chapter 7

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Charlotte tried to distract herself from what she knew about what her parents had done, so she began to do mission and exercises, she will not deny that she has begun to integrate with this situation and that this is the right place for her, and not to marry and have children.
She hoped that her parents would understand her her desire and they let her fulfill her dream, and perhaps one day she will find someone she loves, but with the specifications that she wants and not as her parents want .

She was resting in her room her squad was going on a joint mission with the black bulls, Yami has helped her a lot in the past period to get over what happened, she regretted treating him so harshly in the past just because he was a man or a foreigner, In the past, she only cared about To excel over others and prove that she is strong as a woman and that she is not weak is what causes Treating others harshly and perhaps even hating them .

It seems like things have changed now and she's happy with the change, but there was still something on her mind , She had that feeling that Yami was different from the others men, she couldn't explain it, she just dealt with the rest of the Captain's, But the matter with Yami is completely different, she felt safe with him and he was able to understand her and appreciate her strength,  And he did not make her feel that she was weak and needed protection because she was a woman , Rather he trusted her ability to defend herself and others. He was looking at her as his equal and partner, not someone in need for protection .
It was such a sweet feeling, moving her emotions in a way she'd never felt before She wanted to know what that feeling meant, She turned around in her bed trying to fall asleep and grabbed her pillow while smiling as she remembered Yami .

The next day, a letter came to Charlotte from her mother wanting to meet her at the market, in a store her mother used to shop at, telling her that she did not want anyone to know they had met, because she did this without her father knowing .
That message raised Charlotte astonishment, she did not want to go, but her mother would do something without her father knowledge?!, This was not done before, because her mother was completely obedient to her father, and she should respect this .

And she didn't want to lower her guard, so she went and took Galgaria with her .
Charlotte tried not to attract attention ، So she didn't wear her armor or helmet and slipped through the back door of the store while Galgaria waited for her outside.
She saw her mother checking some products, and there were a lot of people in that store, Charlotte took advantage of this and approached her mother ،  and she dropped some things while she was walking without anyone noticing her ، While the salesman was busy collecting the items that had fallen, Charlotte mother, taking advantage of the people distraction, and put something in Charlotte pocket and whispered to her.
"You are my baby, I don't want anyone to hurt you, I want to see you happy" .
Charlotte nodded smiling, and walked out of the store In the meantime she took a quick look to her pocket It was a Bottle, which seemed to contain an antidote, and she was at least very happy that her mother was by her side.


When she was outside the store, she didn't see Galgaria in her place, so she ran to look for her when she saw James standing in a side alley smiling .
She froze, What was he doing here?.

"Are you looking for someone?" James said sarcastically .
Charlotte took a breath and came close to him, she wouldn't let anyone hurt her girls .
When she got close, she saw Galgaria and a man was holding her so that she wouldn't move .
"I didn't know you were such a coward until you used a girl to get my attention," said Charlotte, in an icy voice .
James laughed in a way that Charlotte hated.
"I don't care about the method, I care about the result."
"Captain, I'm sorry he Surprised me , please go and forget about me." Galgaria tried to escape and hit the man holding her, but the man who holding her hit her and knocked her to the ground, causing Charlotte to afraid.

"Don't hurt her, let her go," Charlotte said angrily Try to buy time to attack them before they hurt Galgaria .
" do not worry We won't  hurt her, once I get you, I won't need her." James replied
"You get me?!" Charlotte muttered before suddenly feeling someone behind her, but it was too late , And that man hit her with something on her neck, she started to feel dizzy and lost consciousness .

James carried Charlotte and put her in a cart brought by his men, and left Galgaria Lying on the ground, blow was strong, unable to move, but she heard and saw what happened, but she was too weak to protect her captain, she was crying because she couldn't help her .
She wiped her tears and tried to get back on her feet, she had to go for help before he hurt Charlotte,And she knew who to ask for help

to be continued.....

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