Chapter XIII

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As soon as they reached the town Ross was thrown roughly into a dirty cell, while Jess' body was taken care of. Isla had followed them and insisted they gave her the body so she could bury it for Ross.

The Law Keepers allowed her to do just that, Prudy and Jud had tacked Jess' horse up and attached it to a wooden cart which carried her coffin. Isla decided to bury Jess on the cliff tops which were her final resting place.

Isla felt awful as Ross wasn't here to see his sister buried, but it was better than allowing her body to be cremated. Ross slumped against the slime infested wall, his head in his hands and his dark hair falling into his face.

"Poldark you have a visitor" The jailer called him. It was Elisabeth.

"Elisabeth I am innocent someone else killed my sister" He began.

"Ross I believe you" She replied. "Charles is considering to pay to get you out of here" She said, his eyes soon had a glimmer of hope in them. Ross had his hand resting on the metal bars, Elisabeth rested her hand on his.

"Tell him to hurry up, I must bury my sister" He told her snatching his hand away from her.

"Islas already buried your sister on the cliff top" She answered.

"What?" He asked. His tears reappearing in his eyes.

"She did it for you, you shouldn't be angry at her" Elisabeth told him, making excuses for Isla. Elisabeth soon left, and Ross was left alone in his cell once again.

Isla was racing across the cliffs to Ross, once she reached the town she dismounted and ran to the cells where she saw her lover slumped against a wall. "Ross" She said tears beginning to fall delicately down her face.

He raced up as he saw her and could just about reach through the bars and could hold her hand. "I am here to get you out, as I was with you all night, but just let me talk to the magistrate" She said and left.

She found the magistrates office, she knocked on the door and walked in.

"How can I help you miss?" He asked, an elderly gentlemen was sat at his desk, with his glasses slanted on the tip of his nose.

"Ross Poldark is innocent I was with him the whole night, we left the house and his sister was fine and we headed to Trenwith and we remained there all night but about four hours later, Prudy comes running into the estate and telling Ross his sister was murdered, he was distraught and rushed out and found her body and was caught with it. It's all a misunderstanding, someone else has killed her" Isla explained.

"You are sure of this?" The magistrate quizzed her.

"Yes, like I said I was with Ross all night" She repeated herself.

"Okay that's pretty solid evidence" He said.

"I was with Ross when he found the body to" She added.

"Okay now sign these release forms and I will get my jailer to free him" He said.

So Isla waited in his office, and Ross was freed, he walked into the office and immediately hugged Isla. "Thank you" He said pulling away gently and looking her in her eyes and rested one hand on her cheek and brushed it with his thumb.

"You're welcome. Ross you were there for me and I am now here for you" Isla told. "We need to get home and on the way I will show you where your sister was buried" She added.

They walked out into the street and everyone shot glances at Ross, but he kept his eyes on the ground, Isla had one arm wrapped around his shoulder while the other was wrapped around his firm arm. Ross mounted the steed Isla bought for him while she led the horse.

The whole walk back was quiet as both Ross and Isla were lost in their own thoughts, they came to Ross' sisters grave side. "It was a good place to bury her because she cherished the cliffs as much as I did" Ross said dismounting the horse. Ross' eyes were once again filled with tears, Isla hugged him and comforted him.

"I am so sorry" she said.

"Its not your fault but I hope the murderer gets what he deserves" Ross said, he stayed by his sisters grave side for a few more minutes before heading back to the house, they came to the courtyard and Prudy wrapped a blanket around Ross' shoulders. "Welcome home sir" She said.

Isla walked Ross into his study and sat him down, and handed him a cup of tea she rubbed his shoulder and was about to leave, but he grabbed her hand.

"Wait" he insisted.

"What is it?" Isla asked.

"It's just my best friend is gone, the only one I could talk to or share my concerns with. But now she's gone" He said, his hand shaking as he picked up his cup of tea. Isla sat opposite down in a chair opposite his desk, and reached her hand out to his and rested her hand on his.

"Ross I am here for you. I am not trying to replace your sister, but if you ever need someone to talk to you know I am here and I will always protect you, you need to remember that" Isla said getting up and walking around to him and kissing his cheek.

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