Chapter 1

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"Remind me why I have to come and watch you get stabbed a thousand times with tiny needles?" I asked Scott. my stupid brother just has to drag me along with him whenever he does something stupid.

"Because you had nothing better to do" stiles laughed as we exited the jeep and made our way to the tattoo place. I smacked his arm but couldn't help but smile. He's right, I don't have anything better to do. Lydia is with Allison, and Scott doesn't know Allison is back from France, so I can't exactly hang out with her until Scott knows because he will know something's up with me.

Scott took a seat in the chair and waited for the guy to come and tattoo him. Stiles and I were looking at the example tattoos when stiles picked one up that looked like a man-lizard, kanima. Oh god.

"Hey scott, what about something like this?" He asked as he held up the picture. Scott looked at him with a 'are-you-kidding-me' look. Oh I hate that look. "No? Too soon?" He questioned putting the picture back in it's original spot.

"Yeah too soon bud" I said, patting his shoulder lightly. I continued looking at all the different tattoos that you can get while Scott and the tattoo guy talked about the meaning of tattoos or something like that. Maybe I should get one?

Eh Not yet.

All of a sudden I heard a bang, and turned around to see stiles on the floor. Oh I forgot he's afraid of needles. I looked to Scott trying not to laugh. "Can you get him back to the car?" Scott laughed. I nodded and helped stiles up.

"You're still afraid of needles? Really stiles, really?" I joked once we were in the jeep. Stiles had some how found an ice pack and placed it on his head gently. "Really Maisie, really" he repeated.

We patiently waited for Scott, while we talked about how normal our lives have been over the summer.
"But it's beacon hills, just because there's not a psycho lizard running around doesn't mean that it's going to stay that way" I laughed.
"I hope it does. Like I hated jackson but Jackson as a lizard killing machine I hated more. I think. Maybe I hated normal jackson as much." Stiles joked. I burst out laughing. I'm pretty sure Scott was over the whole kanima thing. But he definitely wasn't over Allison.

"So what about Scott and Allison?" I asked sadly.
"What about them? There is no Scott and Allison any more. A werewolf and a werewolf hunter? That was never goings to work. What about you? Would you fall madly in love with a werewolf?" Stiles questioned going serious.

I thought about the question. Werewolves are definitely not my type but I've seen my fair share of hot werewolves. And their not that bad beside from the urges to maim and kill once a month. So technically werewolves have an even more annoying period then is humans.

"Hm well to be honest I don't know. It depends." I say still thinking about the answer.
"What depends?" Scott asks appearing at the window. I scream slightly and raise my hands in front of my face as if to block an attack. Force of habit.

"Oh nothing"

"If Maisie would date a werewolf"

Stiles and I say at the same time. Stupid child. Hush.
"Well Maisie better not date a werewolf if she wants that werewolf to live" Scott says in a slightly angry.
"Well Maisie is right here and can take care of herself" I deadpan. Scott may be 6 minutes older but he is not in charge of me. Scott glared at me as he took his seat in the front of the jeep.

"How's your head?" Scott asks stiles, completely ignoring me.
"Fine. I hate needles" stiles states taking the ice pack off.
All of a sudden Scott groaned in pain. "What's wrong?" I question as I lean into the front of the car.
"It burns" Scott explains groaning again.
"Well yeah you just got stabbed a thousand times by tiny needles it gonna hurt" stiles points out. "No I mean it burns. I have to take it off" Scott says referring to his bandage. "Oh no no no no. Scott don't! Oh god" stiles protests turning away briefly.

I watched as Scott tore off the bandage to reveal a fading tattoo. "It healed?!" Scott said raising his voice angrily.
"Oh thank god I hated it" stiles says in relief. I laughed so I hard I thought I was going to cry. I didn't even realise stiles had started the car and started driving.

We came to a red light, I was still laughing and Scott and stiles were talking about something. It wasn't until I noticed the car next to is that my laughing ceased.

"Oh shit" I whispered but Scott heard and saw Allison and Lydia in the car next us, panicking.
"She's back?" Scott asked himself.
"Let's say hi" stiles said as he put the window down despite Scott's protests.

The second stiles managed to say "hi" Lydia sped off, ignoring the red light.
"You're right they didn't see us" stiles nodded and started driving once the light went green.

"It looks like we're following them" Scott said as we drove down the road just fast enough to keep up with them.
"That's because we are" I mumbled and Scott rolled his eyes. He can't seriously still be annoyed about the whole werewolf dating thing can he? It will probably never happen; there's like almost no decent werewolves that I know. Almost none. Almost.

I was so deep in thought, I didn't notice Lydia's car come to a stop, just as a massive deer ran straight into her windshield. Oh shit!

"What the hell?!" I screamed.
Scott was already out of the car, stiles and I quickly followed. What the hell just happened?

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