Chapter XII

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The person left, but they felt no guilt or remorse for what they just did. Jud witnessed what happened, so him and Prudy rushed down to the Trenwith estate, where they knocked frantically on the door, a maid opened the door and they rushed in, just as they entered the hall, they caught Ross' eye and he strode over to them. "What are you doing here?" He snarled, then tried pushing them towards the door.

"Ross sir your sister..." Prudy began but Ross cut her off.

"What?" He snarled.

"Your sister was murdered" Jud answered. Ross looked at them and then at Isla.

"Where?" He quizzed them.

"By the cliffs opposite your house" Prudy answered.

"Take care of Isla" He ordered and then ran out, the crowd in the hall staring after him and Isla rushed out after her lover but he had disappeared by the time she called out to him, he looked over the cliffs and saw the figure of his sister laying on the beach, the waves gently rocking her body. Ross kicked his horse in the side making him whinny, but the horse galloped faster, they came to the sandy track flicking sand up as the horse was at his full speed, he dismounted the still moving horse.

He ran to his sisters side, collapsing to his knees. He tried calling her name but no response, he had picked up her torso and leant on his legs, her pale skin was cold against his warm touch. The water washed around them, not phasing Ross in the slightest, his eyes began to fill with tears for his dear sister, his beige breeches covered in blood and sea water. She was the only family member left who he was close with, she was always there for him when she needed him the most and she was his shoulder to cry on, but now he had no shoulder to cry on.

There were soft footfalls behind him and it was Isla, she was only a few metres away from him, she was too scared to comfort him in case he snapped at her, but she banished that thought and rested her hand on his shoulder. "Ross I am sorry" She said kneeling behind him.

For once Ross Poldark was lost for words, Isla soon rested her delicate hand on his muscular shoulder, Ross turned his head slightly towards her. "She was the closest family I had" He sobbed. "Who would do such a thing? What did she do to deserve this?" He quizzed her with tears streaming down his face, staining his cheeks.

The sun was beginning to rise and shed its light over a mournful Cornwall. "Ross we need to leave, in case anyone sees you, you will be blamed for her murder" Isla told him as her heart began to thud with panic for her lover, as if though it were a dozen horses hooves stamping on the ground. Ross turned his head to the sea and watched as the sun rose, he couldn't find the motivation to move.

"Ross get up please!" Isla begged him pulling at his arm gently, but he was distant from her, her cries only became a muffled sound to him. Ross' thoughts were soon interrupted by the snort of horses. Islas and Ross' gaze snapped up to riders on the cliff. One on an ivory white steed and the other on a dark bay horse with 4 white socks and a snip on its muzzle.

"So the rumours are true!" Francis exclaimed.

"Yes Ross Poldark murdered his sister" George added.

"But how he was at Trenwith estate, and his servant told him that she was dead" Francis said a bit confused.

"My dear friend how naïve you are! Ross killed her before he left, his servant came to tell him, so he could cover his tracks and rid the beach of the body before we found it, either that or he had someone kill her for him" He explained, trying to hide the fact that he was the murderer, the one who ended Francis' cousins life, his hard exterior didn't crumble as he told the lies to Francis and poisoned his mind against his own family.

"Ross get up now!" Isla roared more forcefully, she gave his arm a harder tug and it soon snapped him back into his senses.

"Help me get her body onto my horse" He ordered, so Isla and Ross carried the body between them and loaded it onto his horse, then they both mounted their steeds and galloped back to Ross' house.

"Does he really think they can get away from us!" George exclaimed. "Francis ride into town and alert the Law Keepers about Ross" He ordered his friend.

"What are you going to do?" Francis asked.

"Catch Ross Poldark" He sneered. So they both departed and Georges steed bolted after Ross and his evidence. He caught up to them just as they galloped past Ross' field of crops. "You seriously think you can out run me? I have seen the evidence that you have slung over your horse. Ross you're a guilty man!" He exclaimed.

"I didn't kill my sister, why would I do that?" He spat halting his horse in the courtyard.

"Well Francis sure disagrees with you, in fact he's already alerted the Law Keepers who will arrest you" He told him as his steed walked next to Ross'. Jud and Prudy ran out and saw the body.

"Master Poldark what happened?" Prudy asked her eyes filling with tears.

"She was murdered" He answered. "Take the body inside with Isla and I will handle this" He ordered. So they did as they were told.

Little did Ross know he was running out of time, a stampede of Law Keepers and town folk were making their way toward Ross' home, they wanted to witness his arrest as they wanted to see it for themselves instead of rumour. The herd soon arrived, and Francis was riding next to an Officer. The Officer dismounted and restrained Ross his arms interlocking with his.

"Ross Poldark you're under arrest for the murder of your sister Jessminta Poldark, and are to appear before the court to receive your punishment" He said pulling Ross to his horse.

"No, he's innocent!" Isla cried.

"No he's not!" George yelled emerging from the house with the body of Ross' deceased sister.

"That's all we needed" The officer said, shackling Ross' hands but making sure he could still hold the reins to his steed.

"Sorry sir I tried to stop him..." Prudy began was cut off by a flood of tears.

"Please return to me" Isla said with delicate tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I will try" He answered leaning down to kiss her.

"ENOUGH!" The Officer yelled and wrenched Isla away from him.

Prudy took Isla away and they both watched as Ross was led away and his fate to be decided in the court.

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