15. If You Love Me...(Let Me Go)🏴‍☠️

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                     Word count: 1275


^Darren Pov^

I layed in the nurse bed waiting to be released. I stayed in here for about 2 hours.  2 fucking hours of hearing Oliver and sebastian arguing about who makes the youtube video first. They want to create a YT Asian boy group called Northstarboys. But they need 2 extra members. They can't ask justin hes hates them. So they were gonna ask jennie and Rose to join..but they joined a kpop group called black pink. Its pretty lit. (HIT CHU WIT DAT DDU DDU DU🖤💔)

I sighed looking at the bright light shining in the room. I smiled thinking to myself. When will I get out of here. I breathed heavily before closing my eyes going back to sleep.

^40 minutes later^

"Darren, you may leave, to go home now." The doctor came into the room checking ok me waking me up. "Your mom is here to pick you up Darren!" I woke up rubbing my eyes yawning. I put my shoes on and my shirt. Then I left the nurse office and went into the hallway only to be met with regie and my mom.

I sighed waving but he didn't acknowledge me. "Mom!! Your here" running up to her and hugging her tightly. She laughed and smiled. "Look your boyfriend is here aswell" she smiled and rubbed my back. "Uh mom, were not daiting...wever never been it was just 'friends with benefits' regie just wants to be a fling, but- y'know never mind." I sighed and turned away from him. "Darren, you do know your carrying his baby. Do you even know why he doesn't want to date yet? He's done nothing wrong? Just because he doesn't want to date right now?

-" come one Darren don't be slow. Your lucky you even have him. By your side cus if you didn't you'd be broken and depressed. Now that regie is here. Your back and healthy and actually eating food." My mom said, she kinda had a point but I really just want a family of my own. To start with regie but I can't have that so I'll cut him off and let him go.

"Darren just talk to me...I still love you. But were not ready yet" I froze at his words I haven't heard him say I love you in forever. I looked at him then scoffed "if you love me, let me go." "Just like were to young to have a baby yah noted. It sunk in deep in his brain. And in mine "let that sink in regie...you never actually told me a real reason of why you don't wanna be with me. You just said some shity excuse about you going to college and me being a senior."

"I'm done with this shit. If you wanna be a bitch about it, forget it. Idc have a fuckin abortion! At least I know where your loyalty was in our 'fling'. Do you even know what I did to have you? I've cut my friends off for you, taken care of you. Helped your cope. And this is what I get in return. I should at least get a FUCKING BREAK. Let's go back to how we first found eachother. As strangers and enemies. If that's how you want it" He then ran away angrily. And his sobs were heard through the halls.

I stood there and immediately felt bad I couldn't leave him. I looked at him and started crying. I ran back to him chasing after him but. I was to late he was already far gone. He left me! No regie! No dad! Just my mom again.

^The next day of school^

I walked down the hall. As always this time limping more in pain and dragging my feet. "Hey darren you ok! Woah your stomach is getting bigger" sebastian said and rubbed my back. "Why isn't regie with you?" Sebastian asked. I frowned. "I'm not with him anymore even tho he still lives with me only for the baby! I messed up. I should have just accepted his decision now I lost the person I love. Because i let my emotions get the best off me!" I walked down the hall and immediately fell to the ground curling into a ball and whimpering shaking.

"Darren it's ok! I'll get your mom!" And just like that sebastian went to get my mom as I layed in the corner of the hall. Crying and holding my stomach. I lifted my shirt up looking at my little baby bump. I haven't shown anyone how big it gotten only my mom. I then quickly put my shirt down and tried to stand up but was quickly pulled down my a pair of arms. I was punched in the face, by the one and only regie. "Move, you bastard! I'm not in the mood!" I yelled and shoved him out my way limping to the nurse. As regie followed me in.

"Is my mom here yet?" I asked holding my stomach. "Darren lift your shirt up so I can see how far you are in this pregnancy" I lifted my shirt up completely forgetting regie was in here aswell. He must of followed me. "Get out regie!" I yelled and whined screaming. "Nurse get this thing out of me. It hurts ?!" I yelled out. Everyone looked at me including regie. He stared at me with wide eyes and looked at me In disbelief. I mouthed 'I'm sorry for everything. You were right and I was wrong!' "Goodbye! Regie" I sighed before grabbing the knife on the tray and before I could stab myself in the heart. Regie moved the knife away. "Just because I wanna go back to how things were before all this chaos, dosen't mean I want you to die!"

"Regie, I know you hate me...but just let me die have nothing to live for." I sighed and fluttered my eyes close. "You do live for your mom, and you friends!" He said looking at anything else in the room except my eyes. "I'm sorry regie! I shouldn't have tooken my anger out on *coughs viciously*
Y- you. I was angry and sad and the sad time. That I took my anger out on you and my sadness. I became a emotionless bitch and you right I am about to be a senior and you about to be in college...so its only fair to wait. I made plans without even checking how you- you- f- feel" I started having a seizure while regie stood there crying and keeping me still.

The nurse put a mask over my mouth keeping me stable. "Hes about to die we need to give him medicine make sure hes eating well!" The nurse said giving me IV and a certain medication.

"I- if t- theres o- one p- person i- I w- wanna l- l- live f- f- for...its *coughs dangerously* y- y- Y- y- you" I let out deep sigh before collapsing in the pillow.


Next chapter coming soon.....😩

So much drama guys. I have no idea if this chapter made sense i kinda wrote it half sleepily so..😩

Make sure to vote, comment and add to your reading list. Oh and most importantly have a beautiful day 💕😩

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