Chapter 7: After school kindness

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I got in the car and grabbed the food and drinks I bought. He closed the door and walked over to the driver's side and got in. I handed him the food and the drink I got for him. "Thank you for treating me to a meal and a drink." He said, smiling.

He started to unwrap the burger and immediately started to eat it. I grabbed my smaller burger and started to unwrap it. It tasted so good. I felt like I could finally relax again, especially after everything that has happened today.

After I finished the burger I then started to drink the cola that I got, it was really refreshing. Today was really just kept getting worse, but at least Nathaniel helped me through the worst part of it.

"So I'll ask this, since you never told me this morning. Why the blood. Are the wounds that fresh?" He asked. I felt like this would be the worst thing to talk about right now.

" They're not that fresh, since it actually was done two days ago. It just seems just like it started to bleed again now, and a bit yesterday." I said, feeling even worse about it. But I shouldn't let everything be about that. I just looked at him staring at me. Not saying a word he decided to turn the car on. He quickly turned the key and started the car.

"So, do you want me to drive you home?" He asked. I didn't feel like that was really necessary.

"I don't really need you to do that. I usually just walk home, and it's the only time when I can relax before going home." I said, trying to convince him.

"Alright. Then what about you hang out at my house for a while, and then I'll take you home." He said with a smile plastered on his face. He really wanted to hang out with me? That made me feel a little more relaxed, and will help to spend time outside the house before hell ensued back at home.

"Sure why not. But don't you think it's a little weird to take me to your place after we just met yesterday." I asked, expecting him to really just give up, although I didn't really want that to happen.

"We might've met just yesterday, but I thought, since you don't exactly want to go home just yet, that you might want to come and spend time with me and my family. I might only be about seven years older than you, but, it's not wrong to have met, is it?" He stated. It really did make sense, so I just nodded my head in agreement. "So can I take that as a yes?" He asked. Without even being able to utter a word, I just nodded.

So with that he started to reverse the car and drove away, away from the school and drama. He was turning rapidly around corners, and after a few short minutes he stopped. We were in front of this huge mansion-like house. "Alright, welcome to my home." He said looking over at me. I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful smile that he had on. "Is there something wrong, like on my face?" He asked, this time he sounded a little more relaxed.

"No, there's nothing on your face, I was just feeling happy, that's all." I said with a stupid smile. I know my face was probably bright red right now.

"Great. I'm happy that you're relaxing a little more right now." He said. He calmly rushed to open his door. "Well, shall we get inside." He said as he got out. He walked over to my side, opening the car door for me to get out.

I hopped out the car, smiling brightly at him. He lead the way, toward the huge house's front door. There was a small porch leading up to it, it was painted a shade of white. It looked like the typical white porch, with a swinging chair to the right. It seemed so normal.

Nathaniel started searching through his pockets, and pulled out a bunch of keys. He went through them, and selected a single key, slot it into the keyhole on the door and twisted it. I felt nervous at the thought of going inside his house. He then twisted the handle and opened the door, revealing a dark walled room, with a single table. Nathaniel walked in, placing the keys on the table. He stopped in his place, looking back at me.

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