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Friday, April 26, 2024
Beyoncé's Apartment
Los Angeles, California
11:45 pm

"Winston? What are you doing here?!" she said when she saw him.

"That's not a particularly nice way to greet me. Didn't you miss me Beyoncé?" he asked as he stood in her doorway, towering over him.

She was speechless and quite scared to be honest.

"Come on. Aren't you going to invite me in?" Winston asked her.

"You need to leave," Beyoncé said lowly as she avoided eye contact with him.

"Do I? I don't think so. I think I'm right where I need to be," he replied.

"Winston, just go. Let's not do this," she said as she tried to shut the door.

He forcefully pushed the door back causing Beyoncé to fall down. He walked in and pushed the door up behind him.

He grabbed her by her arms and pulled her up before she had the chance to stand herself.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, huh? Embarrassing me?!" Winston yelled at her.

"You're hurting me," she told him as he gripped her wrists.

"Answer me!" he screamed in her face as tears started to flow from her eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she replied as she tried to pull back from him.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! Who the fuck have you been running all over the city with? Who the fuck is this?" he yelled at her as he pulled out his phone and showed her pictures of her and Jay sitting court-side.

"Have you been following me?" she asked him.

"I found these pictures online! You don't even know who this guy is! You don't even realize when you're having your picture taken! What do you think you're doing?! My friends can see this shit! You don't this is embarrassing for me! They see my girl sitting court side with some other guy! How dare you fucking disrespect me like this?! You're mine! You get that?!" he screamed at her as the veins in this neck popped out.

"You cheated on me. You broke up with me. You don't get to come in here and scream at me for moving on," she told him as she was able to finally snatch her wrists out of his tight grip.

Her pulling away only made him more angry.

"You just fucked up Beyoncé," he told her as he started to come at her.

The only thing that made him stop was the sound of another person's voice.

"Hey Bey, you left your door open," Jay said as he came in, pushing open the door that Winston he left slightly ajar thinking he was closing it.

Winston immediately backed away from her.

Jay looked between the two of them. After looking at Beyoncé, he could tell by the look on her face that she had been crying and was scared out of her mind.

"You good Bey?" Jay asked her.

"She's good man. Why don't you just go?" Winston told Jay.

"I don't remember speaking to you. I'm talking to Beyoncé," Jay replied, putting together that this was the ex she'd told him about.

Jay looked back at Beyoncé, and he could tell everything he needed to know.

"I think you need to leave," Jay told Winston.

"Who do you think you are? I'm not going anywhere. You need to leave," Winston replied.

"Listen, I—," Jay started before Beyoncé interrupted.

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