Chapter 2: Well, That Just Happened

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So now that you know what happened to me and how I got here, let's continue. I left the restaurant a few minutes after my Ex. Best friends and I found a place to think on a park bench. And believe me, I had LOTS to think about.

These were some of the things. 1) My friends never liked me for me and were using me for my money, 2) I left my phone in our hotel room so I had no way to contact people and tell them where I was, 3) I had no money with me because Max was paying for my dinner and I thought I wouldn't need it, 4) All of my stuff was in my hotel room and I had no way to get it back, 5) I had no idea where I was and I didn't know which hotel we were staying in and finally, 6) it's raining, I'm freezing and I'm drenched in a mix of rain water and my own tears. Yeah, life is good, not!

To make matters worse, it was getting really late, dark and there were lot's of creepy people around here... mostly men. I should have chosen a better place to sit and cry! "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Oops... I guess I said that out loud and that attracted the attention of a man. Then, one of the creepy men started walking towards me. Uh-oh, this is NOT good.

I looked around me. To make matters worse, there is absolutely nobody around here. No one that can hear me scream if this creep try's anything.

Oh God he's getting closer. Finally he is standing right beside me. He had a scraggly beard and his hair was wild. His clothes were torn and dirty... But the scariest thing about him was his face. He had a scary grin plastered to his face and his eyes were wild.

"Hello mysterious girl," He said with a smile. "Isn't it a little late for you to be out here all alone?"

I looked around for somebody, ANYBODY to help me. "Well? Are you going to answer me girl?" He asked again.

"Umm..." I said, unsure of what to say as I looked around for an escape route.

"Well, she speaks!" He yelled, so loud that I jumped. "You didn't answer my question! It's very late. Why are you out here all alone?"

I was unsure what to say so I started to stand up. "Oh no," He said. "You're not going anywhere!"

By now I was on my feet ready to run. "Why are ya gettin' up girly?" His wild eyes stared at me. "You're not going anywhere."

He grabbed my arm and started to pull me to God know's where... and let me tell you I was not ready to find out! That was when I punched him.

That's right I punched him. Right in his grimy face. He let go of my arm, shocked and I took that as an opportunity to run.

I took off and ran faster than I ever did before. But he was gaining on me, I could see him. "You're not getting away that easily girly!" He yelled.

"You bet I am!" I yelled back.

"You'll get tired eventually! You can't run away forever!" He screamed.

And he was right, I was getting tired. And then I did the stupidest thing for the second time this night... I tripped over my untied shoelaces and fell flat on my face.

Then Crazy Man (that will be his nickname now) took that as his opportunity to pull me off the ground and try to drag me away again. I tried punching, kicking and scratching him, but he ignored it all.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and started yelling "HELP! HELP! THIS CRAZY MAN IS GOING TO KILL ME!"

He put his hand over my mouth. "There's nobody out here to hear you girly." He whispered. "You're stuck with me now!"

Then I bit him. He screamed in pain and then I kneed him REALLY HARD. He doubled over, but before I could run, he tripped me and I fell on my face for the THIRD time today. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. My head was pounding and I was swaying from side to side from dizziness. I heard Crazy Man get up.

"That's what you get for trying to run away." He said. "There's no escape."

Nooooooo! I wanted to yell. I don't want to end up like my sister Liv! I took one last look around and tried to yell "Help me please!" But it came out more like a whisper.

"There's no one to help you now girly." Crazy Man whispered.

By now my vision was blurry and almost completely black. When something amazing happened. A boy, (frankly the hottest guy I had ever seen) with blue eyes and brown hair, (that looked about my age), saw me being dragged away by Crazy Man.

"Hey!" He yelled. "Where do you think you're taking her?"

"None of your business kid! Now get lost!" Crazy Man yelled.

Then the boy made his way over to us, unclenched crazy man's grip on me and stood protectively in front of me.

"Stay away from her, or I'm calling the police!" The boy yelled. Crazy man stood there dumbstruck for a few seconds before he took off running.

"Hey! Come back here!" The boy yelled. But it was too late... Crazy Man was already gone.

By this time my head felt like it was about to EXPLODE. "Um, boy who saved me?" I said unsure of what to call him.

He chuckled. "I'm Mitchell, but you can call me Mitch." By now I was ready to scream my head hurt so much.

"Mitch?" I said.


"I don't feel so good." I stated groggily.

He stood closer to me, so close that I could smell his cologne. He smelled REALLY good, not that I could really pay much attention to that because my head hurt so much.

He looped his arm around my waist for support.

"Hey, I never caught your name." Mitch said.

"M-my name is Sam." Was all I could muster before my body went limp and my vision went black.

/Author's note/

Hey guys! Pretty intense right? This was a super fun chapter to write but anyways this will probably be the only time I'll do something like this cuz it takes a really long time to write two chapters in one day. But anyways, thanks for reading and have a great day :)


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