Chapter 10: Runaway

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When I finally got to the house with the guy following behind, I slightly hesitated before going inside. I don't  like doing this to people just so that my stepmother can get her meal.

I looked around inside, and heard some soft chatter coming from upstairs. Usually people would announce or go upstairs to tell them that their food is ready, but when it comes to how my stepmother rules, I can't step one step on the stairs.

I instructed the boy to stand in the middle of the living room. I wanted nothing to do with what was to come, so I decided to walk out, i want back down to my room in the basement.

As I went inside I noticed how blood-stained my bed was, so I went over, removed everything that had blood and threw it in my laundry hamper. After that I went over to my old cupboard and pulled out some new bedding, and covered everything. I cleaned up and straightened the sheets, and finally it looked a bit better.

I then decided to go over to my desk and sat in the old chair. I got out one of my many drawing books, and opened it on a clean page. I sharpened my pencil and placed it on the side, and then went through my bag and found a black pen. I then got everything else out and ready, and I just started to just free-hand draw.

After a long while, I noticed it was starting to get dark outside. I stood up and went over to turn on my light, it was then when I heard some sort of quiet chatter coming from outside my door. I slowly started inching my way closer to the bottom of the stairs, but I still couldn't hear what was being said. I could hear it was my step-sister, Rebecca, talking to someone. But this time I couldn't recognize who it was. Suddenly, it stopped, and I could hear my door handle starting to move. I bolted towards my desk, and tried to act like I was busy with something.

"This is where the half-breed stays." Said Rebecca. I could hear two sets of footsteps coming down, I turned to look who is was. "Hey, Angel, this is Mr. Edward Brook, he's here to see you. He was thinking of marrying you to his son." She said, my eyes went wide. What was she talking about.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Just as Rebecca said, I was thinking of giving you to my son. Of course that means you will marry him, but that's only a formality. You will be quite a beautiful toy for him." He said. Well, fuck it. Of course I don't want to marry his son, or well, becoming a toy for his son.

Rebecca looked at me as if she was deciphering what was on my mind. " Actually Angel, you don't have a choice in this matter. Mother already signed the contract allowing this. We only wanted you to be introduced to Mr. Brook, so he could see what he was getting." She said with a peppy attitude.

"Umm. Fuck you! Like hell I accept this. You all can go to hell!" I shouted. I quickly pushed past them, running before anyone could catch me.

I kept running until I was tired, I seemed to have ended up at the school. I slowly walked over to my favorite tree, wheezing. I fell against it. Why did another shitty thing have to happen to me again.

I checked the time and saw that it's way after school, so luckily no one will be bothering me. I then just put my phone back in my pocket and just decided to close my eyes. The wind were rustling all the leaves and grass, it all just seemed so perfect.

Suddenly I heard a branch snap next to me and my eyes shot open in the direction of the noise.

"Hi there Angel." It was Nathaniel, his eyes were glowing gold, it was mesmerising, but everything was telling me to run, but I couldn't. The aching pain in my stomach forced me to stay seated, I think the running opened the stitches.

"Umm, yeah. Hello." I said, sounding a bit scared.

"Where have you been?" He asked as he crouched down next to me. I suddenly smelled blood, and I guess Nathaniel did too because he snapped his head and looked at my stomach.

"Shit!" I shouted as I clutched my stomach.

All of a sudden arms wrapped around me and pulled me toward a hard chest. I looked at Nathaniel, who was now cradling me in his arms. He got up and started walking toward the parking lot.

"Let me go!" I said loudly, trying to wiggle out of his arms.

"Stop moving, you'll hurt yourself even more. you're already bleeding. What happened to you?" He asked, sounding sincerely worried.

"I just got hurt, nothing for you to worry about, so let me go!" I shouted as I pushed against hid chest, hoping he would let go. I looked up at him and saw the worry in his eyes, and my fighting stopped. All the world seemed to be quiet, and everything started spinning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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