Chapter 4: Getting To Know Each Other... Maybe a Little Too Well- Part 1/2

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Later that night, I called my foster parents using Mitch's cellphone and explained to them what happened. At first they freaked out... but after I explained what Mitch did for me, and how he was a really nice boy, they calmed down.

My foster Mom's name was Joanna and my foster Dad's name was Rob... but I just called them Mom and Dad.

When they asked when I was coming home and how I was even gonna get home, I explained to them that I would stay here for a couple days and decide what I would do later.

They said that they understood and that they would be calling to check up on me every day... three times a day. I'll take what I can get I guess.

Then I hung up, and went to Mitch's room to tell him what they said, ( but also had to give him his phone back).

I'm not a stalker or anything but on his home screen was a picture of him, with his arm around a girl who looked around my age. I felt a tinge of jealousy. She was REALLY pretty and I wondered if she was his girlfriend. I stopped in my tracks and frowned. I guess we really didn't know that much about each other.

I knew his full name though! It's Mitchell... ummm... okay, I don't even know his full name and I'm staying with him! I had to change this, I thought as I barged into his room.

"Okay Mitch!" I said really loudly as I ran into his room. "We need to talk."

He was lying on his bed playing on his laptop that I didn't know that he had."Uh-oh," He said. "That doesn't sound good."

"No, don't worry it's nothing bad, I promise. It's just... I just realized that I know absolutely nothing about you! Not even your full name! So I thought that we could play a game to learn a little bit more about each other." I said as I sat down on his bed beside him.

"Sure," He said as he moved over to make room for me. I was sitting right by his shelves and he reached right over top of me to put his laptop away. "Sorry," he stated flashing me a heart melting grin.

Ugh Mitchell stop it. Now I forgot what I was gonna say! "Sam? Samantha? Hellooooo?" He knocked on my head.

"Anybody in there?"

"Ah! Stop it! I was just thinking. Okay... so one person asks a question, and the other person has to answer it," I started.

"That sounds like a great game, Sam!" Mitch said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up Mitch! I wasn't finished yet.' I said playfully pushing him. "What I was going to say -before you so rudely interrupted me- was that we do that until one person doesn't want to answer a question about themselves. Then that person has to do whatever the other person tells them to do."

I glanced at him to see that he had a cheeky grin on his face. "Whatever the other person asks you to do, huh?" I nodded wearily. "Anything?" He continued.

I shrugged. "I guess so..."

He smirked. "So if I asked you to suck-"

I yelled yelled out. "Stop right there! Ew ew ew ew ew ew! No no no no no no no!" I put my hands to my temples. "I don't even wanna know what you were going to say."

He looked at me innocently. "What? I was just going to ask you if you wanted to suck on one of my lollipops that I keep in my desk."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't keep a smile off my face. "I know that even you don't believe that cover up Mitch."

He didn't say anything but then burst out in laughter. "Yeah, you're right I don't."

"Okay enough of this dirty nonsense. Do you wanna play or not?" I asked.

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