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Thea clutched her books closer to her chest as she waited for Adonis outside the classroom. He had told her to wait as he had to talk to his Art teacher after class. She turned off her phone, glancing down the hallway.

Her breath hitched once she noticed Lucas heading down the hallway, flanked by his two goons; Eli and Noah. Thea subtly glanced around the hallway, she wasn't alone but from the other students that avoided Lucas' eyes, she knew she was all alone.

Adonis where are you, she thought biting her lip in panic. Lucas came to a stop in front of Thea, smirking at her frightened eyes. "Hey babe", he cooed running a hand through her hair.

Thea cringed away from his hands that were now trailing down her exposed neck. "S-stop", she whispered, stepping away from him. She stepped past the classroom's threshold falling through the open door.

She winced once her side landed on her binders spine. That's going to bruise, she thought sitting up. Lucas offered her a hand and Thea eyed it suspiciously.

"Come on. Don't wanna live on the floor now, do we?", he taunted, laughing alongside his friends. He offered her his hand and when Thea reached out to wrap her fingers around his, he let go sending her tumbling to the floor yet again.

Thea groaned as her side made contact with the floor. Might as well stay on the floor, she thought wincing in pain. She stood, dusting off her tennis skirt and adjusting the collared shirt under her sweater.

"What do you want?", she asked, making sure she kept enough distance between them. Lucas smiled, teeth bared and he stepped closer to her.

"You know exactly what I want", he egged on, making sure the hallway was clear of lingering eyes. Thea gulped, she knew exactly what he wanted but she wasn't going to give it to him. Even though it was stolen from her, she would do anything to make her second time as beautiful and memorable as it should be.

"You know it won't matter by now. You're not a virgin anymore so you don't have to worry about it hurting", Lucas pointed out, turning to Eli in confirmation. Eli smirked, eyes hungrily scanning her body.

Noah on the other hand kept biting his nails in fear. He didn't keep his eyes away from the hallway, eyes frantically scanning for any sign of Adonis. He knew Adonis and if he saw them with Thea he'd have their heads on a wooden stake.

Thea desperately tried to stop the tears from spilling down her cheeks but failed and spluttered trying to rid her mind of the horrible memories.

Back at Eastbridge, Ares and Lucas had been the best of friends but after he found out about the incident he had turned on them choosing to spread the story around the school.

"I'm not ha-ving sex with you", Thea choked out, wiping at her cheeks with her free hand. Lucas smiled at her causing her nerves to skyrocket to the roof.

"Oh yes, you will".

"No. No, she fucking won't", a voice boomed from behind them. Thea breathed out in relief starting to move towards Adonis but before she could take another step a firm hand wrapped around her arm roughly pushing her against a muscled chest, her books falling to the floor.

"Not so fast princess", Lucas sneered, twisting her hands behind her back. Thea winced trying to pull herself from his tight hold but he was too strong for her. Adonis glared at Lucas with such intensity, Thea herself leaned away, unintentionally pushing herself closer to Lucas.

Adonis had been caught up talking to his art teacher about his assignment which was due in the upcoming weeks. Checking the time he hurried to meet up with Thea as he had promised that they would hang out later that afternoon. Asher and Leon had already agreed to pick Onyx up and drop him off at his apartment where they would all meet later.

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