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The chatter of people filled the stone shrine. They chanted out some sort of prayer they'd made on their own, bowing their heads and shouting praises out. Some of them cried, whether from fear, or what they believe to be 'a spirit of God'.

I twisted the golden apple around in my palm. I watched from the plush throne seat above it all, observing these humans. It was almost amusing how quickly they bend when you show even just the slightest bit of power. I hadn't even done what I would have wanted when every single one of them had bowed to my feet, tugging on my dress as they pleaded for me to spare their lives.

In the beginning, it had been annoying. It pissed me off, even. I wanted nothing to do with these putrid humans. They were nothing but bugs that I could squash under my heel. But instead of that, they bowed at my feet, offering gifts and their riches.

"Eris-sama!" One of them cried, reaching his arms out to me as if he were some kind of child reaching for his mother.

"What is it you people want?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "What are your wishes?"

"A-A curse...he's plaguing the countryside!" The man exclaimed. "He's heading straight towards our village!"

"A curse is nothing your sorcerers cannot handle," I waved my hand at them. "I've blessed your men."

"You don't understand!" A woman cried, throwing herself to my feet. She held onto the end of my dress, balling the silk fabric in her hands. "He's not just destroying crops and damning people! He's slaughtering them! Men, women, and children! He spares no one!"

"Do you expect me to protect your village?" I laughed, making her eyes blow wide. "I am not your protector!"

"Goddess, we worship you! We give you offerings and we've pledged our loyalty to only you!" A man shouted. "Why do you deceive us so?!"

"You humans are nothing but deceiving souls," I replied, bending down to be his height. I brushed my hand under his chin, watching as his body shuddered. "You do not think I know of the other shrines you worship? Or the men you gather to try to kill me?"

"I-I do not know what you speak of—"

"Dare you call me a liar?" I asked, bringing him onto his feet.

"N-No, Eris-sama!" He exclaimed.

"My," I said, bringing my hand to my mouth as I walked around him. "You're quite skin and bones—you look famished."

"I-I'm not—"

"Won't you have a bite?" I asked, my hand sliding over his shoulder as I offered the apple to him over his shoulder. He looked down at its golden skin, then back to me with wide eyes. I laid my head on his shoulder, pouting slightly. "Do you not trust your Goddess, boy?"

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