𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸 - 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐

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*Kazuha POV*

"Alright, I think we went over quite a lot of destinations for a date. We can choose depending on the weather that day and keep some ideas for later dates. How does that sound?"

I couldn't believe Scaramouche was going to invest himself in preparing a place for a date. He doesn't seem like the type of person who likes going outside.

"Kazuha, are you listening to me?"
"Yes, I am. And it's a good idea. We'll check it out and decide."

I heard some footsteps arriving from behind. I don't think Ei is aware of us yet, and we should tell her soon.

"Boys, isn't the bus arriving now?"

Both Scaramouche and I looked at the time and ran towards the door at the same time.

"Goodbye, Ei. Have a good day, Ei.", mocked the lady.
"Thank you, Ei! Have a good day!", I hurriedly shouted at her.
"Yeah, see you.", added Scaramouche.

I head the lady chuckle before we left the house. We were both out of breath when we arrived to the bus stop which was, at least, close to Scaramouche's house. The big vehicle arrived at the same time as when we arrived.

We sat on the first available bench and sighed.

"I don't know what we would've done without Ei..."
"Me neither... she sure did save us today."

There was no conversation until Scaramouche spoke up when we arrived close to the school.

"Hey, do you know when the guy... um, Gorou... comes to this school?"
"I didn't read ahead. It may be today, I'm not sure. Sorry."

Scaramouche sighed and patted my head. I felt myself burning up.

"Stop apologizing all the time. It's not your fault."
"If he ever tries to push himself onto you, I'll stop him right away."
"No need to overreact..."
"I will if it means keeping you safe!", Scaramouche almost shouted, grabbing the attention of multiple students on the bus.

The sharp look on his face eventually disappeared and he closed his eyes.

"S-sorry.", he whispered.

I held Scaramouche's hand in mine and smiled.

"It's okay. I guess I'll count on you, then. Just don't put yourself in trouble because of me."
"Will do, my good sir."
"That doesn't sound good when you say it."
"I know."

We ended up laughing, the bus arrived and we got off. I joined Scaramouche to his locker and left to go to mine. I took my usual supplies for my class and went back to my partner's locker, where he seemed to wait for me.

When leaving towards the dining area, we caught a glimpse of an icy-blue haired lady who waved at us. Besides her was a blond girl with her hair messily tied, a small gray-haired girl and a man which I recognized, Ayato.

"Is that Ayaka?", I asked.
"Oh yeah, that girl. I think so. Is she waving at us?"
"Let's go, let's go!", I said to Scaramouche, dragging him to the dining area.

When we arrived, the siblings smiled, but the two other girls didn't recognize us, for obvious reasons.

"Hi there, Kazuha, Scaramouche. How are you two?", politely asked Ayaka.
"Yes, we're doing well, thanks for asking. In fact, who are they?", I answered.
"Oh right, I forgot to introduce you! This is Yoimiya and Sayu.", she said, pointing the two girls in question.
"Nice to meet you two. I'm Kaedehara Kazuha, and this is..."
"I'm Scaramouche.", he added.

We took a place besides the group, which seemed rather lively. Ayato was the only one who didn't talk. He was obviously in a higher grade than us, but I'm still wondering why he's hanging out with them.

"Hey, you two.", the man asked.
"What?", rudely answered Scaramouche.
"My my, no need to get all frustrated. I'm just wondering, have you two started going out together already?"

Scaramouche buried his head in his arms, and I stood there, completely surprised by the ease in which he asked the question.

"W-well...", I started.
"...of course we are going out together...", mumbled Scaramouche, his head still hidden by his arms.

An evil smirk appeared on Ayato's face, but it eventually faded away and turned into a smile.

"That's great and all. I'm happy for you two."
"Still, I heard there was someone interested in you not too long ago, so you take care of your boyfriend okay, Scaramouche?"
"Of course I will."

I slightly blushed when Scaramouche answered. His confidence when answering was amazing, but I guess it's proof of how he feels about me.

The bell rang and all of us left to go to our classes. Funnily enough, it was the class Scaramouche and I had in common.

I went to my usual seat and Scaramouche sat next to me. We were lucky enough to have to two places free and not taken by other students like last time. The teacher walked in and started the class when everyone was seated.

We did our usual work, noted our homework and went for the break in the dining area. The same repeated for all our next classes and when the day ended, I waited for Scaramouche at his locker.

When he arrived, he prepared his bag and we got in the bus, walked back home. Miko already finished preparing our food and we ate as soon as we settled in the house.

We finished eating and Scaramouche and I helped clean the dishes. When it was done, I went to study in Scaramouche's room, him following behind.

Instead of studying or doing his homework, though, he took the small book that I saw earlier: his diary. Maybe he's desperately trying to keep his anger issues to himself and need to write down some things.

"Are you still struggling with your anger issues?", I asked, preoccupied.

What he answered at first was unclear. He had a funny look on his face, almost surprised. It took him a while to actually process the question and react to it. When he actually looked like he understood it, he chuckled.

"No, nothing of the sort. I'll just be writing about some good moments today. Don't worry, if I ever feel like something bothers me, I'll tell you."

He gave me a comforting smile and picked up his pen. I read some documents for my science lessons and when my eyes started to close, I put them on the ground and prepared myself to sleep.

"Goodnight, Scaramouche."
"Goodnight, Kazuha."

And it only took a day to forget about the news I received this morning.

Okay everyone I'm back with another chapterrrr!!

Hello everyone, how are you all?

Sorry it took so long for me to upload, the chapter was actually all written or almost but I was just too lazy and I'm so glad I didn't post it, I managed to make it a bit more "readable".

I'm sorry to say I might take things a bit slower though. I'm losing a ton of inspiration and having long writers block, also focusing on art and studies a bit more. I'll be sure to make the chapters entertaining anyways!

Now then, until next time~


btw is anyone pulling for Ayato? because I am ahahahaha-

25th of March, 2022
(1217 words)

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