chapter 10

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Charlotte was walking slowly because of her head pain, her mind became foggy and she couldn't focus,  There were thousands of images interfering inside her mind, she felt like her head was going to explode , Looks like the anti-spell effect is starting to work and her memory is starting to come back.
"What a time to get my memory back"، Charlotte muttered as she put her hands on her head in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the headache.

Suddenly, she heard a distant voice calling her name, At first she thought she was imagining it, but the sound is getting closer and closer and she can distinguish the owner of the voice
"Yami" she whispers smiling and starts trying to run but The ground was muddy because of the rain as well as her headache
She started screaming Yami name as loudly as she could as she walked towards Yami voice .
Yami couldn't believe himself when he heard Charlotte voice, he smiled and started running towards her .
" Stay where you are, I'm coming," he shouted, although Charlotte heard him but she continued walking in the rain and her memories began to become more clear as Yami voice approached her.

  she stopped When her mind became clear and almost all of her memory came back, she laughed when she realized the truth and remembered who she was,  And who is Yami for her, she couldn't believe that she fell in love with the same man twice,
It seems that no matter how much fate takes her away from him, she will fall in love with him again .

Then she heard his voice in front of her, she looked up to him , He was standing, leaning on a tree panting As he looked at her, fear and anxiety appeared on his face .
" Yami "she screamed and ran towards him.
   yami saw Charlotte standing in front of him, her arm was hurt but she was fine.
When he saw her running to him, he ran up to her too, And when she got close, he didn't think he acted instinctively and grabbed her and hugged her in his arms.
He couldn't stop the tears from falling from his face  .
" I thought I lost you" , Yami muttered, hugging Charlotte tight  .

Charlotte cheeks turned red when yami hugged her, she was tired to object on this , and she didn't want to push him away because she felt warm and safe in his arms 
At last, Yami loosened his hugge and looked at Charlotte as he inspected her  ,"Are you okay, did that bastard hurt you? I swear I'm going to kill him."
"Yami I'm fine, I think he died, He was inside the house when it exploded." Charlotte tried to calm down yami.

She wanted to tell him her feelings first and that she had loved him for a long time, but he didn't seem to give her the chance And he started talking quickly
" Listen Charlotte, I know you don't remember me well, and you hate me, but I won't let anyone hurt you, and I want to be with you.... " .

" I remember.. " Charlott said  tried to stop him , But he didn't stop , so she moved her hands and put them on his face and pulled him to her and kissed him to silence him .
Yami froze with the kiss , Charlotte surprised him, but he returned the kiss , It was a gentle and calm kiss that was the most beautiful thing he had ever happened to in his life.
When Charlotte broke his kiss, he looked at her wondering what this kiss meant
" I told you I remember and my memory come back, Will you just be quiet and let me talk?" Charlotte said .
Yami nodded and focused on Charlotte ki,  her ki was restless and tense, as before she lost her memory, she seems  get her memory back.

"Firstly, I don't hate you, and secondly I love you since long time" Charlotte said briefly, looking into yami eyes,.
"You love me?" Yami blinked, trying to comprehend what Charlotte had said.
“Yeah, you idiot, since you saved me from my curse 10 years ago,” Charlotte said shyly.
"Wow, it looks like I was so stupid because I didn't realize this before," Yami said with a sly smile when he realized that her Ki was troubled not because  she hate him but love him, it was so obvious but he was too thik to realize this  .

" Just stupid" , Charlotte mumbled, trying not to look at Yami because she realized  His arms still around her waist .
Yami smiled Charlotte pulled him closer and ran his hand over her wet hair that stuck to her face And gave her a quick kiss
" It's raining if we stay here we'll get sick, what do you say we go to my room to continue our conversation? You know, I'm so thick I don't get it quickly, I need you to explain it to me in detail، Besides I need to tell you something" Yami  whispered in Charlotte ear.

Charlotte face was red like a tomato when she heard what Yami said .
"I don't know, the girls are going to be worried about me because of what happened." Charlotte tried to hold her own and be strong so she wouldn't pass out. 
" I'm going to call Julius to tell them I found you , and you need to treat the cut on your hand, so you need to stay comfortable tonight "  .
"Are you going to use the wizard king?" Charlotte replied, laughing.

"Believe me, he wants this to happen more than us ، so let's go It's good that I brought a broom with me because to  return it's close to here" Yami replied while holding Charlotte in his arms and leaving the place.
Looks like this night will be long for both of them , and it will be full of confessions and expressions of their love for each other.

The end.

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