Chapter 11: A New phone and a Phone case Thief

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I called my foster parents after dinner. They asked how I was, what I did today, and when I was coming home. I told them I was great, and that Alex, Xander and Mitch were being amazing to me.

I also told them about our shopping trip and how I wanted to stay longer. I was starting to really enjoy Montreal.

Like I said before, the town that I live in (Latchford) is very small. I like how big Montreal is and how many people live there. The only reason I would want to go back to Latchford was to see my foster parents... I had no other family I wanted to see.

Okay, I shouldn't say that. That isn't exactly right. The only other family member I wanted to see was Liv.

I know that I can't see her, see her. But I can always go visit the place she was buried when I'm having a hard time. Sometimes (when I was fifteen or sixteen) I used to have really bad nightmares.

Nightmares about Liv getting stolen. They were really vivid, and like the dream I had earlier, I always thought they were real.

While I was lost in my own thoughts, I almost forgot to ask them about money and getting a new phone. But when I realized what I was talking to them on, (Mitch's phone) I remembered.

I wasn't too sure how they would get me money, but my foster dad said he'd find a way. They said they agreed that I should get another phone, and they also told me that they reported my old friends to the police for what they did to me.

They were most likely going to get charged for stealing, but I'm not sure if they were guilty of any other charges. Oh well, as long as they got charged for one thing, I was happy.

My foster dad said, that if it was okay with Mitch, we would borrow some money to buy me a phone and then download an online banking thing. Then, my dad would give me all the money I needed, to repay Mitch, Alex, and Xander.

It was a great plan and he also said that when I called them tomorrow, he could talk me through how I needed to do it so that he could give me money.

At that, I ended the call and told them I'd call them tomorrow. I was exhausted from the events of today. So after dinner, I told Mitch I was tired and I wanted to sleep. He asked if I was going to be okay, sleeping by myself for a bit. He wasn't going to go to bed for a while.

To be honest with you, I was a little bit afraid of sleeping by myself at first. I didn't want another nightmare about Liv, but I didn't want to ruin Mitch's night either. I told him I was fine by myself, said goodnight to all of them and headed upstairs to change.

I changed into my new pajamas, crawled into bed and closed my eyes. I had so many thoughts going on in my head at once that I thought I'd never fall asleep. But after what seemed like laying there for an hour, I finally dozed off.


I woke up facing Mitch this morning, and if you ever get to be as lucky as I was to wake up facing a smoking hot, shirtless guy, I applaud you.

Just kidding, but really... he was smoking hot. Did I mention that he slept shirtless? Oh God, that made my heart start beating about a billion times faster!

As creepy as this sounds, I just laid there for about ten minutes, admiring his facial features. His chiseled jaw and kissable lips would make him irresistible to any girl. Especially that chick on his phone.

Yes, it had come to this again. I know, I know, I'm kinda obsessing over who this girl is. But to be honest with you, whenever I thought of Mitch (like for example right now) it always came back to this mysterious, pretty girl.

I hoped to God that it was his sister, but deep down, I didn't really believe that. His sister had to look at least, a little bit like him... right? Didn't siblings always look a little bit alike?

I knew that I desperately needed to find out who she was and I needed to know if she and Mitch were together. I know he said that he didn't have a girlfriend, but this was seriously bugging me.

I put my hand on Mitch's face and smiled. He stirred a bit and scooted closer to me, so much that we were chest to chest. Let me tell you, that was way uncomfortable for me, if you know what I mean.

I tried to move a bit away, but his arm was snaked around my waist, not allowing me to get away from him. I frowned, put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away.

His chest was rock hard! I tried some more, but had no luck. I rolled my eyes at how tight he was holding onto me. What, did he think I was going to run away in the middle of the night?

I kept trying to get out of his death grip, and after what seemed like forever, Mitch slowly opened his eyes. He eyed my hands on his chest and smirked. "Trying to touch my rock hard abs Sam?" I turned beet red. "No! I mean... no. I was trying to get you up and you wouldn't move!"

He chuckled "Come on Sam, don't lie. If you wanted to touch my abs, you could've just asked."

Grrrrrrrrrr, he makes me so mad!

One second he's sweet, sensitive Mitch. The next, he's cocky, flirty Mitch. Alex was totally right! I swear this guy has two personalities. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Shut up Mitch." I said simply. He laughed, untangled his arms from my waist and ran his fingers through his hair.

Ahhhh, I wanna run my fingers though his hair... I wonder if screensaver girl ever ran her fingers though his hair.

God Sam! It always comes back to her. Always! Every time I think of him, she's in my mind too. Not to repeat myself, but I wanted to meet her.

I wanted to know what she meant to Mitch. But little did I know, that I would find out soon enough. And by sooner, I meant this afternoon.


I was browsing the phone case aisle at Best Buy with Alex, Mitch and Xander. I had already picked out the phone I wanted also. I wanted an iPhone 5. I wasn't really good with phone names and kinds, but I wanted a generation ahead of what I used to have.

After I picked out the phone, I picked out a case. Alex and Xander were helping me out because Mitch was working out what the cost would be with the salesman.

After looking at case, after case, I finally found the perfect one. It was a beautiful multicolored case and I absolutely loved it.

**(Her phone case is the picture, if you didn't realize already) **

Just as I was about to pick it up, another hand swooped in and grabbed it before I could. I was about to yell and tell them off, but before I could, I looked up. And I couldn't believe who the heck I saw.

/Author's Note/

Sorry to leave on a cliffhanger, but I just couldn't resist 😋
Who do you think the mysterious phone screen girl is? And who do you think grabbed the phone case from Sam? Leave your predictions for me in the comments!

And 'GO TEAM SITCH!' I should have the next chapter up in the next few days, so thank you for reading, and have a great day! ;)


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