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I looked over when I heard a knock on my open door, my gaze landing on Itadori. He peered inside the room, his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants.

"So it worked?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said, inviting him inside. "Although he practically seduced my mother into saying yes."

"Sounds like Gojo-Sensei," He said, looking around. His eyes found my bookshelf of manga, and he cocked a grin. "Orange is a really good romance manga."

"Huh? Oh, yeah," I said, opening another box of my things. "My sister bought that for me a while ago. I like it a lot."

"Blue Spring Ride is another good one," He said, pointing to my shelf. "You've got a little collection going on, don't you?"

"You must have too since you know every one of them," I laughed, placing a few posters onto my wall.

"You've got a point," He muttered, making both of us laugh. "Anyway, I came to see if you needed any help? Gojo-Sensei put us all in the same wing so my room is just next to yours."

"Hm, I think I got everything, except for all my clothes, but that'll be pretty easy," I said, scratching the side of my head in thought. "But you're more than welcome to stay in here if you'd like. You can help yourself to some of my candy or even my manga. I don't mind!"

"Great!" He cheered, already digging through the bowl of candy my father gifted me. "Thanks a lot, L/n-chan!"

"No problem!" I laughed, taking a bunch of clothes from the bed. I walked to my closet and began to hang them up. I noticed that a few of the things I had in the top were shifted at an odd angle, and after I hung everything up, I stood up on tiptoes. I reached to grab one of the boxes, unaware that there were three more on top of it.

I let out a startled yelp as it all fell down and I lost my balance. I closed my eyes on instinct, expecting to fall down and for everything to crash down on me. However, I never felt the impact come.

Cracking my eyes open, I met gazes with Itadori. He had a sucker hanging from the corner of his mouth, one hand in front of me, holding all the boxes, the other wrapped around my back, keeping me from hitting the floor. Both of us just kinda...sat there for a moment, processing what happened.

Suddenly, I saw Itadori's face go red, as did mine, and he quickly moved his arms from me, exclaiming an apology. My back hit the floor with a thud, the boxes crashing against me with a clatter.

"Shit! Sorry, sorry!" Itadori said, pushing the boxes away before grabbing my hands, pulling me back to my feet. "I-I panicked! Are you okay?"

I laughed, nodding my head. "I'm fine! Just don't catch me if you're gonna drop me after!"

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