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"I'M sorry, but Setsuko is asleep right now," Her mother smiled apologetically. "I can tell her you showed up."

"No, that's alright," I said, fixing my shoulder strap to my bag. "I'll just catch her tomorrow. I apologize for disturbing you, Sasaki-san."

I bowed to her before turning, frowning a little. Sasaki-senpai disbanded the occult club after the accident happened, and she hardly ever showed up to school anymore. It would be pure luck if I did catch her. 

I sighed as I kicked my bike off the stand. Why can't anything ever go the way I want it to? I just wanted to get behind the reason this kid and his...affiliation...were after me. I was hoping that Sasaki-senpai could tell me, but I suppose I was wrong. 

"Jeez," I muttered to myself. "Can't my life just be normal?"

"That, my dear, I'm afraid will never happen,"

I froze at the feminine voice that filled the air. Every part of my body froze up, suddenly overwhelmed with an immense amount of fear. All the hair on my body stood on end, goosebumps spreading across my arms and my legs. Slowly, I forced myself to look over my shoulder. 


I felt my shoulders drop down in relief. I released the breath I was holding, shaking my head. I was so paranoid about what happened on the street the last time. It must have just been my nerves. There was nothing there, so I had nothing to worry about!

I turned around, meeting a set of blood-red eyes. I screamed in surprise, the sudden appearance making my heart leap out from my chest. I fell back, my bike clattering to the ground as I dropped my bag, the contents inside of it spilling out everywhere. I scrambled back, my face twisting with horror as I stared up at the woman standing above me. 

Long, dark red--almost black, hair draped over her shoulders, the ends stopping at the curve of her slim waist. She wore a gold choker that covered the entirety of her neck and bright red lipstick. Her skin was flawless, not a blemish, mark, or scar littering her pale skin. She wore a tight-fitting red dress, the single tick strap over her right shoulder. She had a mark on her left upper arm--a cross with an 'x' through it. She held a gold apple in her hands, a sly grin on her lips. 

I was astonished. This woman...she was utterly beautiful; unlike anything I'd ever seen before. She was prettier than any woman I'd ever seen. She could have very well been the epitome of the female gender.

"Didn't mean to startle you that much," She chuckled, her voice smooth and soothing. "Though I don't like to see another woman on the ground. On your feet, dear."

I don't know why, but I listened to her, stumbling onto my feet. She was the same height I was and smiled when I got to my feet, standing straight. 

"Yes," She smiled, looking me up and down. "You'll do just fine."

"W-What are you talking about?" I whispered. "W-Who are you?"

The woman smiled, beginning to walk a circle around me. "My name is Eris, and I am the goddess of Chaos. You, L/n Y/n, will serve as my vessel. You've been unknowingly doing it since you were eleven. But now, you will allow me to surface."

I frowned, turning to follow her slow movements. "W-What? No!"

"You cannot deny me," She smiled, holding the apple up. 

She turned it, showing the bite marks in the golden skin. A red substance dripped from around it. I felt a pain in my mouth, making me wince and raise my hand to my lips. When I pulled my hand back, I felt and saw blood on my fingers. I looked up at her, my eyes wide. 

"For you have already taken your oath, dear," She smiled darkly. 

I backed away from her, quickly spinning and darting away. However, I didn't get far as she flashed in front of me, making me skid to a stop. I turned in every direction, and with every way I turned, she appeared. I was beginning to panic, my chest rising and falling with quick breaths. 

"Aw," She cooed, reaching to place her hand on my cheek. "Don't be afraid of me, Y/n. After all, you and I are now one! You cannot fear me, I promise not to hurt you. I just need your body to be able to wander this Earth. I've already healed you many times before. I would never let the only person capable of handling me go to waste."

"I-It was you?" I breathed. "Y-You keep saving me?"

"Why of course!" She smiled with sincerity. "I would never let anything hurt you, dear."

"Y-You're tricking me," I said, stumbling back from her. "I won't let you!"

"Oh, dear," She frowned, rolling the apple in her hands. Her eyes darkened, making my heart sink into my stomach. Her next words brought me extreme dread. 

"It wasn't a request."

She walked forward, seeming to walk straight through me. My body felt hot like someone had just set me on fire. But I was so cold like someone just shoved me into a bathtub full of ice. It felt like my body was tearing in half, making my legs buckle, and for me to fall onto the ground on my knees. I clutched my shirt, my eyes wide as tears pricked the corner of my eyes. 

"E-Eris!" I shouted. "S-Stop it!"

I heard her scoff. Then, the pain ceased. She appeared back in front of me, putting her hand on her hip. 

"You're fighting against me too much," She muttered. "One day, You'll regret that action. You'll need me, girl. Mark my words."

"Fu-Fuck you!" I exclaimed. 

She grinned, grabbing my jaw. "You'll regret this. You'll see."

I felt a rush go through my body. Eris disappeared from in front of me, and I placed a hand over my chest. I felt my eyes widen.

My heart was beating. 

[Chapter VII. End]
[Image belongs to me]

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