Chapter 1: Betrayed and alone

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Did you ever have that feeling like you knew that something was going to go wrong? Well I had that feeling all day, but I payed no attention to it... I wish I would have.

Look where it got me! Here I am sitting on a park bench, all alone, in the pouring rain, with no cellphone, no money and no clue where the heck I am. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself.

My name is Samantha Grace Lambert... but everyone calls me Sam. Now that that's done, do you want to know why this is one of the worst days of my life? Okay, okay, no need to beg me... I'll tell you. It all started when my friends and I were going on a trip to Montreal...

We were all so excited! All of us needed a break from our small town Latchford, in Ontario. They needed a break from their families, but I didn't. I didn't even have one.

I've had the freedom I living on my own for one year now and my foster family was fine to let me. You see, I started living in a foster home when I was just sixteen years old.

My parents didn't want anything to do with me after "The Incident" and they always blamed me for what happened.
I used to have a little sister... Her name was Olivia (or Liv for short). She was kidnapped when I was fifteen and she was eleven.

I'm not going to tell you the details because I have never told ANYONE, anything about Liv. It's too painful to talk about. I don't do this in hopes of forgetting about her... I do this because I can't bear what happened.

To remember her (not that I'll ever forget her) I wear a locket around my neck with a picture of me and her inside. I bring it everywhere with me and only take it off when I sleep. But anyways, back to what I was saying.

All of seven of us were really excited. There was Jasmine, Bianca, Charlotte, James, Ben Me, and my boyfriend Max. James and Bianca were dating and Ben and Charlotte were dating.

When we got to Montreal it was really late and we were already checked into our hotel. Me, Bianca and Jasmine shared a room. While Max, Ben and James shared a room. We decided to go to a pizza place for dinner. It was sooooooo delicious... man, I could use a slice of that right about now.

Oops! Sorry, I'm getting off topic but anyways the pizza was really good and when we were just about done, I left to go to the bathroom.

"I'll be right back guys," I said. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom."

"Mmmmk." Bianca said, her mouth full of pizza. I rolled my eyes at her and walked away.

When I was finished, I walked halfway back to our booth and hid behind a corner in an attempt to scare them. I could hear them talking.

"Man, how much longer do we have to keep doing this?" That was James's voice. "She's so annoying!"

Hmmmmm, I wonder who they're talking about? "Yeah I know! Guys, how much longer do we have to keep doing this?" That was Jasmine.

"Okay, okay don't worry. Not for much longer. We'll find some way to get rid of her." That was Max.

What the heck were they talking about? Who was this annoying person that they were trying to get rid of?

I wanted to know more, so I pressed myself even further against the wall. "Don't worry guys, we'll ditch her when she gets back, take her money and then drive back to Latchford! It'll be easy!" Max again.

Wait... were they talking about me?! Did I forget to mention that my foster parents are rich and that before I moved out they gave me lots of money? No, I didn't mention that? Oh well sorry... yeah, that probably would've been a valuable piece of information to know.

Then (being the klutz that I am) I tripped over my untied shoelaces and fell flat on my face... right in front of everyone. Everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared, their mouths wide open.

I got up and fiddled with my necklace... something I do only when I'm nervous.

"Ummmm hey guys..." I started trailing off.

"What were you doing behind there Sam?" Bianca asked suspiciously.

"Ummm I was, Uh-" I started when I was cut off by Ben. "Were you spying on us?!" He asked angrily.

"Um... Uh... No?" I said, but it came out more like a question.

"She was!" Jasmine budded in. "Well then she already knows that we've been using her for her money and only pretended to be friends with her."

I just stood there, my mouth hanging open. I knew something was up, but I didn't think it was this bad!

When I snapped out of my shock, I was so mad I could barely even think straight. I went up to the person closest to me and started yelling at them (in this case the closest person to me was Max).

"What does she mean you guys were all just using me for my money? Did I ever even mean something to you?" I yelled right in his face.

"You know what, since she already told you... what the heck! No you didn't!" He yelled.

"This has been the longest few months of my life just spending it with you! You are annoying, loud and you think you are the prettiest girl in the room. When you're NOT!" He spat.

"Yeah well you're not perfect either!" I yelled. "You are the most stuck-up, dumb, jock I've ever met! And I'm sorry I was never good enough for you!" I screamed.

I felt defeated at this point. "You know what? All of you are sorry-excuses for human beings and I feel stupid thinking that you were ever my friends!"

Now it dawned on me... how would I get back to the hotel? We took Max's car here and I doubt he would drive me back to the hotel after what I just said. I guess they realized that too because they all stood up (except for Max) and got ready to leave.

"Well loser," Jasmine said. Her eyebrow was raised and she had an evil grin on her face. "Good luck getting a ride back to the hotel!"

Max chucked a $50 bill on the table before standing up with the others and shooting me a smirk that before, would've made my knees go weak and my heart skip a billon times faster, but now he looked just like another jerk of a teenage boy.

I gave him the middle finger right before he turned around and yelled "Have a nice life!"

He stopped, sucked in a breath and shook his head chuckling. "Thanks... babe."

Ughhh! He knows that I hate when he used to call me that!

My other so called 'Friends' were still waiting by the door for him. And with that, the people who I thought I could trust, who I thought cared about me, walked out the door and out of my life, and the worst thing was... they never even looked back.

/Author's note/

Hey! This is my first story and I just wanted to tell you guys that I will try and update whenever I can. Whether it'll be weekly or daily, I'll try whenever I have the chance.
Thanks for reading!


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