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I sat in the middle of the room, my legs crossed under me, my head resting in my hands. The walls and ceiling were covered in seals, paraffin wax candles being the only light in the room. I won't complain, though. My head was still hurting, though the pain had subsided since I left my home. I knew my family was here, and I knew they were safe in the walls of the school.

"You've been in this room one too many times,"

I lifted my head at the sound of Gojo's voice. He strode into the room, his steps slow and calculated. He stopped in front of me, sinking into a crouch, arms hanging between his thighs. He reached out, laying his hand on my head.

"It's alright, Y/n," He said. "I took care of him."

"Why was he even there?" I croaked. "How was he there?"

"Some kind of technique that raised him from the dead," He replied quietly. "But he was raised as a curse. I exorcised him. There's no way in Hell he's coming back."

"I thought it was over," I could feel my throat closing.

"It is now," He brushed his hand over my head. "It's over now, Y/n."

I wanted to believe him, but something deep inside of me told me that I couldn't. But I had to lie to myself and say that he was right. I couldn't let the thought consume me. I had to trust him.

"Come on," He rose to his feet, holding his hand out to me. "Your family is worrying."

I curled in on myself. "I don't want to tell them."

"I'll explain everything," He grabbed my arms and gently pulled me onto my feet. "Just let them know you're okay."

"I'm not okay," I whispered. "Sensei, I'm terrified."

"I know you aren't okay," He said gently. "But for the sake of your family, you need to lie to them. I'm going to tell them the bare minimum in order to keep them safe. You'll have to do the same. Even if it means telling white lies."

Gojo pulled me into his chest when he saw my eyes well up with tears. I turned my face into his jacket, trying to hold back the sob building up in the back of my throat. Gojo laid his hand on my shoulder.

"I can't tell you everything will be okay, because it won't be," He stated. "You're going to be hunted down for the rest of your life. People are always going to want to kill you. You will never be safe again, Y/n. You and Yuuji are forever cursed because of Eris and Sukuna. I'm not going to lie to you and spout bullshit about how everything will be fine and the two of you will be alright. You won't be. You came into this world and you'll go out alone. You came into this world with a target on your back, and you'll go out with it still there."

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