⋈15. King of The Night

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

After all, the registration actions were taken and all the documents were 'signed', Jin and Namjoon stood outside the registration office with what looked like a robot guard standing in a far distance. Namjoon stared at the robot who was staring back at him with a creepy and permanent smile. Jin was still surfing through his, what looked like an hologramic and floating screen. Namjoon couldn't see what Jin was exactly looking at because all that was being shown to him was a blue, slightly see-through, floating screen with nothing on it. The screen must have been made that way for privacy reasons, he supposed.

Namjoon kept staring at the robot and blinked nonstop. The robot was doing the same action. Soon Namjoon got fed up so he looked at Jin with frustration. "What even in the world are we doing here in silence while this robot is staring at us like a freakin creep?! Like how long do we have to stand like this while he just boars his fucking eyes right inside my brain?!" Namjoon raised his voice. "Not too long," Jin said while still focusing on his screen with a frown on his face.

"What the. Actual. Fuck are you even doing?" Namjoon sighed out. "Well, I am looking for my car, ok!" "Bitch! Why the fuck are you finding it!? Don't you remember where you left it, forgetive ass? And how even are you finding it? You aren't moving anywhere looking for it like a frantic dickhead!" "You dumb bitch! I am finding it so that it can come and pick our asses up and drop us to our next destination! And I am finding it through this screen you are seeing in front of you, you shit!" Jin yelled back after finally looking at Namjoon.

Namjoon just sighed. "Yeah take your sweet sweet time!" Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Shoot, I can't find the Lambo, I will just have to use my Ferrari" Jin mumbled to himself while looking back at his screen but Namjoon heard it as well. "Bruh! You have, Lambo and Ferrari?! Are you able to have those?" "Well...yeah. I wanted those cars. You know I like looking at and collecting sports cars, so I got them here." Jin continued looking down at it. "But you said that this world has like many more amazing things. So I am sure you would have gotten some cooler cars that can fly in the air or something."

"Well I do have loads of cool flying cars but sometimes I just want to remember the feeling of driving on land and stuff, so yeah." Namjoon got more curious. "Well, now you say that, how many cars do you have in total?" "Wait let me count" Namjoon raised a brow. "Bitch, how many cars do you have that you have to literally COUNT them?" "Well, I have 8 flying cars in my current garage. And then I have 12 in my Platino City penthouse garage. Then I have a few cars that can only be driven on land. And I have around 40-50 additional cars in another city.

So if I count everything in total then I have 124 cars" Jin looked at Namjoon who had his mouth wide open and eyes widened. "What...happened?" "I knew that you liked cars, but I didn't know that you were completely obsessed with them." "Well, now you know!" Jin smiled. "Anyways, I am going to call my car to come and pick us up." He said again. "It can do that?" "Yup!"

Just after that, the robot came to them and started speaking. "Sir, if you want them I can drive you to your desired destination-" "No thank you!" Namjoon cut him off loudly. "I am not going to sit in the same car as this creep" Joon whispered in Jin's ears. Jin chuckled and nodded. "Sorry, but my car is just coming to pick us up!" Jin told. "Oh, no problems sir!"

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