chapter 6

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Yami returned to his base after leaving Charlotte at Julius, he wanted her to come to spend the night at his base, but she refused ، And after Julius insistence he left.
He lay on his bed sighing, why did he suddenly become interested in Charlotte? They had been arguing all the time before , and no conversation about anything other than work would last more than a minute And they just insulted  each other in it .

Now Charlotte has lost her memory, the situation has changed, and he is starting to feel afraid of losing her, or she moving away from him، He did not know what this feeling meant, as he had never felt it before for a woman.
He turned on his side and cuddled his pillow in an attempt to fall asleep, but what he saw before they fell asleep was her smiling face.


In Julius office, Charlotte collected her thoughts.
Since she left her parents' house, she has made her decision, and she will not back , She may not remember anything now, but now she have the life that she always dreamed of To be the captain of a squad that includes girls and make them the strongest squad in Clover, and she will do that even if her memory is no longer, she will start again and will not marry anyone she does not love.

So she asked Julius to go back to her base to spend the night there, Julius allowed her , but she must come back tomorrow for Owen to check on her.
Charlotte agreed and was taken to her base where the girls greeted her with much joy and happiness  Where some of them did not stop crying because she came back and did not leave them.
And they sat around her and she explained to them the situation and her loss of memory, and that she would do whatever she could to train them even if she did not remember.

Before the girls left for their rooms, Charlotte asked the question she had been thinking since a long time
"Puli wait, I want to ask, when I met you before, You said something About   captain of the black bulls , What did you mean, was he close to me? "
Sol was going to answer but puli covered her mouth .
" Yes Captain, he was important to you, but you better find out for yourself because you weren't telling us everything ”puli answered as she pulled the girls out .

Sol released her fist and looked at her angrily "Why did you prevent me from speaking?"
"Don't tell the captain that she loved Captain Yami, we don't want to upset her or influence her ,She doesn't remember anything about her feelings for him, maybe if she knew this now, she would be nervous and this might negatively affect her health, Also wouldn't it be romantic to fall in love with each other again?" Puli answered while she was dreaming .
The girls agreed and decided not to tell Charlotte, especially Sol she didn't want her Captain to get hurt again .


The next day, Yami went to Julius' office early, so Julius rubbed his eyes and looked at him in disbelief that Yami was arriving early.
" don't rase your hopes, I told you this was an emergency and I wouldn't do it again."
Julius smiled at him , He didn't care why, but he was glad to see Yami finally interested in a girl.
They heard a knock on the door when Charlotte came in and Yami looked at her with a smile , He won't deny that he missed seeing her in that outfit It fit her perfectly.

“Why are you looking at me?” Charlotte said frowning .
"Nothing, but this outfit is better than those dresses." Yami replied.
Charlotte turned her face away from him, and her cheeks blushed a little,her girls told her it was her usual outfit ,  it was true , She found herself in this outfit and armor it's her type.

Then  Owen came , After examining Charlotte, he looked at them with a worried look, Charlotte was afraid
" I don't know how to tell you this, physically it has no effect on you There is nothing to cure it, looks like a complex spell was used.”  Owen replied,
“How about Asta sword? Maybe it will cancel its spell,” Yami asked
"I don't think it will help, from what
I understand from Julius , the spell was made and put into juice so it's in your body, so we need to know what it was used on you Charlotte , so we can make an antidote" ،  Owen Reply .

“I don't think there is any harm in trying,” Yami insisted  .
Charlotte sighed in pain she didn't know what to do, she seems to have come to a dead end, she is sure her parents won't tell her what kind of spell is being used on her, maybe she will take her chance to try Asta sword as yami said .

And in order to put Charlotte, Julius decided, until solve her memory problem, to accompany Yami and his squad and learn about the procedures and tasks and get used to them again, It just started out as professional, but Julius He wanted to act like yami father and give them an extra push to get closer .
At this time Charlotte parents came to complain to Julius , When Charlotte saw them, she was so angry and her blood boiled, Yami tried to calm him down

  when Charlotte mother saw Yami standing next to her daughter, she started screaming , “This foreigner kidnapped my daughter, you should punish him.”
Charlotte was shocked by her parents behavior, after what they did , They still insist on acting and interfering in her life.
Charlotte father came forward and grabbed his daughter hand and pulled her.
"Leave her before I do something that doesn't satisfy you," Yami said angrily But Charlotte father looked down on him.

"Someone like you has no right to meddle in our family affairs , I will make sure that you are imprisoned. Come on Charlotte, we have to go to your wedding at the end of the week. You have to prepare."
When Charlotte heard these words from her father, she couldn't stand their behavior anymore She stopped and pulled her hand from her father "I can't believe you are my parents!! Are you still lying after what you did it? Nobody kidnapped me ، and I won't go to any place with you, And I will not allow you to threaten the captain of black bulls " Charlotte said in a sharp tone as she confronted her parents .

"What are you talking about my daughter, I don't know what kind of lies this man told you!" Charlotte mother replied And a face that turned yellow from the idea that their daughter had found out the truth .
" its enough I will not allow you to insult man I raise , and  insult him is to insult me,  you're lucky that you're still standing here and I didn't imprison you, because you hurt your daughter and a captain who works for me!" , Julius said standing up and looking at Charlotte dad.

"What does that mean?" Charlotte father swallowed as he spoke.
"Your daughter filed a complaint and asked to read her memory and my assistant read her memory and found out how she lost her memory, and if Charlotte wants we will continue with the formal procedures for the complaint"  Julius replied.
Charlotte father had lost his temper, "Do you call keeping my family a crime? Even if I make her lose her memory, it's none of your business, she was stubborn and behaving like a man Someone To bring her back to her senses , And to assume her responsibility as an heir to our family, to get married noble man and have children.”  .

Charlotte looked at her father in disbelief, "I can't believe you care more about this bullshit than me , I'm your daughter,  you don't think what I want to be? or the person I want to marry, not who you choose just because he's just noble and cowardly! I will never go back to you and never marry James. If you want me to forgive you, just bring the spell you used on me or the antidote for it. Other than that, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life.”

Charlotte kept looking at her father, who did not even seem to be moved by her words , He left the place and her mother was looking at her daughter And her husband in confused .
"I'm sorry my baby, I promise you things will be fine,"  Charlotte mother whispered and And left behind her husband .

To be continued.......

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