chapter 5

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Charlotte spent the whole night thinking about Yami words, which were logical and more believable than her parents story ، Which was mysterious and they also didn't give her the reason for breaking the curse or details like the one yami gave her.
But what baffles her the most is the reason for her loss of her memory, why she lost it now after all these years , Is it really like what her parents said it's because of the curse or It is something else.

She didn't want to believe that her parents were involved in this, and  they would do this to their only daughter ، But changing her parents  of the story of amnesia, especially after Julius and yami visit to her, As if they had made it to cover their first story they told her, because they weren't expecting Julius to visit them.
So she made her decision and she will not stay in lying , And she'll go see Marx if he has the memory magic like what Yami said he'll show her what happened when she lost her memory.

She was planning to sneak out again in the morning, she didn't want to confront her parents and tell them what she was going to do, What if they are honest? How will she face them? , She preferred to do it secretly .
But it seems her mother had other plans, because in the morning she put maids to watch her room, so that she wouldn't sneak out like yesterday  ، and her mother told her that the wedding was scheduled for next week without taking her opinion , And she won't leave the house until her wedding day , She did not understand why her mother was afraid if she leave the house،  this increased suspicion in Charlotte heart ،

Her father blocked the entrance to the palace with guards to prevent her from escaping, she was smiling while watching them
They seem not to know her at all, and that she knows a palace more than them, and that during her childhood she slipped out of here without noticing her many times .
Charlotte pretended to go to the kitchen and slipped through a side door overlooking the back garden of the palace.

She slipped away before they noticed her, and with her thorns she climbed over the fence and escaped.
She was running trying to get away  from a palace, but her dress delayed her movement , She felt the guards voice and tried to increase her speed to get away from them.

On that day fate seemed to be playing in Yami favour, he was walking the city streets He was Worried on Charlotte after talking to her, afraid she would get into trouble with her family because of what he told her، So he was going to see her, he was thinking of a way to meet her without causing trouble, he was absentminded When a speeding person bumps into him,

" Don't you look in front of you as you walk?" Yami said angrily ، The collision didn't affect him but he wasn't in the mood for this .
" Sorry I didn't notice  you"  a quiet voice muttered, as he looked down, he blinked a few times To be sure of what he was seeing.
it was Charlotte who bumped into him, and they both looked at each other in surprise , The last thing they expected was to meet each other here .
Yami want to ask her why she was running , until hearing men voices   screams and tells her to stop .

"I'll explain everything later, are we running away now?" Charlotte said, taking Yami hand and dragging him behind her and started running.
Yami was ready to fight those men, but  Charlotte grabbed his hand and dragged him behind her ,he didn't know what to do, he even forgot how to think.

The feel of her soft hand on his rough hand was strange, but it was so sweet, that he did not even remember if he had shook Charlotte hands before   ، But this touch stirred something inside of him so he just followed it, he was ready to follow it to the end of the earth even if she ask .

They stopped in a side alley, and Charlotte was panting, trying to catch her breath .
"I think we lost them," she muttered.
“Why did you run from them, are you stole something?” Yami joked. Charlotte looked at him with a frightening icy look, reminding him of her usual looks at him.
He didn't plan to say this, but he wasn't used to communicating with Charlotte, and all they did was insult each other ، This was strange to him

" Of course not, but I was running away from my parents, they wanted to lock me up in a house and force me to marry next week ".
Yami was angry at what he heard at what time they are! Is anyone forcing their daughter to marry? , nobles are eccentric Although , Charlotte ran away, but he wanted to make sure of her decision .
"And you don't want to get married," he asked.
“At first I agreed because he saved me and I owed him ، But there are a lot of strange things, and what you told me about what happened when my curse active, it made me suspect they were lying , That's why I want to check  what happened and why I lost my memory, before making any decision" Charlotte replied, putting her hand on her waist.

"You agreed to a marriage because you owe him because he saved you?! I've never heard anything so stupid before like that , if someone saved you just to marry you, it's called exploitation , And he is a bad person who does not deserve you, if you want to marry , you have to choose well and someone who loves you and you love him to live together, not for this nonsense, I thought you were smart Charlotte, how do you think like that?" , Yami was very upset when he heard how Charlotte makes such a fateful decision in such a way .

Charlotte cheeks are red when she heard Yami words, all her life No one has treated her with such kindness, and he sees that she chooses what suits her And it's not what suits her family ، His words were gentle and calm that entered her heart.
" Ok , If that's the case, let's go see Marx," she answered, trying to avoid looking at Yami smiled and took her to see Marx .


In the office of the wizard king Charlotte tells Julius what happened and wants Marx to read her memories.
Marx thought for a moment And he answered:-
"I can read your memories of the past period and know the reason for your memory loss, But I don't know if this is possible about what happened when you're curse active,  because this something happened 10 years ago, I didn't do it before, I don't think I can go to that day specifically، And maybe I should see everything you've been through in 10 years , Other than being something difficult and requiring a lot of magic and mana,
I think this is an intrusion into your private life and maybe there are things you don't want anyone to know" .

Charlotte thought for a moment, what Marx was saying might be true, she might have lost her memories, but she didn't want to know it or retrieve it in this way, she wanted to discover it for herself, And maybe she has things she doesn't want them to know .
So she made my decision.
" I want to know what happened when I just lost my memory, If I find out what caused this, it will explain the rest of things, As for what happened 10 years ago, Yami told me about it before, and I believe him, so there is no need to see it , because we will not see anything new or a reason to break my curse, Unless your magic reads my thoughts too" , Charlotte replied.

Yami smiled upon hearing that she trusted him and believed everything he said, he was always used to people suspecting him and accusing him of whatever happened , And they lie what he said , That's why he value Charlotte words so much .
He wanted to leave the room, he didn't want to intrude on Charlotte privacy, but she stopped and asked him to stay .
Charlotte did not know why she asked him for this, but she felt that she needed him after seeing what had happened , and that she was safe with him without knowing why.

Julius was watching them with a smile, it may have been painful what Charlotte went through last time, but it seems because what happened the two captains are close in a way that they wouldn't have done normally .

Marx began to read Charlotte memories and see what she went through during those days, until the day she lost her memory , and she was at her parents house, the last thing in her memory was when she took the juice from her mother and drank it , and then it became   Everything was black until she woke up in her bed.
There was a minute of silence after seeing what happened.

“wait , What happened, why did the memories turn black, we didn’t see what happened?” Yami asked .
"I'm only reading the memories that the person saw , I can't see something that happened and the person eye didn't see it, and it turned black because apparently she fainted" Marx answered.

  Charlotte tried to tie things up , It hurt when she found out
"what happened to me happened when I drank the juice that my mother gave me"
Charlotte said it with pain, she was wishing until the last minute that her parents had not involved , But they are the reason for what happened to her , They give her something to lose her memory and force her to marry James  .

" Everything will be fine Don't worry, you're strong, you'll get through this, maybe we'll see if Owen has a cure to you" , Yami muttered in a calm voice after sitting next to her.
Charlotte nod to him with her head, she was unable to speak , she did not want to collapse in front of them , She is stronger than this.

to be continued....

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