Chapter 13: Saying Sorry (when I didn't know why he was mad in the first place)

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When we got back from the store, I just took a few hours and organized/set my phone up. I had called my dad on the phone and with his and Mitch's help, I repaid all the money that I owed Alex, Mitch and Xander.

I honestly have no clue how they did it, so I'm not going to bore you with the details. I was just happy that we sorted that all out.

Like I said, I just took a few hours organizing my new phone and I had a bit of fun with that. I added Mitch, Xander and Alex's numbers and we all made up our own weird but funny names on each others' phones.

On Alex's phone I just put 'Sam my BFF' and she put 'Alex my BFF'. While on Xander's phone, (he made me put this), my contact name was 'SITCH FOREVER 😘'.

You're probably wondering how he made me put my name down as this... but it's pretty simple. He threatened to take a picture of Mitch and I sleeping in the morning, put it on Facebook and caption it 'The Two Lovebirds'. There was no way I was letting him do that, so I was forced to put that as my name.

On Mitch's phone I added my name as 'Sam my lover 😘' and on mine, he added his name in as 'Mitch, the Sexy Beast 😍'. Yes, I know those names make it seem like we're dating, but Mitch didn't seem to mind. He was still being kinda quiet and angry, but at least now he was actually looking at me... that was a start.

While I was setting up my phone on the couch, everyone else was off doing their own things. Mitch was in his room, Alex was watching 'Teen Wolf' beside me, and Xander was in their room sleeping.

When I saw that Alex's show was finished, (you should never, and I mean never, interrupt Alex when she's watching 'Teen Wolf'. She will bite your head off) I asked her to take a few pictures with me.

When she asked why, I just said because we need to get some pictures on here at sometime! She laughed and we took about 13. Some nice, some scary and some funny ones. My favorite one was when I had almost fallen off the couch, and then Alex and I started laughing really hard. "Send that one to me!" Alex said. I nodded. I quickly sent them to her and then I continued looking at my favorite one.

We both looked really happy in that picture, even though I could tell we were both thinking about our early encounter with Holly. I looked at Alex and sighed. "Is Mitch still mad at me?" I asked her. She hesitated and I interrupted her. "Tell me the truth, please."

She frowned and nodded. "Yeah, he was talking to me and Xander about it when you were setting your phone up... he's pretty upset about you not liking Holly." I furrowed my eyebrows, I was so confused! Why the heck would he care if I didn't like Holly?

As if reading my mind, Alex said: "I know you're probably thinking why he would care about that, but I shouldn't be the one to tell you. This isn't my secret to tell... it's Mitch's." I sighed. "So you want me to go talk to him." She nodded and replied. "Right now." I got off of the couch and started heading up the stairs... and to be honest, I was a little afraid.

When I got up to our room, the door was closed so I knocked. Mitch opened it and didn't look surprised. His face was actually emotionless. "Hey, Mitch. Can I come in?" He nodded and stepped out of my way, but he still didn't say anything.

I nervously went and sat on his bed, but he just kept standing. "What do you want Sam?" He said and wow, he sounded really mad. I let out a shaky sigh and started talking. "Look Mitch, I'm sorry for not really liking Holly or for not really giving her a chance. I understand that I should've been nicer to her and I also get that you two are close, so that may have offended you." I bit my lip and waited for Mitch to say anything, but when he didn't, I carried on.

"Honestly, this wasn't the first time I've seen Holly. When you let me borrow your phone, I saw that you had a picture of you two as your home screen and I was really confused. You two looked like you liked each other a lot, and I didn't think you two were siblings." I took a big breath in and sighed before continuing. "So I'm sorry if you like her, and because we're friends, maybe that's why you didn't like me judging her... but if you do like her, I'll try to get along with her, the best that I can."

I said the last part quietly, hoping that it wasn't true... that he didn't like her. It took him a long time to respond, and when he did, he spoke quietly. Not at all like the Mitch I know. "Sam, it doesn't matter how I feel about Holly." So he wasn't denying that he might like her. Wow, that made me feel about a billion times worse.

He continued on. "What matters, is how I was a jerk to you today and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got mad at you, the truth is... I'm not even mad at you Sam." I smiled a bit. That was kinda good... he wasn't mad at me. That was a start. "Then what's really the matter Mitch? I don't think this is all just about me not liking Holly."

Mitch closed his eyes tightly and at down on the bed beside me. When he didn't say anything I asked him again. "Mitch, I can't read your mind... what is the matter?"

He finally opened his eyes. "Sam, I'm not mad at you." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "You already said that Mitch." He let out a shaky sigh. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell anyone about this for a long time, but I guess I owe it to you now." I put my hand on his knee and I kinda felt a spark. I know this wasn't the time to think about that, but I couldn't help it!

"Mitch, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to." I stated. He looked at me with pain in his eyes. "What you just said made me realize that I need to tell you. You're a really good person Sam, and you deserve the truth." I bit my lip and didn't say anything. I didn't know how to respond to that.

"When I saw Holly today after not seeing her for a long time, it brought back past feelings that I don't think I was quite ready to experience again." I nodded and he carried on. "It also brought back memories of my dad, and that made me angry. I guess I'm still mad at my dad and I took it out on you... and I'm sorry."

I looked up and smiled at him. Not many guys I've ever met can apologize like that. He carried on. "Like I said, you deserve the truth, and after what I've put you through today, it wouldn't be fair to not tell you now." I moved closer to Mitch and quietly said "Thank you for apologizing... it means a lot." He smiled. "I owed it to you. You're a great girl and you need to know this." After he said that, it was silent for a little while.

Finally, Mitch looked up at me, grabbed my hand, and said: "Okay, I think I'm ready to tell you now." I clenched his hand tighter, and smiled at him. "Whenever your ready," With his hand that wasn't holding mind, he ran it through his hair. "Okay, this happened when I was about thirteen years old, or so, and..."

/Author's Note/

I'm really sorry guys! I know it's short and boring and not very good, but I had writers block for this chapter. The next chapter should be up soon... sooooo yeah. Are you guys ready to know what went on between Mitch and his dad? What do you think happened? Leave your predictions for me in the comments and please, also vote, and follow me if you enjoy m story!

*Sorry for not updating for a while*

But thank you for reading my book, and have an AWESOME day!!


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