Chapter XI

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Isla rode back and Ross was waiting for her, she rode in to the courtyard and he took her reins holding the mare still. "Where did she come from?" He quizzed her, handing the reins to Jud.

"Your sister bought her for me" Isla answered.

"If you wanted a horse I could've bought you one" He stated.

"Thanks Ross" Isla replied.

"My mine is officially opening tomorrow, and I want you there as well as my sister" He said excitedly kissing Islas head.

"Wow Ross that's great" She answered.

"Where's Jess?" He inquired.

"Walking back" She replied.

"Well she may want to hurry up as its going to rain soon" He commented.

Jess was turning the corner and she saw Isla and Ross walk into the house, Jess was only a few minutes behind them, her dress dragging on the ground covered in mud. She wandered into the house and Prudy began to complain. "I've just cleaned that floor!"

"Well looks like you're going to have to start again" Jess snarled.

Jess found her brother in his study. "I hear you spoke up to George" He stated as she walked in, then sat in the chair opposite him.

"It was about time someone did, everyone else shrinks away in fear from him" She replied.

"The Poldark mine is opening officially tomorrow and I wanted you and Isla to be there" He told her.

"Wow, finally Ross your dream has come true!" His sister exclaimed smiling, as she was happy for her brother.

"Ross I soon have to return to Paris as my estate is being auctioned off" Jess told him.

"Where will you live?" He quizzed her.

"Ross I'll find somewhere" She reassured him.

"What if you don't?" He panicked.

"Dear brother I will" She finished.

The next day and the grand opening of Ross' mine was today, so Ross got ready then woke Isla and Jess, but Jess was already up and was exercising her horse. Isla wore the finest dress she had which Ross bought for her, as it was a deep sea blue and she had a cloak to match.

Isla found Ross in his office, he was sorting the papers on his desk, when he paused and looked up at Isla. "My dear you look beautiful" He said striding over to her and taking his hands in hers, he kissed her cheek and then they both walked to the courtyard where their steeds awaited them.

Isla jumped the stone wall and joined them, Isla looked at Jess and wondered why she wasn't riding side saddle, but most all why wasn't she wearing a dress? As she wore black trousers, a white shirt with a black waist coat, boots and a long black leather coat. But Ross didn't seem bothered.

They all cantered to the mine, many people gathered including George, Francis, Elizabeth, Verity and Charles, as well as some of the towns people.

They came cantering past everyone and George caught Jess' eye. He whispered to Francis "someone needs to teach her to ride properly"

"Its not her riding, its what she's wearing!" Elizabeth joined in.

They soon slowed to a halt and tethered the panting steeds, Ross stood on a wooden platform and began to speak, showing everyone what a great speaker he was. "Ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining me this morning, this mine has been in my family for years, and it has always been a dream of mine to reopen it, and to share the Poldark mine with the people who live around it, so I am proud to announce the Poldark mine officially open" He finished and cut the rope which kept everyone away for years.

He stepped down off the wooden platform and walked straight to Isla and kissed her. "How long do you think it will last?" George asked Francis.

"What Isla and Ross?" He quizzed him.

"No the mine but that as well" he replied.

"If there's anything valuable there, then I guess it could possibly last for years" He replied.

"Come let's go and greet our dear cousin" Elizabeth smiled.

"Do you really want to, after what Jess said and that servant standing next to him" George reminded Francis as he tried to poison his mind once again.

But regardless they walked over and shook hands with him. "Ross my dear cousin congratulations" Elizabeth said and kissed his cheek. Isla shuffled from one foot to the other as she grew uncomfortable. George's eyes never left Jess as she was talking to the towns people and shaking her hand.

"Ross you must come and visit Trenwith, how about tonight and we will through a ball in your honour" Francis proposed.

Ross exchanged glances with Isla who nodded slightly. "Of course" He replied smiling at his cousin and shaking his hand. George's anger for Jess was beginning to build up just the very sight of her, she had accused him of poisoning Francis' mind, but he was his best friend, why would he want to do that? But he knew full well that Jess had guessed his intentions of turning him against the family.

He needed to get rid of her, and tonight would be perfect.

So after Ross had spoken to everyone they departed and headed back to the house. Isla was smiling happily as it was her first ball, and she was excited.

"Are you joining us tonight?" Ross asked his sister.

"No, I am not one to enjoy balls with all that standing around, talking, dancing and every woman eyeing each other and judging the while talking about them" She explained.

"What time are you leaving?" She inquired.

"Seven" He replied. "Congratulations brother, your dream had been fulfilled" She said and hugged her brother.

"Thank you" He answered.

So that evening Jess helped Isla to get ready, tying her corset for her and intertwining a ribbon into her soft hair. "Are you sure will not join us?" Isla quizzed her. "You've been like a sister to me" She added.

"No, I am not really into social conventions" Jess answered. "There now you're ready, go and join your Prince Charming" Jess smiled and followed Isla down the stairs.

"You'll be okay wont you?" Ross asked walking out to the courtyard with Isla and following him.

"Yes I'll be fine" She answered as they mounted their horses. They walked out to the cliffside.

"Be safe" Ross said not knowing that's the last thing he would ever say to his sister.

"Have fun, stop worrying about me, I'll be fine" She said gently smacking his horse on the rear and he went off at a gallop, Isla following him, she watched them until they disappeared, she gazed out at the sea, listening to the waves melody of rolling in and out licking the sand as it landed delicately on to the surface, not knowing that would be the last thing she would ever hear.

When from behind her she heard a click of a pistol, she turned around but it was too dark to see who it was. "I am sorry" was all the person said a but muffled, but they didn't pull the trigger immediately.

"If you're going to kill me, kill me" She said sternly but her eyes misted over. "I have nothing else left to lose" She added. The figure thought it strange that she wasn't begging for her life. The shot rang out and it pierced her heart. She didn't scream or cry out but the force pushed her over the edge of the cliff, she hit head against a rock as she fell killing her instantly, her body fell with a sickening thud on to the beach below, the person stood over the edge admiring his work, as blood leaked from her head and torso.

Jessminta Poldark was dead.

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