Chapter 10

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When they returned to the Royal navy base, the manjuus stats to repair their ships. 

3 days later

Y/N's fleet begins to depart from the Royal navy base.

Monarch: Have a nice trip Y/N and the rest of you, be sure to visit us anytime!

Y/N: We will.

They activate their ships and hops onto Christine's carrier, then flies off to Azur lane.

Hours later

When they arrived at Azur lane the shipgirls gathers at the docks to greet them.

Jack: Hey Christine and Y/N, we heard that you were captured by the Iron bood.

Christine: Yeah, but we escaped with a little help.

Jack: From who?

Christine: From him.

She points at someone who is peeking from her carrier's door way. As everyone looks at little boy he hides back.

Unicorn: Who is that Onii-chan?

Y/N: You'll see. 

He turns to the hiding submarine.

Y/N: Hey bud, its alright, they wont do anything to you! *in a low voice* except Ark Royal.

Christine walks up to Alan and reaches out her hands to him.

Christine: Come on, its alright.

He grabs her hand and walks slowly down from the ship until they reach in front of the commander and the Azur lane shipgirls. The shipgirls were staring at the little boy who is covering his head with his red hoodie, they were also shock that his riggings are just as big as Y/N and Christine's. 

Jack: What's your name kid?

He puts down his hood and he heared the ship girls saying "aw" and screaming "Kawaii!"

Alan: I-I'm Alicorn a submersible aviation cruiser but you can call me  Alan.

Jack: It nice to meet you Alan, I'm Commander Jack of Azur lane.

Alan: I-its nice to meet you too...

He rubs his left arm with his right hand and Enterprise kneels infront of Alan.

Enterprise: *smiles* Hey Alan, I'm Enterprise, could you tell us what do you mean by submersible aviation cruiser?

Alan: It means I can dive and fire torpedoes like a submarine, launch aircrafts like a carrier and fight like a cruiser.

Enterprise: I see, could you summon your ship there? *points at the empty docks*

Alan: Alright...

He goes to his empty dock and summons his ship. The commander and shipgirls were amazed of his sub.

Albacore: That's the biggest sub that I ever seen!

Cleveland: Wait, you said you also fight like a cruiser, where are your guns and AAs?

Alan: Here they are... *he orders all off his ship's weapons to be revealed except the 600mm rail cannon*

Everyone's jaws dropped as they see a many armaments on the Alicorn.

Hornet: They're hidden?!

Alan: Yeah.... * he orders to hide the weapons of his sub*

Jack: Well... thats settles it, now everyone back to your usual activities.

The Railgun Battleship and the Helicarrier in Azur lane (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now