Chapter V

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Isla couldn't believe what just happened, Ross had kissed her! A smile formed on her face, it pulled at the corners of her cheeks, but she was nothing more than a servant to him, she didn't understand what he saw in her. Isla felt she wasn't worthy of anyone let alone anyone as high up as Ross Poldark.

They both paused but his warm brown eyes never strayed from hers, he held her small hands in his, the fire began to dim and the study grew dark. He took Isla by her hand and gently led her to his room, his lips met hers again this time more rough than sweet and gentle like the first time.

He turned her around and began to kiss down her neck, his hands travelled to the back of her dress, his fingers fiddled with the lace on the back, once undone the dress dropped to the floor, Ross kissed across her shoulders, caressing the shape of her shoulders with his hand resting the palms of his hands on them.

Isla laid on the bed and Ross stripped his shirt off, as well as the rest of his clothing and joined Isla on the bed, their lips soon met once again as if they were old friends, their bodies intertwining into one, they melted into each other. Isla had never felt love before till now, she had never been caressed or touched affectionately like how Ross did.

He showed her that he thought more of her than a servant, he showed her his love for her. Isla laid on the strong chest of Ross, and he had his arm wrapped around her small shoulders. "Ross what if Prudy or Jud heard us, the gossip that would spread around town" Isla said to him.

"You worry too much" he told her, kissing her head.

"I have every right to" Isla reminded him.

"No you don't. You just have to remember I love you and that's it. You're the only thing that matters to me" he said to her.

Isla slept in the arms of the only person to ever show her any affection, she was comfortable and she felt loved. Ross woke up early and slipped out from under Isla, allowing her to sleep in comfort and ease, as he thought she needed it. But he planted a kiss on her cheek

Isla woke up a few minutes after he left, and thought he was leaving her, she thought he was ashamed of her, ashamed of what they just did. She got up and then got changed and began with her chores.

She walked into the kitchen and Prudy said "you and the Master last night"

"We heard everything" Jud added.

Islas cheeks blushed red and she felt the warmth of embarrassment cloak her being. "What will it take to keep you quiet?" she asked.

"You do all the jobs we don't want to do" Jud said.

"Fine okay" she agreed rolling her eyes.

"Now you can start by skinning these!" Jud exclaimed slamming 2 brown hares down onto the table. So Isla began the horrible task of skinning and gutting the animals, it really smelt as she cut the carcasses open, the blood and tiny bits of flesh got stuck under her nails.

Then she began to cook the animals meat. Ross had been out the whole day but came home just in time for hare stew, the smell wafted around the house, it was the first thing to hit Ross as he entered.

"Someone's been busy!" he exclaimed striding into the house, hanging up his coat and hat, then went into the kitchen.

"How was your day sir?" Isla inquired politely.

"It was okay" he answered. "Yours?" he replied walking around to her and resting his hands around her waist and kissed her neck sweetly.

"Just chore filled" she answered.

"You don't have to do those anymore, not after last night" he reminded her.

"Sir..." he but her off.

"Call me Ross" he insisted.

"Ross, people may get suspicious" she said.

"No they won't, no one has to know" he reasurred her. "Besides its none of their buisness" he told her and kissed her cheek.

Jud gingerly wandered in and Ross took his hands away from Islas waist pretty quickly. "Jud you take over from Isla as she has other jobs to do that I have instructed her" he told him.

"You mean keeping you satisfied" Jud piped up.

"You talk to me like that ever again and I will throw you out onto the street where you came from" Ross threatened.

Ross took Isla by her arm and they went for a wander along the cliff top, their arms linked. Isla knew this was wrong but she was happy at the same time. "You need to relax" he told her as he could feel her arm was tense.

"No one can see us" he reminded her, but oh how wrong Ross was his cousin had been told everything as Jud and Prudy didn't keep their promise and he watched them walk along together as the sun set on the Cornish coast.

Without Ross knowing he had built a bad name for himself, as society was now going to look down on him.

But if he's happy and his heart is mending what business is it of the towns or his cousins.

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