Chapter VII

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Isla ran across the beach like a fox being chased by a pack of hounds, screaming for Ross as she knew that he would be riding the cliffs soon, as the men she had confronted in the tavern found her and they chased her all the way down to the beach. Isla cowered behind some rocks, but still they chased after her.

"Isla we know you're here, we can see your footprints in the sand" they taunted her, she was stepping backwards and she slipped into a rock pool, soaking her boots and dress but they heard the splash, they ran over and one man restrained.

"Here she is!" One man exclaimed.

"Poldarks play thing!" Another taunted.

"Please leave me alone" she sobbed.

"Aw look she's crying, I guess we should stop" one man said mocking her with sympathy, and pushed Isla into the sea.

"This will teach you a lesson" A man stated and held Isla under the water, she thrashed and splashed about, they allowed her to breathe before pushing her under, they had done it three times. Before Ross galloped on the cliffs and gazed onto the beach unknowingly it was his lover being punished.

The wind carried her screams and cries of help to him, Isla could hear the hoof beats even if they were muffled, Ross rode down in a blind panic, the men let go of Isla but one man pushed her into the water, her tears were soon raining down her cheeks.

"Did you not heed my warning?" Ross growled dismounting his horse and rolling the sleeves of his coat and shirt up.

"Ar Ross I see you've returned for your wench!" Man exclaimed.

"Well I've come to keep my promise" Ross stated.

"What promise?" The man asked confused looking around at the other men.

"The promise that if you laid your hands on Isla again, I would break your arms"Ross answered smiling as the words escaped his lips.

"You can try sir" he said.

So Ross ended up having a fist fight with the ring leader, blocking or avoiding his opponents punches. Ross was built better than the other man and his stamina was better knowing that he could win the fight, which finished when two sickening cracks rang out around the beach. Ross had indeed broken the mans arms.

"Now I suggest you men help your friend to a physician, I am sure you don't want to end up like him" he growled.

They soon ran with their friend, while Ross strode over to a tearful Isla. "Are you okay?" he asked, helping her up. She couldn't form words, all she could manage was sobs, so Ross pulled her into his chest were she erupted into tears, so he comforted her rubbing her back.

They stood there for a few minutes lost in each others embrace. Poor Isla hadn't stopped crying but they needed to head back as rain clouds were being pushed that way, Ross had given the shivering girl his coat kindly, he allowed her to ride on the back of his steeds sturdy back.

The wind soon began to pick up and it whipped Ross' wild, unkempt, dark hair around his face. It soon started to rain but Isla was laid up in bed, and was accompanied by Ross. "I think you've come down with a fever" he told her as he dabbed her head gently with a cold cloth. "They didn't hurt you did they?" he inquired

"No" she replied, as she pulled the duvet up a bit more to cover the bruises on her arms from where the men grabbed her. Ross stayed with her, taking care of her, but he was called into town as it was about business for his mine to open officially. "Now you get some rest, and then I will be back later" he told her kissing her head.

So she rolled over facing the window, and Ross' horses hoof beats were like a lullaby to her ears, and her eyes closed gently and she slipped off into the night and her mind was filled with sweet dreams.

Ross was just arriving in town when it started to rain. "Gentlemen what can I do for you?" he asked taking his usual seat at the head of the table.

"We have gazed over your plans and we have taken them into consideration" One man said.

"We are all willing to put a share into the project" Another said.

"Wow gentlemen, I am lost for words" Ross said.

"Spit them out boy" An older man smiled at Ross.

"Well er... Thank you" he replied.

"You look like you know what you're doing" Another man added.

"Thank you sir" he replied.

Meanwhile back at Ross' estate poor Isla was being sick as her fever was getting worse. Prudy had bought her a bowl, Isla was sick till her stomach hurt and her throat burnt.

Ross wasn't even home yet, he had stopped at his fathers estate to tell him the good news. Ross knocked on the door and Francis answered it.

"I am here to see my father" he said.

So Francis led him to his father who was sat in his luxurious fine arm chair by the fire. "I bring great news, The Poldark mine is being reopened" Ross told him with a smile.

"That's excellent" his father answered. "Why can't you be more ambitious like Ross, Francis" Ross' father said to him.

"Well he's not married and doesn't have a child on the way" Francis answered.

"Congratulations" Ross said and then left mounting his trusty steed and galloped home as fast as he could, to his beloved. By this time she had managed to fall asleep, but had broken out in a hot sweat.

Ross rushed into their room and noticed the cover was hanging off the bed, so he pulled it over her shoulders gently, she didn't even wake up, but walked into the kitchen and asked Prudy "how was she after I left?" he inquired.

"Ill sir, you should fetch your doctor friend, he maybe able to help her" She suggested.

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