𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸 - 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎!

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*Scaramouche POV*

My alarm clock rang. I decided wake up right away instead of letting Ei mercilessly open my curtains. I put on my uniform, grabbed my bag, repeated my usual routine.

I arrived downstairs, cooked some toasts. Ei wasn't here.

Did she have to go to work earlier today? Or...

Well, there was no use wondering where she went. I ate my simple breakfast, put my phone in my pocket and went to the bus stop.

There wasn't a lot of people at the bus stop and they didn't even seem to have noticed me. I wasn't interested in them anyways, so I just stood there, waiting.

The bus arrived and now it was full. It probably picked up some students on the way. I took an empty seat.

There was one last stop. Someone would probably want to sit besides me since there wasn't much place left.

"Can I sit here?"

Called it.

"Yeah sure.", I answered, but when I saw the person asking me this, I was pleasantly surprised.

It was Kazuha.

I removed my bag from the other half of the seat and he sat besides me.

He was a bit smaller than me, but the difference was almost unnoticeable.

"So you live near here, Scaramouche?", he asked.
"I'm from the stop before yours. It's pretty close from my place. You live close, too?"
"Right next to my stop. It doesn't even take a minute to go there."
"That's lucky."

He had a big smile on his face. Was he always happy?

"Oh right, I have an idea!"

Kazuha took out his phone.

"Do you want to exchange contact info?"

I felt like it would be rude to deny and even if I did say 'no', what good would it do?

"Yeah, sure."

I showed him my contact information and he did the same.

"Alright, I'll add you when we're arrived at school!", he declared, smiling.

I stayed silent for a bit. I'm not good for starting conversations. Kazuha probably figured that out and started talking.

"So, how do you like this school so far?", he asked.
"It's good, but I feel bored and sleepy during class. It's always like that for me though."
"Aha, that's understandable. Some of the teachers are annoying or just plain boring. Actually, which class do you have this morning?", he added.
"History, I think."

Kazuha seemed deep in thought and smiled brightly.

"I think we'll have the same class together!"
"That's nice."
"It really is! I would've liked for us to be in more classes together, but at least we have one in common."

The bus finally arrived at the sidewalk and the students, Kazuha and me walked out of the vehicle. Kazuha waved at me before leaving to his locker. I walked over to mine.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚆𝚎 𝙰𝚝𝚎 𝚃𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 | Kᴀᴢᴜʜᴀ x Sᴄᴀʀᴀᴍᴏᴜᴄʜᴇ | KᴀᴢᴜSᴄᴀʀᴀWhere stories live. Discover now