chapter 8

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Yami was back from training in the woods near his base When he saw a gate open and Asta, Noelle and Finral
entered through from it.

Looks like they've finished their mission in the Heart  kingdom He was grateful that they were back before Charlotte and her squad came along, though There was no chance for Asta sword to succeed in cancel the spell on Charlotte, but It's the only hope they have, He does not deny that he liked Charlotte dealings with him after losing her memory and that she was no longer running from him, but he missed her old personality ، and her reactions to his harassment.

He was no longer sure of anything,  but what he was sure of was that after what happened this period that he wanted to stay by her Whatever it takes .
He approached his squad and grabbed Asta by the head .
"Why are you disappearing when we need you?" Yami said while catch Asta head .
" captain We were on mission," Asta shouted as he tried to break out of Yami fist.
“The members of the Blue Roses Squad are coming for training today so get ready And I want you to try your sword, perhaps cancel a spell on Charlotte." Yami said while throwing Asta, who got up and ran towards the headquarters with the rest, saying, "Yes, captain." 

Yami went to his room and took a quick shower and got dressed, He was looking at himself and checking if his clothes were good, He sighed running his fingers through his hair, not knowing why he would be nervous when meeting Charlotte and take care of his clothes? And since when is his bath fast?.
  Suddenly he heard a hustle and know from it that the members of blue roses had come .
He went out to a common room and searched among  the members of the Blue Roses squad They were worried , and raised an eyebrow when he realized that Charlotte had not come! .

" Where is your captain?  yami asked.
" We have no idea when she didn't come to the base, we thought she she came before us  here." Sol replied .
Yami is starting to get worried, It's not Charlotte actions, he was afraid her parents would do something to her again.
Suddenly he heard a light knock on the door, Asta went to open the door. He was in his thoughts when he heard Asta screaming.
They all went to the door and when Yami looked, one of Charlotte girls was lying on the floor, with marks on her body.
" Galgaria, are you okay, what happened?" He heard Puli voice as she leaned on the ground to hold her friend.
The girl opened her eyes with difficulty and whispered: “Save the captain, that man who wanted to marry the captain he kidnapped her”
When Yami heard these words, he lost his mind and felt angry, he wanted to tear that bastard, how dare he do this to Charlotte.

"Finral open the gate to Charlotte parents house, And the girls from blue roses go with Finral and report to wizard King what happened" Yami shouted .
" But captain..." Finral said frightened, but when he saw the killer glow from Yami, he opened the gate Yami crossed the gate, followed by gauche .

Finral opened another gate to the wizard King place.
Yami came out of the gate and entered to Charlotte parents house by forced , gauche tried to calm his captain nerves, but he didn't look like he could So he kept accompanying him so that he wouldn't cause many problems .
Yami broke into the inner palace door and smashed it when Charlotte father came out of his office while he was Angry and scream
"What else do you want"
"Where did you go with Charlotte?" Yami said angrily .
"And how do I know , didn't you smuggled her out of a house Previously?" . Charlotte father replied in a condescending tone ، This made Yami lose patience and smash the wall next to him , which made Charlotte father feel fear .

"Wait, wasn't my daughter with you? Where is she? Is she okay?" , Yami heard Charlotte mother frightened voice
“Do you want to convince me that you don’t know that cowardly noble man kidnapped her?” Yami replied, and the surprised look on Charlotte parents eyes assured him that they didn't know anything .
"No way, James wouldn't do something like that," Charlotte father replied worriedly.
"One of the girls saw him," gauche replied .
Which made Charlotte father collapse and sit on one of the chairs, he couldn't believe James would do something to harm his daughter.

Charlotte opened her eyes with difficulty, trying to focus where she was She could hardly sit up, but could move her hands and realized that her hands were tied and she still felt dizzy.
" Finally,You woke up "  , Charlotte heard James voice .
"What do you want from me?" Charlotte replied in an icy voice .
"What do I want from you? Seriously? I'm tired of you and ran after you, you didn't see anyone under your nose, How can a woman reject me? I am from the oldest richer noble family in Clover , Nobody tells me no girl" James replied, looking at Charlotte arrogantly.

"That's why you made my father use that drug so that I lose my memory and you lie to me to marry you?"  Charlotte asked.
"I was the one who gave him that spell, it was the only way to marry you, but you remained stubborn and because of that foreigner the plan failed, but there is nothing that cannot be fixed, we will stick to our plans and marry tomorrow." James was speaking so confidently that Charlotte annoyed you and tried to move her hand, maybe she could pull some magic out .
"Don't try, I injected you with a drug that temporarily prevents you from using your magic ، And that will stay away from you " James replied as he walked away from Charlotte and went to a table and took her grimoire.

"You bastard, how do you think I'll agree to marry you? I won't, even if it's on my dead body." Charlotte growled angrily .
" You will do this and give up that nonsense being a magic knight, you are a lady only for marriage and procreation , not for fighting like men, and if you don't agree, I will lock you up here forever and force you to have children without marriage ,I don't care about marriage, what I care about is Possessing you ".
Charlotte was looking at that man with disgust, he seemed to have lost his mind , She should have tried to buy time while someone found her .

" There are people who will look for me, find me, and kill you before you do anything.”
"You mean that foreigner, I think he'll be dead in a few hours I sent him my best hired killer." James replied with smile at Charlotte
" Try to hurt him and I will kill you " Charlotte replied as she tried to control  herself، because her heart fell when she heard this, she was afraid for Yami, she knows he is strong to defend himself, but what if they betray him? The idea hurt her heart, without knowing why.
" Why are you interested in that foreigner more than I am? He's nothing but a savage, why do you prefer him to me?" James shouted, but Charlotte preferred not to answer, not because she didn't want to, but because she didn't know the answer to why Yami is so important to her ، Which made James get angry and get out of a house

At Charlotte's parents' house, Julius had arrived, and Yami was walking into the room angrily. The idea that someone kidnapped Charlotte and might harm her set his heart on fire .
They tried to search James house and ask those close to him where he is But no one knows where he is
“Where could he have taken her"  Julius asked ، But Charlotte father did not answer , This made Charlotte mother explode with anger at her husband .

" Everything  happened to my daughter is because of you ، You listened to that despicable man and carried out that evil plan, without caring what your daughter wanted.”.
“She should have gotten married to pass on our family inheritance,” Charlotte father replied
“ this is enough I will not stand still again,this is her life and not yours, my daughter will choose her life as she wants,  to marry or not or to be a magic knight, I will stand and support her , and I will not allow you to approach her and force her to do anything She don't want , or else I'll leave this house to you, and now make up your mind and think where James might have taken your daughter " Charlotte mother was very angry at her husband, who remained shocked at his wife's reaction And he did not dare to oppose it

"I'm not sure, but before James used to show off a house he bought in the East on a hill, I don't know if he took her there or not" Charlotte father said recently .
"Where is it?" Yami said angrily as he grabbed Charlotte father shirt
After Yami Having taken home location  ,  and he ordered Finral to open  gate, but since Finral had not gone to that area before,  he opened a gate to the nearest place to the area, Yami refused to let anyone else go with him, so James wouldn't feel any movement and hurt Charlotte .
A broom was brought and given to yami to use on his return , And he left quickly, in fact he wanted to kill that man himself ، Because he dared to hurt someone important to him 

To be continued.....

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