Chapter 9: Stop

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It's been a week since the bloody incident, and well, I've been at home the entire time, waiting for my wounds to heal. Luckily, everything is healed, except for the layers of skin. I have to go back to school tomorrow. I don't want to skip school too much and repeat a year again. I am still in a lot of pain, but I at least went out to get some pain meds during the week, so yeah, that's something.

My step-family haven't really noticed that I haven't gone to school this week, and even if they did, I don't think they really cared about it.

I looked at the ceiling as I was lying on the edge of my bed. I was just bored. All of my drawing books were filled to the brink, mostly with small doodles of trees and patterns. I slowly sat up, facing my desk, looking around for something that I might be able to do, but there was nothing. I was thinking that maybe I should get my other drawing book at school, but looking at the time, school is definitely still in session, so that's not really a good idea.

My only other option is going to the store to buy another book. I placed my feet on the ground and got up, I could feel the carpet's rough surface. I walked around my bed and over to my cupboard. I grabbed a dark grey oversized shirt and a black pair of sweatpants. I quickly threw them on and put on a random pair of socks I found on the floor. I then grabbed a pair of black pleather Converse and put them on.

I then went over to my desk and grabbed my bag and wallet. Finally, I was ready to go outside, but I just couldn't move a muscle. This would be the first time I really went outside my room again. I knew I had to at some point, but for some reason, it just felt uncomfortable to even go near my door.

Whatever, I tried to shake off the feeling and slowly walked towards the door. I then finally reached the door. The handle was right there. But I suddenly stopped everything as I heard the front door. The sound of footsteps were just ringing through my ears, I could tell, it was Amelia. Her footsteps made its way over to my door and suddenly stopped. She was definitely outside my door.

Suddenly, an ominous aura came through the open spaces under the door. She was pissed.

Please don't open the door. Please.

The door flung open, and I was pushed back. Amelia stood there, aura seething out.

"Angel. Why the fuck are you here? And why has the school called me asking if you are alright?" she asked. She was definitely pissed. But with her aura coming out, I couldn't form the words to answer her.

I felt a cold chill run up my spine. I am in deep shit now.

"I. I. I..." I tried to choke out.

Suddenly her hand was around my throat. She was gripping really hard, I felt all the air drain from my body. She picked me up, and I just felt limp. I could feel everything being drained from my body. My eyes were focused on her, but all I really focused on was her hand gripping me.

I was so focused on her that I didn't really notice the figure slowly moving behind her. Suddenly Talia let go of my throat and I fell to the ground with a hard thud. I could barely even inhale before I was pinned to the ground, but I was suddenly flipped onto my chest. The person was pinning my hands behind my back.

"Good job Ben." Said Amelia, with a very pleased tone.

She said Ben. Wait, does that mean Ben Brutt, aka the vampire community leader. The actual fuck? I am very confused right now, why is Leader Brutt here?

"Oh, my love, I only aim to please you." He said in a disgustingly smug and loving tone. It was disgusting.

"My dear, you are definitely the best in everything you do. But right now my focus is on this little bitch. Angel, once again, why are you here, and why is the school calling and asking if you are okay? You know I don't give a damn about you or your health." She shouted. I swear my ears were ringing with how loud she was.

"I-I a-am so so-sorry. I didn'-t me-mean to incon-inconvenience you." I choked out. My throat throbbing with every word. Leader Brutt's grip tightening a bit more. It hurts so much.

"Now, now my love, we don't want to kill her, she's still useful to me." She said. And with that Leader Brutt's grip started softening a bit. Enough that I could breathe a bit more. He also started climbing off me, so I rolled on my back and sat up a little. I faced Amelia, she just stood there, arms crossed. She still wasn't happy, but she wasn't trying to kill me with her glare.

"Angel, go out and bring back a meal for me and Ben. I'm quite parched and need some fresh blood. Oh, maybe a human would be nice for today, not those dumb woodland creatures." She basically demanded and motioned towards the door.

I slowly got up and started making my way over to the door. Turning the handle and pushing open the door revealed a hot and sunny day outside. The birds were chirping, and there were people walking around outside. I started walking towards the busy streets of the town.

I really hate sunny days, ones where people are all happy and smiling about everything. This was the worst time to go out too, because all the parents are free now that their kids are still in class. And now, fuck! Now I need to get a live human for Talia. Because I'm a half-breed vampire, it's a lot more difficult for me to hunt, but of course Talia thought it would be funny, or a good idea to send me out to hunt for them.

I quickly went to the usual hunting spot, which is behind an old abandoned mall, close to the more poor area.

I sat in the shade of the old building and waited for the victim, when suddenly, a car came driving into the parking lot, I don't think the driver could see me, because he parked it facing the other direction.

When I looked closer I saw that there were actually two people in the car. As I was looking, I saw they started kissing. Gross.

I rather looked away from their making out session, I sat around looking to see if someone would pass by so I could quickly snatch them so I could get some blood.

More than two hours went by, but luckily, the annoying couple in the car left. But as for me, I was stuck there, waiting. The shade was starting to move, which means soon I would be moving too.

Another hour flew by, and I was now sitting around the corner. I was just listening to the trees whistling with the wind, when suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from around the corner. I quickly peaked to see how far they are. They were walking through the middle of the parking lot. It was a young guy. He actually looked like he had just finished the school day.

I quickly got out my phone to check the time and saw that classes were over. I had to come up with a plan to get the guy to come over here.

I quickly came up with a plan and immediately started to scream bloody murder, along with the occasional help.

A few seconds later, he came rushing to see what was going on. That was when I grabbed him. I looked into his eyes, "Don't scream, just follow me." And that was it, I finally got a meal for my stepmother.

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