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"You doing alright?"

Yuuji was sitting on the floor in front of me, his legs crossed under him. He handed me a cup of water, a small, concerned frown on his lips. I picked at the edge of the paper cup.

"No," I whispered, my gaze set on my feet. "I can't remember anything. I can't remember her switching with me."

"It's okay," Yuuji said, bringing his hand to my face. He pulled my head up to meet his gaze, his thumb rubbing under my eye. "Nothing bad happened, so don't worry too much about it, alright?"

I couldn't but help to worry about it. Eris switched with me and I didn't even realize it until I woke up in Gojo's office. There were so many things that could have gone so wrong. She could have killed someone. A sorcerer could have picked up on her cursed energy and I could have been caught. There were a thousand and one reasons for me to worry.

But, Yuuji was right. Nothing bad happened. Gojo was there to stop anything from happening, and he concealed my energy so no one could sense it. I wanted to talk with him to see what Eris had to say, but he'd already left for some 'special business' as he said.

It was already getting late, and neither Yuuji nor I were hungry, so we skipped past the dining hall, and went straight to our dorms. I ended up in his dorm with him, in one of his hoodies, sprawled out over the bed with him. He'd fallen asleep fairly quickly, his arm locked around my waist. It was like he was dead when he was sleeping.

I, on the other hand, couldn't sleep so easily. It took almost an hour for me to settle in his bed, my back against his chest, my head on his arm. I was just beginning to drift off when I felt him stirring.

I felt his hand rub at my side. He began to shift behind me, and I felt the bed move as he propped himself on his forearm. His hand slowly moved away from my side, sliding up my arm. I felt something sharp drag across my skin, making my eyebrows furrow together. I finally opened my eyes, the sleepiness I felt just a few moments washing away like the tide.


I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of fear. I quickly whipped around, however, he was faster. Before I could scramble out of the bed, he was on top of me, his hand slapping over my mouth. My hands immediately shot to his wrist, my eyes widening at the black lines that encircled his wrists. My gaze flicked up to his face, my heart sinking into the pit of my stomach. I watched more of the black markings form under his eyes and across his cheeks.

"Shh," He hushed, straddling my waist, and pinning my hips down to the bed. He leaned over me, his lips pulling into a wide grin. "Don't be so alarmed."

My nails dug into his wrist. I could feel my heart rate increase and he must have as well because his grin only widened. The tips of his nails dug into my cheeks, making me squirm with discomfort. He chuckled.

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