chapter 2

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Yami asked Sol to return to her base and left it up to him, and went to see  Julius .
Yami mind was going to explode, he didn't understand what happened with Charlotte and why! .
He came to Julius office and sat down on the chair and told him what happened , There was silence for a moment, it was Julius Trying to understand what Yami said .

"Are you telling me Charlotte doesn't remember anything What happened after she became a captain?"
Basically yes, but I don't know how long she remembers , she remembered me hard and only that I was in your band" , Yami answered while pressing his hands .
"This is a problem, but it is strange  her parents did not tell me that she suffers from a health symptom." Julius replied while trying not to show concern, it was a serious matter for a magic squad captain to be exposed to this situation, and her parents keep it hidden from him as well.
"Perhaps they were involved in this." Yami reply ، Julius looked at him skeptically.

" What do you think it's a coincidence that Charlotte goes to her parents house for a quick visit , And suddenly she disappears!, And we find out that she has no memory , and her parents didn't tell you anything about it!", Yami answered insistently .
" Yami, I know how much you fear about Charlotte, but that doesn't mean you should accuse her parents of that." Julius tried to calm Yami .
“Not like that, but there was something strange about her , She was different, she not as I knew her, and her ki was completely different from what I felt from her before ، I can't explain it" ، Yami replied, looking at his hands and trying to avoid Julius' looks at him.

Julius sighs, Yami ability to read Ki is unique and if he says there's something wrong with Charlotte There will be something serious , And he has to make sure of what happened with Charlotte , Not only is she a captain in his magic squads, But for the boy who raised him, he always cared about Yami and he's Glad he sees him interested in a girl, Yami may be denying it right now , but He could see the fear for Charlotte in Yami eyes, he was sure he would find out his feelings at some time.

"I was going to send someone to check on Charlotte, but if you think there is something bad about Charlotte, I think I'd better go by myself" , Julius said indifferently.
Yami looked up at Julius, "That's fine, I'll come with you" ، Yami said and got up to leave so that Julius wouldn't be able to object .
" Be here tomorrow at 9 am or I'll go without you" Yami heard Julius voice as he closed the door behind him .
Julius sighed in annoyance, he really hated Yami behavior, he was childish at times , But he knew that if he decided something he would do without caring to object, he had better be with him so he wouldn't do something bad.

The next day, Julius was surprised to find someone in front of his office He looked at Yami in amazement.
"The world must end, since when are you coming in time?" .
" Don't get your hopes up, it'll be the first and the last time" Yami replied.
Julius smiled as he watched Yami pass through the gate that Bob had just opened He must be serious .

At Charlotte parents house A servant told Charlotte parents that Captain Black Bulls wanted to meet them .
" What does this foreigner want? Someone has to stop it" , Charlotte father said angrily .
"Yes dear, throw him out and tell him not to come here again We don't want him to spoil our plans" , Charlotte mother replied .
Charlotte father asked the servant to fire Yami, he didn't want to deal with someone lower than him .
But suddenly another servant came running and opened the door quickly as he is panting , "My lord, the wizard King is here" .

" What!! , The wizard king", Charlotte mother said frightened, looking at her husband  , They did not expect the wizard King  personally come to their house,  they thought he would send one of the Magic Knights And they would have dealt with them, but they could not ignore the presence of Julius .
" Enter him quickly" He said to the servant And he thinks of a way to get out of this mess.

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