Chapter 6: A Sweet Wake up and 'Cold' Payback

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I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes and I felt really hot! I turned over and was greeted by Mitch's sleeping face. I was in Mitch's arms, with my back against his chest (like in the pic in the last chapter). He was so handsome... and he looked so cute when he was sleeping.

Woah, woah, woah Sam! Where the heck did that come from? I mean come on! I know he's funny, cute and sweet but I've only known him for like a day! I smiled. But it seems like it's been longer than that... it kinda seems like I've known Mitch my whole life! We get along so well, and now that we know more about each other, we can become even better friends. Yeah, that's what I want to be... friends.

Oh, who am I kidding. How is this guy still single? Every girl that see's him must go absolutely nuts! He's stunning, and nice too. You don't find many guys like that... that's for sure! I thought about Max. Why did I ever date him again? Oh yeah. Cause he was kinda good looking and every girl wanted him. Wow, I didn't realize how shallow that sounded... Even though it's true.

He may have looked good on the outside, but on the inside, he was anything but good... Mitch wasn't like that though. There was more to him than just a pretty face. The way that he helped me when I was in trouble, when he took me to his apartment and he didn't even know me! That shows that there is more to him. And honestly, I knew that the moment I saw him, I wanted to get to know him.

I shifted myself around so that I was facing him again. I rested my head against his chest. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again... keyword, 'Tried'. At that moment Alex and Xander bursted the through the door loudly. Making me jump, which woke up Mitch. Well, so much for going back to sleep!

"Awwwwwwww!" Alex said. "They're so cute together!" I sat up and yawned. "Why must you wake us up this early!" I groaned. Mitch sat up and rubbed his eyes. "One more hour!" He whined as he tried to lay down and hide under his pillow. "No!" Xander said loudly. "It's time to get up love birds!" I blushed at this. " It's already 11 o'clock. And unless you want a face full of cold water for breakfast I suggest that you wake up!" At this, Mitch and I both jumped up. "Ok! Ok! We're up!" Mitch yelled.

"Come on Sam." Alex said, grabbing my arm. "You can borrow some of my clothes for today again." I smiled and thanked her, but honestly, I was kinda disappointed that they woke us up. I was really comfy and I liked being that close to Mitch.

As Alex and I started walking out the door, Mitch said to me: "Hey Sam?" I stopped. "Yeah?" He smirked. "The offer's there if you wanna sleep here tonight." I blushed. "You wish." I joked, trying to hide my embarrassment. I fiddled with my necklace.

He then muttered something under his breath and I can't say for sure (this is what I hope he said) but I think he said something along the lines of 'Yeah, I do.' That- for some reason-made my heart beat faster and my cheeks get redder. "We'll see you boys in a few minutes," Alex called back. "I'm gonna lend Sam some clothes and then we're goin' shopping!" She looked at me. "I mean... if that's alright with you. I just thought that, if your going to stay, you might need some clothes and stuff."

I nodded. That sounded great actually. That way, I could get some stuff I needed and also get to know Alex better. It was a win-win situation. "Then it's settled." Alex said. "We are going shopping!" Alex yelled.

Mitch and Xander looked at each other. "What about us?" Xander asked. "Can we come?" She frowned and made a face. "No! No boys allowed! It's a girls only shopping trip." Xander patted Mitch on the back. "Have fun Mitch, I guess I'm stuck here by myself all day." Mitch pretended to look offended. "Umm excuse me?! You my friend, are more feminine than me!" Now Xander pretended to be offended.

Alex and I looked at each other and giggled. "And besides," Alex started. "You guys have cooties." Xander and Mitch exchanged an evil grin. "We do, don't we?" Mitch asked. "Yes, yes you do." I answered back cockily. "Well in that case..." Xander trailed off. Then he ran towards Alex and tackled her to the ground.

"Ewwww! Ew! Ew! Xander cooties! Gross!" Alex pretended to look disgusted. Xander sat on her. "Mitch," he said. "Get her!" But before he finished, I was out the door. "Sam?!" Alex yelled after me. "What about me?" I smiled grimly. "Sorry Alex," I called back. "You're on your own!"

I ran down the stairs with Mitch trailing behind me. "Ohhh you'll never get away Sam!" He yelled. "Try me!" I yelled back. I sprinted out the back door and ran to the opposite end of the pool.

*^*That's their house, backyard and pool in the picture*^*

I did mention that they had a pool... didn't I? No? Oh, well sorry. Now back to what I was saying. I sprinted to the opposite end of the pool and grabbed a pool noodle. "Stay back Mitchell!" I warned, swinging my pool noodle around.

"I wish it didn't come to this, but I have no other choice." He chuckled. "Sam, do you really think that will keep me away?" I shrugged. "It was a long shot." Then, he ran to where I was and grabbed my pool noodle. "Hey!" I yelled. "Get your own!" He pulled it away from me and bopped me on the head with it. "I do! I have this one." I crossed my arms. "Haha. You're hilarious." I said sarcastically.

"Actually I am," He started to say. "But you wanna know what's even more hilarious?" I cocked my head to the side. "What?" He grinned. "This!" And with that he pushed me into the pool. I was so surprised and came up coughing and sputtering. "Why would you do that?!" I yelled, pretending to be mad at him.

"Cause I'm hilarious and you had to see that for yourself." He said smirking. I pouted. "Well could you at least help me out?" I asked. "Sure," He said smiling. "I may be hilarious, but I still am a gentleman." I smiled sweetly and innocently and gave him my hand. He started to pull me up, but instead, I pulled him in! Headfirst into the pool with me!

"Wha-" He started. "Gotcha!" I yelled. "That's what you get!" He stood up and ran his fingers through his wet, brown hair. "Okay, okay, I guess I did deserve that." I smirked. "Yes, yes you did." And with that, I started to climb out of the pool. "And now, if you'll excuse me," I said. "I have a shopping tip to go on."

I went inside, grabbed a towel to dry myself off with and went into Alex's room. She was sitting on her bed playing on her phone. She looked up me. "Woah, what happened-" "Don't ask." I cut her off. "I'll tell you later, but can I use some of your clothes again?" I asked.

My clothes were sticking to me and I was starting to get a chill. "Sure, Sam! Anytime." I smiled and thanked her. I wore a pair of her skinny jeans and a black top with a smiley face on it. I put my hair up in a messy bun, a really messy bun (with my wet hair an all).

When I was done changing and drying myself off, I sat down on Alex's bed beside her and put my arm around her. "Now how about that shopping trip?" I asked her with a smile. And with that, we headed to the mall for a girl's day out... and I couldn't be more excited.

/Author's Note/

Hey guys! Sorry, this is a little late, but I've been super busy so I didn't have much time to update. But nevertheless it's here! Oh and also this story is not edited so there may be mistakes but like Hannah Montana has taught us, 'Nobody's Perfect!'.

So sorry if there are mistakes but if you guys like my story, leave a comment, a like or follow me, cuz I'd love to hear your feedback! Tell me what I'm doin' well, what I need to improve on, whatever it is, just tell me and I will try to do it!

So if you've stuck with this story so far (cause your reading this right now) thanks for reading and I hope that you have a great day! :)


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