8. 1 Step Forward An 3 Steps Back🏴‍☠️

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There will be
•self harm
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                      Word count: 1340


^Darren Pov^

I woke up immediately limping into the bathroom locking the door and throwing up. "Ahh my stomach hurts so bad..." I whimpered as I sat on the toilet trying to see if i had to poop but that wasnt it. So i crawled out of the bathroom limping towards the door and walked down the steps only to be greeted by not 1 but 3 guys in my living room. (Btw if your wondering yes darren and regie have there clothes on now.I didn't mention this in chapter 7 but they showered after they napped and washed the sheets)

"Hey Darren! How are ya??" Sebastian said running up to me and picking me up which led me to whining in pain and yelling for him to put me down. I held my stomach more and cried into my knees. "Baby what's wrong?" Regie asked as he walked over to me along with ryan whoom rubbed my back and smiled softly at me. "My stomach hurts like really bad...its been hurting since yesterday night when you said I was just hungry now it's just hurting even more!" I yelled whine whimpering and crying. Regie picked me up and carried me onto the couch. Here I'll give you some pancakes and bacon. "Since I already made some for everyone let's see if this helps" he smiled and looked at the others In a 'get his mother' look.

Suddenly my mom came downstairs along with oliver walking beside her. She sat on the couch next to me and hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Baby I know what's wrong with you." She whispered in my ear so the others wouldn't hear her. "What's wrong then?" I whispered while I felt my stomach ache again in pain more viciously. "Ahhhhh! MOMMM- I NEED YOU??" I yelled out falling to the floor and holding my stomach.

My mom picked me up and sat me on the couch once more and gave regie a 'this is your fault' look then scoffed and looked back over at me. "Baby I'll need you to come with me later on so I can show you what's going on with you!" She whispered once more in my ear and smile softly. She stood up and walked up the steps shutting the door.

^Darren Mom Pov^

I walked up the stairs walking into my room shutting the door. And sliding down the door plopping on the floor. 'This can't be happening' 'noo' 'I don't want him to recreate my mistakes' 'if this is true then regie and darren have some explaining to do'

I got up off the floor and went into the bathroom shutting the door and grabbing a box off pregnancy test that had 3 in there. I opened the bathroom door and turned the light off shutting it once again then walked into the bedroom leaving once again shutting the door. I walked down the steps and tears formed in my eyes. I saw darren calmly eating pancakes and bacon at the kitchen table with ryan, sebastian, oliver and regie. Them all laughing and smiling.

I walked over to the table and smiled the best I could before a tear formed in my eye all eyes now on me as. I took the box from behind my back and sat it on the table in front of darren. "Darren! I need you to take this to make sure your not pregnant- I dont want you to make the same mistakes as me getting pregnant at a young age. Dont argue with me about this just take it so I can be sure!" I cried more and watchws darren expression turned into a slight whiny smile. He looked at me and hugged me softly before bolting up stairs with the box in his hand.

^Darren Pov^

I ran straight up the stairs. And walked into my bathroom locking the door and opened the box sitting on the toilet seat. I flipped the seat up and sat on it I put the test under me and peed on it. After I was done I waited a while before I took it back from under my member. I shook it and looked at it. My eyes shot open with tear forming in my eyes. "AHHHH NOOOO THIS CAN'T BE TRUE LET ME TRY AGAIN!" I yelled out pretty sure they all heard me I slipped another on under my member and peed on it. I waited a while then shook it. I cried into my knees as I slid down the toilet crying placing the test on the floor next to me.

I pulled my boxers and my pants up. I head my door open and heard regie voice, asking if I was ok. "DARREN ARE YOU OK?" he yelled out. I didn't want to see him rn because he caused this whole mess in the first place. Wait- no-

^Flash Back^

"I want you- a- all of y- you, RAW~~" I moaned louder as he smirked. And licked his lips before yanking my sweat pants off and my boxers and pulling my hoodie off my head throwing it somewhere in the room. He then yanked his clothes off as well leaving me blushing and admiring his form.

"As you wish my baby!" He sucked my neck harder leaving teeth wounds on it. I felt him began fingering me with 2 fingers. 'Nfmhhh~' a short little moan escape my lips I tried to hold my moans in. He inserted another finger in. Squishing all around my hole. Suddenly his hole fist was shoved into my hole. Making me gasp out of shock. Being caught off guard.

^End Of Flash Back^

"Ahhh shit, I started this shit. I asked for it raw and now look where I am!" I yelled out crying in pain again.

"Baby, can you open the door for me I need to see how your doing and what the test says" regie asked in a calm voice while banging on the bathroom door harshly.

"Go away~~" I cried out screaming in pain from my stomach. "It's all your~~ fault~" I blamed it on his even tho it's my fault. "You should have just said no and wore the damn condom....now look where I am screaming in pain!" I yelled out crying and screaming even more. "What do you mean darren? What's my fault what are you talking about?" Regie asked knocking on the door even harder. I sighed and stood up and unlocked the door. "Are you seriously that stupid?? GOD DAMNITT regie! IM PREGNANT! AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! SHIT IM ONLY 17??!" I yelled for everyone to hear then I walked out the bathroom leave the test on the floor for them to see. I stomped down stairs and walked out the house. Sebastian following behind him.

^Third Person Pov^

Regie walked into the bathroom begin completely stunned by what Darren just said to him. He walked in as well as Darren's mom. She picked up both test and looked at them. Immediately she turn her head the other way letting all her emotions out and walking out the bathroom. Regie looked at the test and his eyes went wide. He immediately felt tears running down his eyes. "Fuck what did I do?" He asked to himself softly as he stumbled out the bathroom and ran down the stairs.

Oliver and ryan following after him as sebastian followed after Darren.


New chapter coming soon...😩

Double update!😩

Did you see it coming? Wait till next chapter I have so many plans for next chapter just wait and see!😩

Make sure to vote comment and add to your reading list. Have a beatiful day mwahh💋😩

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