone is waiting for me.

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