chapter 9

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Charlotte broke a glass and tried to use a piece of glass to rip the rope ، It was already night and it was dark in a house except for the light of a lamp , her body still weak, but she didn't give in to , the idea that someone was going to kill Yami  pissed her off, she still confused, She wasn't on good terms with Yami but what she went through in the last week made her close to him,  and made her feel a warm feeling that she had never felt before, but she loved that feeling .

She could finally tear the rope  but she Suddenly  felt a movement and saw James enter and approach her, She pretended to be still tied up.
"Have you thought about what I told you?" James said as he grabbed Charlotte chin and tried to kiss her by force, Charlotte took advantage of his approach and hit him on the head, causing him to fall behind while holding his head in pain.
Charlotte tried to get up ، And as far as her body would allow her, and she untied the rope from her hands, but her body was weak .

James got up and grabbed her by the hand and put her on the floor. Charlotte kicked him in the stomach and pushed him away and got up to run away to The table and took her own grimoire.
James jumped from behind her and tried to take grimoire from her. Charlotte began to pull him from him and mustered the rest of her strength to push him,  James lost his balance and fell, causing a lamp to fall to the ground and setting fire to a house .

" I won't let you get out of here And go to that foreigner , you're going to die here with me." James said standing up
"This is not the time for this , We need to get out of here" , Charlotte tried to persuade him to get out of a house.
But James moved to the other side of the room away from the door laughing , Charlotte looked at him in skeptically ، And she noticed a barrel next to him , and from the smell She could tell that there was gunpowder in this barrel.
It's seems James lost the rest of his mind, she tried to walk as much as her body allowed her, the effects of the drug were starting to wear off. And she was able to pull out some thorns and destroy the door and get out of a house and  ran ، before the house explodes.

She was leaning against a tree trying to catch her breath,  and Suddenly it started raining she looked at the sky , her arm was injured and bleeding but she's still alive, and she has to save Yami before the people who James  sent them kill yami ، she remembered the bottle that her mother gave her before she was kidnapped , she took out a vial, drink its contents and started walking .
now She doesn't need to recover her memories to know her feelings To Yami, she knew that he was someone important to her and she didn't want to lose him and be with him forever and that she loved him, Whatever memories that she get back, it does not matter to her anymore,because she has found the love of her life.

Meanwhile before the explosion In a second, Yami was seeing the house from afar and was watching it and thinking of a way to break into it. Suddenly the house exploded, Yami heart fell when he saw the explosion.
“No, no, this cannot happen, I will not lose you” Yami muttered and started running toward a house he was running hysterically and stumbling.

He didn't want to lose Charlotte now  he finally found out his feelings for her , she weren't just important person to him she means everything to him , And he loves her , and wants to be with her forever, he wants her to stay alive and tell her his feelings, It doesn't matter if she reject him or not , But he doesn't want to regret in the future for not telling her his feelings , There is nothing more to lose .

It started to rain heavily But he didn't care if he wet with rain and kept running , this rain will not put out the fire that burns inside him , The fire had engulfed the entire house, Yami could see it in front of him, which increased his fear and made him scream out loud in her name

To be continued.....

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