chapter 3

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Yami returned with Julius to his office .
He was walking and muttering angrily, there's something wrong with Charlotte But he can't put his finger on it, How did she forget the most important thing in her life and what she sought with all her might?.
He and Julius tried to think about if loss her memory  was accidental or planned , But they didn't have anything .

They heard a knock on the door and were it was  Nozel   .
Nozel who was starting to look surprised at seeing Yami here .
"Sorry to interrupt, I wanted to report my mission, but you seem busy, I'll come back later" , Nozel mumbled.
"You don't have to leave, it's not a private matter, I was going to ask for a captain's meeting tomorrow to tell you about it" Julius said.
  Nozel nodded and entered , Julius told him what happened and Charlotte decision to leave her squad, but Nozel didn't seem surprised by what he heard Which made Yami ask him.
" Is there anything you're hiding, braid owner?"
"Not actually, but I was not surprised. I heard rumors in the morning,  she had agreed to engagement from Sir James , He is from a noble family and is expected to leave her position as a captain to take care of her life ".

Yami widened his eyes in shock, "Engagement! What are you babbling about? This can't be true," Yami said in a loud voice , Which made Nozel look at him with a look that confirms that what he says is true .
“I see” , Julius replied
"Won't you do something about this Julius?"  Yami replied nervously  .
" You don't know how nobles think" Nozel replied seriously.
" Yami clam down! ، It is her decision that I can't interfere with "  Julius' replied .

"How do you want me to calm down after what happened? Can you believe Charlotte would give up her squad, even if she gets married!  This is not her personality!   " .
Yami replied nervously , and When he did not receive an answer from Julius, he left the room in anger.
Julius sighed and looked at the door That just closed, Yami was right Charlotte has always been so worthy and sincere in her job , How will she suddenly leave everything without explaining this in addition to her sudden loss of memory It was suspicious.

Yami returned to his base, he didn't want to see anyone or talk to him , He entered his room and lay on the bed and lit a cigarette , He needed to clear his mind, everything that had happened in the past two days was
Maybe what happened with Charlotte is weird, but why would he care about her? Was he will worry if this happened to any other captain!? , but Why did he lose his temper when he told him she was going to marry? He felt like a fire was burning in his chest .
The picture of Charlotte kept chasing him, and that strange feeling he felt from her! , She lost her memory but why her ki change towards him ? It was completely different from before .
He grabbed a cigarette and smashed it on the table , and put a pillow over his head in an attempt to forget about it and fall asleep But he couldn't .


the next day Charlotte  was in her garden and heard some voices, a servant told her that it was a group of girls who wanted to see her and her mother asked her to fire them, Charlotte told the maid that she would do this .
she walked towards the gate ,she found That brown girl with several girls wearing a Blue roses squad robe.
They must be her girls, the Girls approached her with tears on their faces she didn't want to cause troubles.

"Captain, why did you leave us?"
"Are you really You will marry noble   man?".
Charlotte had a lot of questions, but she didn't know what to answer.
" I'm sorry for doing this but I have to, you are strong you can go on ، on your own, please forgive me،   " Charlotte whispered as she tried to control herself , And don't cry in front of them .
“But what about Captain Yami, are you going to abandon him?” she heard one of the girls Says
" Yami? abandon him? what does this mean??" Charlotte asked, but before she could get an answer, she heard someone's steps coming
"You better leave now " Charlotte said
The girls obeyed her and left, and Charlotte went back inside And in her mind a lot of questions.

That afternoon Charlotte went out to buy some things from the market, she was walking with James and her mind was blank She doesn't understand anything of what happened ،  She didn't love him, but she would always stick to her words , and she had to accept a marriage proposal for the sake of her family ,She is not the type to back off .

What rest  her was ، she knew that she was able to succeed and Create a squad included girls and who would get recognition for it , she may not remember them , but as she was a captain, they will be strong girls who can go their own way without her.
after James entered a store she heard a voice calling her name,she looked back , And she felt someone grab her wrist and drag her into a nearby alley .

She took out her thorns to attack the person, but his voice was stopped her.
" Get your thorns off Charlotte, I know you hate me, but not to kill me" .
Charlotte looked at Yami suspiciously. "What do you want, foreigner?" Charlotte said in a serious voice.
"What if you stop calling me that, it's annoying , now I'm  captain of a squad like you" , Yami said annoyance evident in his voice .

Charlotte removed her thorns and looked at him well, he looked different from what she remembered. He was older , And he's got muscles, maybe he's getting a little handsome.
Her face turned red, how can she think like that of such a barbaric person ?.
“What do you want?” she could Says .
"I want to understand what's going on with you, Julius doesn't want to interfere, but I know you well Charlotte, you are strong and stubborn and I can't believe that any reason even if it is a man Makes you leave your squad" Yami replied.

For some reason Charlotte felt these words were very familiar to her , and made her feel very warm, had she heard them before?.
here her head began to hurt , She put her hand on it, which made Yami afraid .
" Are you ok ?" He whispered as he approached her and put his hand on her  forehead To check if she has a fever .
Charlotte felt Disturbed and her body trembling, she quickly moved away from him and hit by the wall   .

Yami feels a change in Charlotte Ki  , he don't know what to do, he looked at her with a questioning look.
Charlotte sighed and looked away from him , She knew he was waiting for an answer to her actions, and She met Yami on missions before, he might have been fighting impulsively But he was always Serious, and Julius trusted him, she also remember what her girls said , She knew She has to trust him a little because she sensed that something was wrong and her parents were lying to her.

"It's complicated, it's something about my family and my curse It made a hole in my memory in reverse , I don't remember anything What happened after the curse activation   ,  James helped us And I should marry him I promised that, and if I did all traces of the curse will be gone,  I will do it Even if it costs me to give up my dream" . Charlotte said in a low voice .

Yami across his hands on his chest while he heard what Charlotte said And raised his eyebrow .
" I don't know anything about your family ، I didn't know why your curse was gone at that time, but I don't remember seeing a man there " yami  mumbled.

Charlotte was surprised by what she had heard , she wanted to ask him if she had understood it correctly , but  she heard James voice , She looked behind her to find James outside a store looking for her .
"I have to go, we'll talk later," Charlotte said, walking toward a store And leave Yami alone while she thinking ,
"He didn't see what?! ,Was Yami there when  my curse actived? "

To be continued....

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