Chapter 8: Bloodied house

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I walked my way out of the house. I pushed the door open, revealing a girl, probably his sister. I just pushed past her and started running in the direction of my house. I just kept on running, and running, until I saw my house.

I then realised I never had my school backpack with me, so I quickly turned around and went to the school again. I was starting to calm down. But why did he have to lie to me like that. It's not my fault that this town belongs to a group of vampires. And of course I wasn't part of that, because my mom left, and the fact that I am a half-vampire angered them, so I'm not part of that. Amelia, my step-mother was one of the ten families chosen to rule the town, and well, I don't know who the rest are.

I finally got to the school. It looked desolate and abandoned, perfect, that meant that I would be alone here. I made my way around the school to the back exit and pushed it open. The school was quite. There was a strong smell of smoke, but it must have been put out by now, so I just went inside.

I walked over to my locker, played round with the lock before opening it. As soon as it opened, a letter fell out and onto the floor. I bent over and looked at what was on the paper. 'Bitch', 'Whore', 'Murderer.,' were all written on the paper. I just felt the tears streaming down my face again. I turned away from the lockers to lean against them, but instead I slipped and fell onto the floor.

"Fuck!" I shouted as I was on the floor. I just laid there, looking up at the white ceiling. "Why? Why today? Fuck all this! Fuck everyone!" I shouted out. I started to feel calmer after that and decided to get up and just grab my things so I can leave.

I quickly grabbed my things, stuffing my art supplies into my bag, and zipping it up. I swung the bag over my shoulder and started walking out of the school. I made my way out, pushing the door open to leave, but I was rudely greeted with a knife in my stomach. It was Troy holding the blade. He pulled it out and the blood started to spool out. "That's what you deserve for ratting out on all of us, especially Adam. Stupid bitch and murderer!" He shouted as he started to run away from me.

I looked down and say the blood dripping from my stomach, I moved my hand to cover it up, clutching it so the blood would lessen. The pain was unbearable. As I was clutching on, I knew I had to get home first. I needed to check the wound, and it's depth. I slowly started walking towards the woods.

I finally got to the first tree, falling against it, the blood started dripping onto the floor. The pain was only getting worse but I had to get home first. I picked myself up and started running, the pain spreading throughout my whole body. But finally, I could see the street where my house was, I quickly made my way through the street. I went up to the front door, I tried pushing it open, but it was locked. I swung my bag forward and searched through one of the pockets for my keys. Finally I found them and grabbed them, flinging the key of the house forward to open the door.

Finally, I opened the door and rushed inside, kicking the door closed behind me. I ran as quickly as I could down the stairs into my room in the basement. I ran over to my desk, scavenging through my drawers for my medical kit. Opening it I noticed that I didn't have my needle, so I just grabbed one of the sewing needles on my desk. I quickly sat down and removed my shirt, exposing the wound. The bleeding wasn't as bad anymore, probably because my body was trying to heal itself. I could heal, but not completely, only when I was in life-threatening danger, only then it would heal.

I cleaned the needle and put the surgical thread through the hole. I grabbed the two sides of the wound and started making very rough stitches, trying to be quick. The pain was bad, I looked in the medical kit to see if I have something for the pain, but of course I didn't have any left, which means I'll have to do this without it.

I quickly finished with the last stitch. I grabbed one of the cotton balls I had in the kit, and put some disinfectant on it and cleaned the wound. I then used some gauze to put over the stitches, and then wrapped a large bandage around my stomach, making sure to secure the whole area. I also used some surgical tape and wrapped it to cover the wound.

After I was finished, my whole body just felt weak and I could barely move. I just sat there for a bit, looking at the green wall in front of me.

I sat there for quite a while, and I started to gain some strength again. I looked around me and saw the bloodied floor and desk. I then also remembered that I bled all the way down here. As soon as I had enough strength, I quickly put on a new black shirt, and so I got up and made my way over to the stairs. I walked back up to the door, opening it, revealing a long trail of blood splotches.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some cleaning materials. I set them down on the floor, when I suddenly remembered that I have to clean up the blood outside, before my step-mother comes back. She is definitely going to kill me for this mess. I made my way over to the front door.

I went outside, and to the side of the house, grabbing the hosepipe. I turned on the water and started splashing the driveway, making sure to get rid of the blood trail. when the driveway was cleaned, I also splashed the curb leading to the house. When I was done I went back inside to clean the rest of the trail.

I went to grab the mop and bucket from the cupboard. I filled the bucket with some hot water and added some of the cleaning supplies into the water. I immediately started to clean the floor, but as I started I heard the front door open. I looked over to see Amelia, my step-mother, and Rebecca, my step-sister, in the doorway.

"Well, isn't this just disgusting. Angel, why did you bloody the floor with your half-blood goo. And you couldn't even clean up before we arrived. I'm very disappointed in you. It looks like you can't even do one simple thing." Said Amelia as she walked inside. "I guess you'll have to be punished. Your disgusting stench is everywhere. Rebecca dear, will you handle the punishment for me please." She asked as Rebecca entered the house.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for my smell to be everywhere. I promise this will never happen again." I said as Rebecca stalked over to me.

"Angel, you messed up again. You know what your punishment is right." Said Rebecca as she stopped in front of me. I am terrified of my punishments because it just means I'll get stabbed again. Rebecca held out her hand, "get me a knife, now!" she said loudly. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed one of the knives. I slowly made my way over to her and handed her the knife.

She grabbed my hair and threw me down onto the floor. As I hit the floor I then felt the knife plunge into my leg, I couldn't help but let out a shriek, the tears rolling down my face. she then pulled it out again and plunged it into my shoulder, and pulled it out again quickly, she was about to plunge it into me again, but she was suddenly stopped. I couldn't hear or see why, my tears and cries were all I could see and hear.

I could feel the heat of the blood on my shoulder and leg escaping. the pain was seizing and I could finally hear again. "Angel, clean up the blood you're spilling before it stains the floor," said Amelia. I couldn't hear Rebecca anywhere near me, so I looked around me and saw that she was walking out the door, and Amelia was sitting on the couch, facing towards the television. The tears still streaming down my face.

I slowly got up, and I could feel the knife that was still in my shoulder. I looked around me and saw even more blood. I quickly grabbed the mop and cleaned up the floor, before my blood dried too much, ignoring the stinging pain I have in my leg and shoulder.

When I was finally done with the whole floor I opened my room dor to clean the rest of the blood still dripping wherever I was walking. I cleaned everything and closed my door behind me. I just dropped the mop and bucket at the door and walked back over to my desk to stitch up the new wounds.

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