chapter 1

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Gift to WinJuliandra

as heading to her parents house with a sigh, despite her love for her parents, but she hated going back to her home, in which she lived a large part of her life.
  It became really annoying , so she decided to come here and finally put an end to it, she couldn't stand it anymore.
why should she marry, can't a girl succeed in her life without marriage!. not because she hated the idea of ​​marriage itself, but marrying a nobleman  Weak , idiots who have nothing in their life except spending money, she never imagined her life to be like this, without mentioning the main reason for rejecting marriage proposals is  her heart was owned by another man, she does not imagine to marry someone else than Yami, she will have the courage one day and   tells him the truth about her feelings, but now she has to stop her parents from interfering in her personal life.

  Charlotte entered the palace and took off her helmet and took it in her hand as she looked around , She hadn't come here for a long time.
She felt homesick and her imagination took her to the day when  her curse was active , and trapped her here and Yamie rescued her.

  "Charlotte, you've finally come , Come on, your dad is waiting for you" Her mother's voice brought her back to reality , She smiled at her, and followed her into her father office.
  Charlotte entered the office, mentally preparing for the next headache, and sat down in the chair beside her mother.
"I think your birthday is in two weeks, isn't it? You're going to be 28
I hope you're starting to think seriously about your future" , Charlotte father said in a serious, unemotional tone.
  "Dad, don't worry I'm actually walking in the footsteps of my future and everything is fine", Charlotte replied in a calm tone.
  "Do you call that  future my dear!, you dress like men and throw yourself into every battlefield as if you wanted to kill yourself", Charlotte mother replied, looking at Charlotte with an angry look.
  "What your mom says is true , Stop that nonsense and look at your life", Charlotte father said, making Charlotte angry,
"Dad, Mom, I'm captain of a magic squad that works directly under the wizard King, Stop saying nonsense about my job , so cut it short who is the new guy you want me to marry?  Because there is no need for you to tire yourself with introductions and your usual words".
  Her father stood from his desk, anger lit up in his eyes,
"Don't say about James like that, he's one of the richest families in Clover, and your marriage will support our family, and you'll miss the age of marriage if you stay like this".

  "I don't care who he is because I won't marry a cowardly nobleman, when  my curse active they all ran away , and none of them helped me, even if I was over thirty I will not marry him",  Charlotte said as she standing from her chair .
  "Come on my dear, there is no need for all this anger , Your father is thinking about what is better for you. Sit I'll bring you something to drink so you can calm down ، We will come to a solution that satisfies you"، Charlotte mother said, forcing Charlotte to sit down and go to a table far from them and turn her back to Charlotte, pouring her a glass of juice. She took out a strange powder from her sleeve and put it in the juice without Charlotte noticing as she muttering "I'm sorry my little girl , but it's for your own good" , and She came back and gave Charlotte the juice , after she drank it, Charlotte feeling that her mind was getting foggy and something was wrong, she tried to stand up
  “What did you do…” she could say before she passed out


  3 days after the accident, there was a meeting for the captain , Yami arrived late as usual, when he entered, he received as usual looks from Nozel and the rest of him for being late.
  “Late as usual” , Nozel said coldly
  "Aren't you used to this, braid man, I'm always the last to arrive, so what's new?" , Yami replied as he entered to sit in his chair, but he suddenly stop and looked around.
  "It seems that I'm not the last this time, it seems that prickly queen has not arrived yet".
  "It's strange Charlotte never been late for meetings before"  fuegoleon said.
  "Shall we wait for her, sir?" Rill asked .
  "No, we'll start without her , I asked Marx to call her, but he couldn't find her anywhere , Perhaps she's busy with something important," Julius replied, trying to hide the worry in his voice.

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