Chapter 5: Getting To Know Each Other Maybe a Little Too Well- Part 2/2

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"Okay it's my turn to give you a dare now." I said smirking. "Aw man!" Sam said, groaning. "Go easy on me Mitch... " She trailed off as she fiddled with her locket... I really should ask her what she keeps in there. Maybe I'll ask her after.

" And please, please PLEASE, don't make me do anything too, embarrassing.' Sam said with a cute smile. "You mean like making you go run around the block with your underwear over your pants, yelling 'I AM SUPERMAN'!" She grinned and I went on. "Oh Sam, I would never dream of it!"

"Fine... you can make me do something embarrassing, I guess I owe you that much." She said sighing. "Aw, why the long face Sam?" I said as I grinned mischievously. "My dare isn't that embarrassing! All I want you to do is turn off the lights in the living room where Alex and Xander are now sleeping (but I'll bring a flashlight so they can still see you after).

Then, make growling noises to wake them up and then when they're up, start jumping around, hold your arm and yell 'IT GOT ME! IT GOT ME!'.
And even if they start to come towards you to try and see what happened... just yell "NO! DON'T COME NEAR ME! IT WILL GET YOU TOO!' Then run away screaming at the top of your lungs."

She made a face. "Really? Do you think that's very believable?" I shrugged. "We'll we're about to find out, aren't we?" "I guess" She said smiling. "Let's go!" I yelled.

Once we got it all planned out, Sam snuck into the living room (while I hid in the kitchen videotaping the whole thing) where Alex and Xander were peacefully sleeping.. not for long! All of a sudden, the lights went out. Faze one, complete! Then Sam went close (but not too close to them) and started making growling noises.

Alex was the first one to stir. "Wha-?" She sat up. "Why is it so dark in here?" Then, Sam backed up and hid behind the corner. She made more growling noises. By this time, Alex was fully awake and then she woke Xander up. "Wha-" He started. "Shhhhhhh!" She shushed him. "Did you hear that?!" She said alertly. "Hear what? I don't hear anything!' He said groggily. Then he put his head on Alex's shoulder and tried to go back to sleep.

"No!' She said as she pushed him off. "Listen!" The next thing that happened was the most funny thing that I have seen in a long time... Sam jumped out from behind the wall she was hiding behind, and screamed. Alex and Xander never saw it coming and they both screamed at the top of their lungs. Alex buried her face in Xander's shirt.

I shined the flashlight on Sam and she started hopping around like a crazy woman yelling "IT GOT ME! IT GOT ME!" By now, they were shaking they were so scared. "Sam?! What are you talking about? What got you?! And where's Mitch at?" Xander asked, sounding really confused, but still really shaken up.

"IT'S TOO LATE FOR MITCH! SAVE YOURSELVES BEFORE IT GETS YOU TOO!!!" Was the last thing she yelled before she ran down the hallway - holding in her laughter- and into my room. I followed after her, trying hard not to laugh, but when we got back to my room, we both burst out laughing.

"That... was... the... funniest... thing... I... have... ever... done!" She said, gasping for air. I was having a hard time breathing too! "Okay, now it's my turn." Sam said. "This is an easy one, how old are you?" I replied right away. "I'm 20." I said. "My birthday is on October 20th." She nodded. "So I won't get to take you out for your birthday?" She asked. "No," I said, kind of disappointed. "Unless you stay that long." She sat there for a while, just thinking. "I don't know, I haven't really thought about leaving yet."

To tell you the truth. I was really starting to like her... I mean as a friend, of course! Sure... maybe she's cute, nice, funny and has a nice smile but, Nah. I don't like her more than a friend... at least that's what I keep telling myself.

"Now it's my turn again!" I said. "Okay, ask away." Okay... this was it. I was gonna ask her what she kept in her locket. "What do you keep in your locket?" I asked her. At first she seemed surprised, but then, even though she smiled on the outside. I knew it was a fake smile. I saw the pain in he eyes. Maybe I shouldn't have asked her... maybe I should have left her alone.

But to my surprise, she opened her locket, and inside was a picture of her, and a girl who looked almost exactly like Sam. Other than the fact that Sam had brown hair and brown eyes, while the other girl had brown hair and blue eyes.

She looked pained to talk about this mysterious girl. "This is my sister Olivia. I used to call her Liv though.." I took note of how she used the word 'I used to call her Liv', instead of 'I call her Liv'. "She's... um... not... uh, around anymore." She was almost in tears, and I didn't like seeing her like this so I decided to change the subject. She looked very grateful.

"Umm... how about we skip the dare for me and you can ask a final question. Cause I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty tired." I said as a stifled a yawn and looked at my clock. It was 1:00 am! No wonder we were tired.

"Yeah," She said. "I'm pretty tired too." She looked a little bit tired. She still must also be a little shaken up from what happened earlier this night. And honestly, who could blame her? It's not everyday you get attacked by a crazy man, ditched by your friends and dumped by your boyfriend!

"Okaaaaayyyyy, now it's my turn." She said. "This is the last one though, so make it good!" I said with a grin. " "Oh don't worry..." She said, quietly, but just loud enough so I could hear. "I will."

~~SAM'S P.O.V~~
When it was my turn I knew JUST the question to ask him. "Ummm, okay... this may seem a bit weird. But bear with me, okay?" He gave me a weird look and nodded slowly. "Uhh, sure?" I had been waiting to ask him this the whole time, but I didn't know when would be a good time to ask him. Well, now seemed like a good time. "Okay... do you... um... have... uh... a girlfriend?"

The minute it came out of my mouth I instantly regretted it. He burst out laughing and I blushed. "Well Sam, if you wanted to date me you could have just asked." He said still chuckling as he raised his eyebrows at me. I turned even redder.

"I didn't mean it like that..." I trailed off. "Sure you didn't." He said jokingly. "I know you want me." He said leaning closer. My heart started beating. "The real question is, what do I want?" He got even closer until we were almost nose to nose. "Do you want to know what I want?" He asked, scooting even closer.

"Well, right now I want food." He said as he stood up. THAT TEASE! For a second I could've sworn he was gonna kiss me... but why did that leave me feeling so disappointed? I wondered. "Do you want anything Sam?" He asked halfway out the door. "Sure, I'll have what you're having!" I said loudly. "Okay!" He said as he walked away.

"Oh, and Sam?" I looked up, startled. "Yeah?" He smiled. "I don't have a girlfriend." For some reason that made me smile... a lot. I just couldn't get the smile off of my face! And with that, I laid down on his bed, and closed my eyes.

I got Sam and I some chips, (salt and vinegar, my favorite) and headed back to my room. But when I got there, Sam was asleep. She looked so peaceful and beautiful, she was wearing some of Alex's clothes, but my shirt. She was still wearing my Batman shirt but she was wearing a pair of Alex's black sweatpants. But when I was with Sam, I didn't care what she was wearing... she looked beautiful in anything.

I set the chips down on my bedside table and since I didn't want to wake Sam up, I just pulled a blanket over her and grabbed a pillow for me to sleep on the floor with. But when I went to go take a blanket off for me, Sam woke up, grabbed my arm and said "No! Don't go..." She was still half asleep.

"Don't worry Sam, I'm not leaving. I'm gonna be right here." I pointed to the floor. "No!" She said. "Stay here," She pointed to the spot beside her. I must've looked surprised because she motioned for me to come over. And then she pulled me down so I was sitting beside her. "Stay!" She whispered. So with that, I laid down beside her, and fell asleep.

/Author's Note/

Hey! So! sorry this chapter is a little late but I've been busy and this chapter also took WAY longer than I expected it to. But I hope you guys enjoyed it and also I'd appreciate your feedback! But anyways, have a great day and thanks for reading :)


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