chapter 4

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Charlotte back to her parents house And her mind is still busy, Yami words are still ringing in her head .
His words were clear, He was there during her curse activity and he said that James wasn't there.
what does that mean ? Were her parents lying to her? .

She was confused and lost You don't know who to believe ، But she's sure there's something wrong with the story his parents told her ، And there's only one person in this palace loves her and won't lie to her .
Charlotte went to find her nanny.
after searching and pressing her, the nanny told her  she was not in the palace the day her a curse  active, and she doesn't know what really happened, and Charlotte told her she will not depend on nobles men ، and she just needs to get stronger .

The nanny words assured her that her parents lied, but before confronting them, she must know the truth of what happened ، It seems Yami the only one who knows what happened that day ,And she has to go talk to him .
She didn't like him , but she should talk to him , At the beginning of her career as a magic knight, there were many problems with Yami because of his carelessness and his sharp tongue , She never liked if he superior  her or to see her weakness  , He is a man and a foreigner, and this considered an insult to her In the past .

But it seems that a lot of things have changed and he knows a lot about her.
Yes, she'll deal with him if it means she'll know the truth, and maybe get her out of the trouble of marrying that hateful man.
But what was really deep inside her was that something different had happened to her some time ago about Yami she doesn't know what it is , because it's a feeling she's never felt before , And she likes to know what it is

In the evening she slipped out of the palace, and was able to find out where the black bulls  base were is.
She walks through the woods looking for it and she thinks about why Yami made his base here, away from the capital, unlike the rest of the squads.

She sensed a magical power nearby and it was a powerful force So she tried to sneak up on who had that power.
She hid behind the trees and watched the place when she saw Yami not far away, he was training with his sword and almost smashed most of the trees around him 
She was so surprised, it seems that Yami has changed a lot during this time and has become strong And he's still training  ,
His body was covered in sweat and his breathing heavy, it seemed that he had been training here for a long time.
When Yami stopped training to drink water, she watched his body carefully. He's getting bigger and more muscular, she found him to be more attractive  .
There was pain in her stomach for this thought and her cheeks blushed, why is she thinking of it in this way!She shook her head to get those thoughts out of her head.

At that time, Yami was busy with training and didn't notice that anyone was coming And when he stopped to drink water, he sensed the presence of someone, he was going to direct his magic to that person But he feel Charlotte ki is there .
He was surprised What are she doing here, especially after meeting them this afternoon when She was with her fiancé , why did she come here!.
" Why are you hiding there, prickly queen?! It's good that I read yours Ki before I hit you with my magic" , Yami said out loud so Charlotte can hear him.

Charlotte came out and said, "I don't know how ki works so  you can find out who a person is ، And I wasn't hiding!"
“Then what brought you here?” Yami said as he sat on a high rock next to him.
" Why are you setting up your base in a distant forest?!” Charlotte muttered And she's trying to catch her breath, why is she nervous while she's talking to him?
“I asked first,” Yami said as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.
Charlotte moved her hand in front of him Emotion to express her annoyance about smoke , But it seems he doesn't care  .

"Ok it's about what you said today about my curse, are you really there when it got active?" Charlotte asked, crossing her hands in front of her  chest .
Yami looked at her skeptically, she seemed to be serious, he didn't know much about what happened that day and why the curse broked , But if it helps Charlotte come back, he'll tell her what she wants , He has not yet accepted her distance and left her position, perhaps he was always bothering her But he loved having her by his side and seeing her reactions, and her disappearance last period was hell for him, He couldn't stand the thought of her getting married and leaving him forever .
He pulled out his cigarette and smashed it with his foot and stood up to face her and looked at her, thinking for a moment how attractive she looked while she standing there , But he blamed himself for thinking, how dare he think of her like that, and this isn't the right time for this .

" Ok let's see , It was about ten years ago I was still in Julius' squad and he sent me on Mission, and when I got back I went for soup at a store recommended by Julius, who by chance was close to your palace Suddenly the ground shook and the soup spilled on me, and I went to check it out ،Your magic was out of control and  Everywhere your house is surrounded and everyone is running away and your thorns are catching them , I rip off your thorns by my magic and find you in the middle of that mess , And your thorns were pressing you, I don't know if you gave up at the time or what, we spoke for a moment and suddenly the thorns started to disappear" .
Yami tried to sum it up, he didn't want to tell Charlotte that he felt the fear, powerlessness and shame emanating from her that day , he wouldn't want embarrass her.

Charlotte looked at him suspiciously, "We just talked? And the curse is gone What did you say to me?" Charlotte said , what Yami said The same she heard from others, so it's true to what he says, but just talk to him, remove the curse, that what she did not understand!.
"I don't know what breaks your curse, but yeah we just talked, I told you that you've always been strong but that doesn't prevent you from depends on others because we have a lot of strong magic knights for you to depend on." Yami decided to be honest with her.

When Charlotte heard these words, she felt a warmth in her heart she did not know why, she used to be strong in order to break her curse and did not think of depend on others ، Despite this, she was unable to get rid of her curse! And simple words from this man smashed her curse, seems he does not know The reason behind her curse was broken, and she must discover this for herself.
"What about James? Was he there?" Charlotte finally asked  .
"No, he wasn't there, because Nobel men ran away like chickens when your thorns came out" Yami answered her .

Charlotte laughed , This was an accurate expression of what nobles would do if they were in danger.
Her laugh made Yami freeze in place, he doesn't remember seeing Charlotte laugh, that's how she really looked  beautiful .
Charlotte was almost sure that what Yami was saying was true but why her parents lied to her she didn't know so she wanted to be more sure. "And how do I know that what you are saying is true?" She Ask him Honestly .

"If you don't believe my words, there's Marx , Go to him and he'll read your memories and he'll show you what happened that day or how you lost your memory."
"Marx? Who is this! Is there really magic like that?" Charlotte asked, opening her eyes in shock, she didn't know there was such magic like that, It seems that she did not meet Marx at that time.
Yami nodded his head for sure.
"I'll see what I can do , Thank you for your time, I have to go" ,Charlotte said as she farewell to Yami.

Yami kept watching her until she disappeared completely , and returned to his base, to lie on his bed And he thinks about what happened, why was he so interested in Charlotte, Why did he find her attractive?!, and why he is interested in canceled the marriage and returning the matter to what was in the past.
He sensed a slight change in her ki when he told her what really happened.
It seems difference her ki is hiding a secret behind it .

To be continued.....

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