7. Glimpse Of Your beauty 🏴‍☠️

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•self harm
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                        Word count: 1308



^Darren Pov^

As the blonde head male drove down the road...trees going by fast. And the clouds moving with the speed of the car. I couldn't help but glance at the male. A few times. His beauty was to die for. Especially his blonde hair, and that mole on his nose. With those chocolatey brown shinning eyes!

As we stopped at a red light me and regie made eye contact but I suddenly looked away and out the window, deep in curiosity thoughts.

'What happened?' 'What caused me to go to the hospital?' 'How do these people know me but I have no idea who they are nore who I am?' 'Where are we going?' 'Is he kidnapping me?'

As I was deep In thoughts my phone went off ringing and a unfamiliar number showed on my screen the Id name was "Can't beat the beater" who tf is this bitch calling me?

"Are you gonna answer that?" Regie asked eyes still locked on the road as his member was rising up. Clearly he was hard but I acted like I didn't notice. "Uh No- why would I? Idk this person" I looked out the window once more admiring the beatiful sun shinning bright in my eyes. I glanced back over at regie looking at his fist tightend around the stiring wheel flexing his veins. "That person who keeps calling you is your best friend Olivier. But I call him Oli Bolly" the blonde laughed and returned into a serious expression.

After a short while we made it to a house dont who's house it is. But we walked in looks like he already had a key to the house. Soon as the door flew open a lady ran down the stairs and hugged both of us. She then kissed my forehead and smiled wildly. "I'm so happy your ok my darren bear! Ty regie for staying with him in the hospital" she said rubbing his back and gently smiling again. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but who are you and where am I" I asked furrowing my eyebrows up and down.

"Uh darren I'm your mom!" She said with a worried look on her face. "So uh the doctor said he has brain damage and it caused him to lose his memory!" Regie informed as I shot up a glance at the house. Walking around and up the steps. I walked into a room immediately loving it. "Who's house or room is this?" I asked as I picked up a picture frame of me and 2 other boys in it. "And who are these people in this picture frame?" I asked again as I smiled looking at the boy with curly black hair and a huge smile. Then the other with longer black hair and a funny face looking like this. 👉🏽 🤨

"Uh- oh those 2 there your best friends that's Oliver the one with a huge smile. If you ever had you memory back you'd love him his laugh is kinda contagious...its so funny. And the other that's his younger brother. He's like strict and mean but other times he's a big softie. And to answer you question from earlier, this is your house. And this room is yours" regie smiled rubing my back. I looked him in the eyes leaning backward on the bed lifting my legs up to get comfortable.

Suddenly I felt a weight hover over my body non other than 'Regie' he leaned his head to the side admiring my features and side profile. He then leaned closer eyeing my lips. Then gently placing his lips on mine. I kissed him back and smiled into the kiss as he bit my lip earning a moan to slip out of my mouth. Allowing him to slip his tounge in my mouth, we pulled away for a little while and looked at eachother.

"I want you!" Regie grunted out as he started kissing my neck. I whimpered alittle when his kissed a specific part on my neck. "I want you- t- too" I moaned out as he lifted my legs up getting in between my legs while they draped over his shoulders. He began dry grinding on me as he sucked and bit at the same part on my neck earning lewd moans to slip my mouth.

"I want you- a- all of y- you, RAW~~" I moaned louder as he smirked. And licked his lips before yanking my sweat pants off and my boxers and pulling my hoodie off my head throwing it somewhere in the room. He then yanked his clothes off as well leaving me blushing and admiring his form. "As you wish my baby!" He sucked my neck harder leaving teeth wounds on it. I felt him began fingering me with 2 fingers. 'Nfmhhh~' a short little moan escape my lips I tried to hold my moans in. He inserted another finger in. Squishing all around my hole. Suddenly his hole fist was shoved into my hole. Making me gasp out of shock. Being caught off guard.

He suddenly pulled out and left me in a blushing mess. I whined in frustration and confusion until I looked up and saw him lining himself up with my hole. Then it happened his large member was shoved deep in my hole. Causing me to moan so loud "ahhh~" "nhfmmmm-nfhhmmmmm~" I moaned even louder as a tear formed at the corner of my eye. He pulled out and thrusted back in at a slow and steady pace. "Faster~~" I moaned out trying to catch my breath. I griped the sheets tightly as regie kept thrusting into me more.

That's when it hit me. The memories came back of my old happy yet boring miserable life. Regie, Oliver, Sebastian, Ryan....I finally remember them. My mom- these people are the people who've helped me through alot me and regie started off as just bully and nerd and ended up being romeo and juliet!

I came back to realization out of my thoughts. I looked at regie and adired his beauty once more. "Nfmhhhh~" I moaned again. "Ughhh ahhh~~" "Regie~ I remember~ now~ my memories came back~~" I smiled as I saw his eyes flutter open and him slowing his thrusting down. "My baby~ Darren is that you?" He cued as he rubbed my hair behind my ear and kept thrusting more and more deep inside of me hitting my sweet spot. Eventually I came all over his stomach and mine. "Y- yes daddy its me!" I smiled still moaned softly. Regie began slowly his thrusting down all the way and releasing deep inside of my hole.

He picked me up on his stomach and hugged me tightly kissing everywhere on my face and my neck. "Oh so fucking mercy IVE MISSED YOU!" regie smiled holding me more closely if that's even humanly possible. I felt my stomach hurt and grumble. "Looks like someone is hungry!" Regie smiled and laughed he began rubbing my cheek and kissed my nose.

"Uh not right now I'm kinda tired let's get some rest before we sleep, d- daddy!" I kissed his cheek then put my head in his chest and pulled the cover over our heads and falling asleep.


Next chapter coming soon😩

He he you guys have no idea what's abou to happen next be prepared and grab some popcorn my lovely horny bitches!😩

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