Chapter 6: Newbies

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"So where do you two live?" I asked as kindly as I could.

Abraham just looked into the mirror at me, "17 Helheim road, in Woodburougher." He said, with a look I didn't quite recognize. I recognized the name, it was one of the poorer areas of the town. Which my mom grew up in. She said the area and people weren't so bad. The community was always supporting each other, which I wish could happen where I now live.

I turned all the right the corners, and always checked in the back to see how the other two were doing.  Malia was looking out the window, clutching her stomach, and Abraham was looking at the road to see if I was driving the right direction.

Finally I turned onto Helheim, and it looked like Abraham was more relieved now that we were here. "Number seventeen right?" I asked just to make sure.

"Yes, it's right up ahead." He said pointing toward a two story house that looked the same as all the others, it just had white paint chipping off. "Alright. Thanks for driving us here." he said as I stopped the car. 

"Hey wait, before you get out." I said a bit louder than speaking voice. " Umm, so, I wanted to give you my number. If you need anything, and I mean anything. Please just give me a call. Also let me know if you are going to school tomorrow, just to make sure if I need to tell someone." I said. "So is it alright to give my number to you on one of your phones." I said, looking at the both of them, who were staring back at me.

"Uh, sure, you can put your number into my phone. And I'll let you know." Abraham said, searching through his pockets for his phone. He then handed it over to me, making sure to open it onto his contacts. I reached for the phone and quickly put in my details and passed back the phone.

They opened the door and slid out. I looked as they walked into the house. As soon as they reached the door, I drove the car away. Making sure to first circle back and check if they both got home okay.

After that I made my way back over to school, but made sure to stop at the KFC drive-thru. I made sure to grab some lunch for me and something for Nathaniel to say thank you for helping them.

I made sure to park the car in the exact same spot as before, and noticed something going on. All the students were outside and all the teachers too. I quickly stopped the car, left the KFC in the car and made my way over to the group of students. I saw Nathaniel standing with the other members of staff, who were all talking about something. Suddenly we heard a girl scream in the crowd.

"Oh my God!! The Angel of Death did it!" she shouted as she was pointing at me. all the staff turned their heads to see what was going on. The crowd all moved away from me, and the teachers could see clearly who she was talking about, me!

Nathaniel looked over at me and looked as confused as most of the others were. "No, I didn't do anything. How could I, I wasn't even in the school for most of the day!" I shouted, by accident. I almost face-palmed myself for everyone to see. I just confessed I wasn't in class today. How dumb am I.

Nathaniel and the other teachers walked over to me. The principle was at the front. "What do you mean you weren't even in the school? And why would everyone blame you if it's not your fault?" He asked angrily. He usually acted all nice to me, but I knew he was just as scared of me as most of the other people around me.

I felt like I was about to cry. I feel like shit now. I then moved my hand to clutch my leg and squeezed. Nathaniel's eyes followed closely. "Well, the reason she wasn't in school and in her classes was because she was working mostly with me. She came to me after class and told me she is really struggling with something, so I suggested that she just stays with me." He said. Coming to my rescue.

The tears were really flowing now. So Nathaniel walked over and grabbed me and pulled me over toward the rest of the teachers. He shifted me to make sure that the rest of the school doesn't see what is going on. "She is completely innocent. She was just having a hard time today." He said, handing me a tissue out of his pocket. "I take full responsibility for her not being in class." He said, pulling my arm to come closer to him.

The principle looked over at him and back at me, trembling with fear and anger. "Alright, I understand. But Mr. Green, don't do this again. Even if a student is having a hard time, just direct them to our school therapist." He said. Nathaniel just shook his head in agreement. "Alright, get her away from the crowd. I don't want them to bully her even more, after everything that has happened to her so far." He said, turning and walking away.

Nathaniel pulled me aside, away from the crowd, and over to where his car is. "Are you okay, your breathing is getting a little weird." He said, patting me on the back. I checked my hand, and saw just small streaks of blood, probably caused by me squeezing my leg.

I started focusing on my breathing and noticed that it was a lot faster than usual. I was probably having a panic attack. "You gotta help me. I think that I'm having a panic attack."

He immediately pulled me into his chest and hugged me. "It's okay, you're safe. I got you." He said calmly. He kept on hugging me tight. The tears just kept on coming out. I kept on focusing on the hug. After a while my breathing started getting better. But he didn't let go of me. But I couldn't stop the crying. Memories of the night of August's birthday flashing through my head.

"It hurts, it hurts so much. Why me, why did it have to happen to me." I said. The crying starting to calm down a bit more.

"It wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything wrong." He said

"Do you know the whole story about me?" I asked. Scared that he would judge me based on that.

"I didn't hear all of it, just a summarised version. I just know it wasn't your fault. You didn't kill anyone, so you don't have to believe in what everyone else says about you." He said calmly. It made me feel a bit better. But it really helped knowing he wasn't believing that it was my fault like everyone else.

"Umm, so, I, uh actually bought something for you from KFC to say thank you for helping the other two, and for allowing me to borrow your car so I could drop them off." I said looking up at him. My chin on his chest. Surprisingly I never really noticed how tall he was. My head was reaching up to his chest, he was about a head and a half taller than me. I wasn't even really that short.

He looked down at me and smiled. "Really that's so sweet of you, you didn't have to do that for me. Of course I would've helped." He said with a smile plastered all over his face.

"Yeah, I left it in the car." I said as I gave him the keys to the car. He took the keys, and opened the door, gesturing me to get in. " Well, since the school had a fire in the one class, I don't think that they are going to let the students back inside." He said with a small smile.

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